Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Major correction: Millions have lost jobs under the policy's set by the last administration in 2008. It's taken THIS long just to get any NEW financial and social issues into place to try to correct the problem....and the neocons are bitching about that! (along with bluedog dems and Lieberman). 6 months from now will tell the tale if Obama's policies are having any lasting, positive effects.
Bullshit X3,
Hillary bribed them with 100 billion. That has zero to doe with Bush
Fact, not bullshit. Or are you saying that the last 8 years had record gains in jobs?
But I do agree that the "go green" bribe offered by Hillary is a total crock. I suspect it's all posturing just to bring China to the table to do more in accord with global reduction in air pollution....and you did leave out the fact that Hil's proposal was, "...prepared to work with other countries toward a goal of jointly mobilizing $100 billion a year by 2020."
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