The battle beyond the curtail is between the progressives and activists in the Democratic Party against the republican wing of the party as represented by the DLC.
What has happened is that all-out war has been declared. The Clintons have abandoned the progressives and now solely rely on conservative democrats and really dumb liberal democrats who think the Clintons are one of them.
This is why the money will keep on coming for Obama because he's representing a huge constituency of antiwar activists and liberal democrats.
But all out war has been declared and the winner will control the destiny of the Democratic Party.
That may be bac, but I am alarmed over the bitterness I see on the part of many, many, democratic women. Are we to say, too bad your feelings are stupid and we don’t need you?
I feel that I myself have fallen too much into this hate bashing of Hillary, because I am very frustrated by this primary and by some of her behavior. I have been very frustrated for a long time, ever since I realized that the democrats weren’t going to nominate John Edwards, who I still like best. But I’m not sure that hating on Hillary was the best response to this frustration.
When you have 30 – 50 percent of democratic Hillary voters saying they will vote for McCain, then maybe we need to look at our own selves. I have been doing that.
Nobody wants Obama to become president any great deal more than I do. I want it pretty badly. He has won me over more in the past months since I voted for Edwards in my primary even though he had already dropped out. But I don’t think this bashing of Hillary and her supporters, which I have been very guilty of myself, is helping anybody, including Obama.