Clinton will release closed-door Wall Street speeches ‘when everyone else does"

Desh, you do understand the difference between a fund raiser and a paid speaking engagement correct?
Desh is interesting, Democrats are requesting information, which she wants to help hide. It's fascinating to watch.

Whats even more asinine is shes blaming the Republicans.....Sanders asked the question and wants Clinton to release the transcripts, not Republicans.
Whats even more asinine is shes blaming the Republicans.....Sanders asked the question and wants Clinton to release the transcripts, not Republicans.

It's a normal Clinton response. If anybody puts something in her path you blame it on the "right wing conspiracy"... Her followers will believe that it is always a political attack. From breaking the law by putting TS (SCI) material on her own server to a Democrat asking for information. No matter who does something that makes her look bad (herself or a Democrat opponent) it's always "the right" just "doing" something to her.

Desh is just the perfect petri dish to grow this kind of mold.
The New York Times, who endorsed Clinton, has called for her to release her speeches. Poor Desh must of had a heart attack.

The NY Times Editorial Board Calls on Hillary to Release Speech Transcripts

The question of Hillary Clinton‘s Wall Street speeches has led to many calls on the left for her to release the transcripts of those speeches. She was confronted about it during last week’s MSNBC Democratic town hall, and Bernie Sanders has been particularly tough on the subject.

And now the New York Times editorial board is calling on Clinton to release them.

Yes, the same editorial board that wholeheartedly endorsed Clinton, and if you want an idea of how serious their call here is, look at the very first paragraph:

“Everybody does it,” is an excuse expected from a mischievous child, not a presidential candidate. But that is Hillary Clinton’s latest defense for making closed-door, richly-paid speeches to big banks, which many middle-class Americans still blame for their economic pain, and then refusing to release the transcripts.


They go through all of Clinton’s excuses, including her claim that there’s one standard for her and a different one for everyone else, but they counter that “the only different standard here is the one Mrs. Clinton set for herself.”

They call it “mystifying” that Clinton would base her decision on what the Republicans do and conclude with this forceful call:

Public interest in these speeches is legitimate, and it is the public — not the candidate — who decides how much disclosure is enough. By stonewalling on these transcripts Mrs. Clinton plays into the hands of those who say she’s not trustworthy and makes her own rules. Most important, she is damaging her credibility among Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House.

You can read the whole editorial here.
Mrs. Clinton, Show Voters Those Transcripts - New York Times

A televised town hall on Tuesday was at least the fourth candidate forum in which Mrs. Clinton was asked about those speeches. Again, she gave a terrible answer, saying that she would release transcripts “if everybody does it, and that includes the Republicans.”

In November, she implied that her paid talks for the Wall Street firms were part of helping them rebuild after the 9/11 attacks, which “was good for the economy and it was a way to rebuke the terrorists.”

In a debate with Bernie Sanders on Feb. 4, Mrs. Clinton was asked if she would release transcripts, and she said she would “look into it.” Later in February, asked in a CNN town hall forum why she accepted $675,000 for speeches to Goldman Sachs, she got annoyed, shrugged, and said, “That’s what they offered,” adding that “every secretary of state that I know has done that.”

At another town hall, on Feb. 18, a man in the audience pleaded, “Please, just release those transcripts so that we know exactly where you stand.” Mrs. Clinton had told him, “I am happy to release anything I have when everybody else does the same, because every other candidate in this race has given speeches to private groups.”

On Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton further complained, “Why is there one standard for me, and not for everybody else?”

The only different standard here is the one Mrs. Clinton set for herself, by personally earning $11 million in 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 for 51 speeches to banks and other groups and industries