clinton will be like a second term president in her first term

A resume of the worst foreign policy in history. A resume of four dead in Benghazi. A resume of paying women less than men on her staff. A resume of enabling her sexual predator husband to ruin the lives of women, including his rape victim.

A resume of a FELON who broke the law concerning classified information in E-mails.

This bitch belongs in prison.

Don't confuse the 'DeshthePinhead' with facts.....
the best person for the job?

how long would it take trump to build those relationships?

You may hve something there......It would take some time for the leaders of foreign countrys to hate Trump as much as they already hate Hillary.....
HRC seems to be the candidate who best understands the job and who has seen the inside of two different administrations from very different view points.
and has deeper relationships with the world leaders than about anyone walking.

all the others no matter which party would be playing catch up for YEARS
HRC seems to be the candidate who best understands the job and who has seen the inside of two different administrations from very different view points.

The bedroom view ?
If she has to ask what difference her employees lives matter I don't think she absorbed much.
you are insane

When you say Hillary would be like a second term President in her first term, does that mean she would go ahead and have someone use a cigar on her in the Oval Office during the first term instead of waiting to her second term like Bill did with Monica?