Hey Soc, dont you dare yell 'BULLSHIT" at me and then come in here and make this post.
Many people thought I called them a sexist today, but what I was attempting to say was they are not able to reconize sexism very well. So let me be clear here:
With this incredibly sexist post, filled with stereotypes about emotional women who don't know how to think straight enough to do the right thing, and shoudl stay home and let the men decide what's "best" for the country, you showed yourself to be an outright sexist.
YOu can shove it straight up your ass Soc.
I do get tired of being mocked on this board, and I have seen you mocking me all day on many different threads Soc, with your "oh you must be a sexist" BS...belitting the idea that sexism even exists and implying that I am an hysterical woman who sees it under every rock.
But that wont' get me to shut up.
You're a sexist and if you wrote this abotu black men, voting for Obama just because he's black, and unable to think clearly about what is best for their country, no less that EIGHT men would have already jumped all over your shit...simply providing more evidence that many of them are unable to see sexism, and even if they do, do not get angry over it, the way they do about racism.
But you, are an outright sexist.