fully immersed in faith..
There are millions more democrats than republicans
There are millions more democrats than republicans
A resume of the worst foreign policy in history. A resume of four dead in Benghazi. A resume of paying women less than men on her staff. A resume of enabling her sexual predator husband to ruin the lives of women, including his rape victim.
A resume of a FELON who broke the law concerning classified information in E-mails.
This bitch belongs in prison.
Bernie is not Obama
the best person for the job?
how long would it take trump to build those relationships?
The reason the turnout was greater for Democrats in 2008 was the substantial increase in the number of black voters. They had one of their own running. Now that he can't be President, they aren't interested in the old, wrinkled white person or Bernie either.
Hillary is not trustworthy
That's why Rubio out polls her
Hillary failed her only foreign policy job as Sec of State. .why elect a proven failure?
They elected BO. It's what they do.
They elect people who are better for the economy
Hillary failed her only foreign policy job as Sec of State. .why elect a proven failure?
HRC seems to be the candidate who best understands the job and who has seen the inside of two different administrations from very different view points.
you are insane