Clinton Blasts FOXNEWS Attempted Smearjob! See FOXNEWS Sunday

Geez.. d'ya think this thread is spurring partisan emotions...? I think Clinton was on mark much of what he said but he did go over the top when he accused Wallace of being a conservative hatchet man. If Chris Matthews were to interview Bush Sr. and he asked the former Prez questions about UBL or Saddam or things pertaining to what ultimately provoked terrorist attacks in the early 90's... I dont believe Bush the elder would have gone off the deep end and accuse Matthews of being a hatchet man for the Democrat Party.

I give Clinton high marks for basically stating what is true.... the Bush administration screwed up by ignoring the info passed on to them and basically dismantling the pieces that were already in place to persue UBL. Thats it... to pardon the previous administration's 8 years in office and lay total blame on the present administration who was in office for a total of 9 months... is being totally assinine and partisan to the highest degree.
I believe the issue here that has me scratching my head is what was wrong with Wallace posing hardball questions.. even if they did seem to represent the questions of Clintons critics? Are we that blinded by our own ideology where questions from the other side should be met with hostility and accusations of Conspiracy, looked at as a threat? Isnt that what good reporting is.. when you have the opportunity to interview an individual like Clinton.. you pose questions from all points of the political landscape? try to dig a little and find out what role the USA played in the 90's that may have led to the events of the follwing years?
Wallace and Clinton both did a really crappy job. Clinton looked like a fool and Wallace looked scared. Clinton did the usual lib thing and misdirected the questions.