Clinton Wins Nevada

ya. Hillary has lots of vulnerabilities - besides her crappy job performance as Sec of State . It's no surprise she won the black vote.
But Bernie did beat her on the Latino vote - much more amendable to swinging.. Clinton for sure has the "enthusiasm gap"

I'm amazed Bernie is doing so well - he has a good message, and he does bring in new voters.
Hillary is the same old tired *blech*

Only klan wives think that
Do you work
Hilary is the better choice

if its Bernie we will be fine

you guys lose either way

As long as it's a socialist that will take from honorable, hard workers like me in order that a worthless cunt like you can have something handed to you, you don't care which one wins. Those of us that support your kind have had enough of being expected to "invest" in morons like you when a better investment would be to stick the money in a mattress. It wouldn't provide a return there and would still produce more than you could.