Close Socialism’s Libraries!


Verified User

"I mean look, for me I think a lot of people don't understand it [socialism]," Tlaib told the Hill. "I mean the library and the post office is socialism — so many of the things that we have in our country that we all value is very much based on those values of equality."

Awkward phrasing aside, it's simplistic to refer to two government entities like the post office and the library as "socialism."

Tlaib: ‘The Library and the Post Office Is Socialism’
BY: David Rutz
February 6, 2019 9:51 am

Socialists already brainwash children in public schools. I can imagine what the new bunch of Socialists have planned for libraries.

"I am not a unicorn," said Michelle Obama. "There are millions of kids like me out there." Mrs. Obama was discussing her upcoming memoir "Becoming," before a crowd of thousands at the American Library Association conference in New Orleans Friday (June 22).

First, memoirs, autobiographies, biographies, and a whole lot of history books are fiction.

True, she may have been the first African-American first lady, but Obama's ascent from a working class background to a professional career in Chicago and eventually the White House is a path that any American should be able to aspire to, she said.

"In this country we've gotten to a point where we kind of think there are only a handful of legitimate stories that make you a true American," she said. But she went on to explain that the opposite is the ideal.

'I am not a unicorn,' Michelle Obama tells library convention
Updated 12:21 AM; Posted Jun 22, 2018

Secondly, if MO wanted to tell the truth she would have said she can prove Socialists are true Americans —— her husband was the first born and bred Socialist parasite who made it to the White House.

My contention is that parasites never made it into legend and song down through history; so they never appeared in print until Ayn Rand provided a few grains of truth in her novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Irrespective of Ayn Rand, parasites remain civilization’s deadliest disease —— undiagnosed —— untreated —— and unchallenged.

Ayn Rand proved that a grain of truth can be found in a piece of fiction. The problem is all of the B.S. one has to wade through to find that grain. The fiction section in every library contains 99.9999999 percent B.S. Most of the B.S. written after 1900 is Socialist B.S. That is a lot of manure to shovel looking for a grain of truth. You are better off looking for truth in your own life’s experience.

Few writers posting on the Internet, professional or amateur, identify the parasite class by name. When future historians dive into today’s gigabyte capacity trying to identify what brought this country down will they find enough material to figure out that Socialism’s “welfare state” with all of its destructive power is a synonym for parasites?

There is a danger that political truths on the Internet will go the way of books in libraries where wisdom is suffocated by trivia. My fervent prayer is that enough meaningful Internet text will survive long enough to show future investigators what the American parasite class did to every civilization throughout history.

Incidentally, Hillary Clinton beat MO to the library gig. When Hillary says anything you know it is not true with one exception: Libraries and democracy (Socialism) do go hand in hand. Neither one is good news for freedom-loving Americans:

During a speech at the American Library Association’s convention on Tuesday, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton compared the treatment of libraries in Trump administration’s budget to Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451.”

Hillary said, “I believe that libraries and democracy go hand in hand.

Hillary: Treatment of Libraries in Trump Budget ‘Like Something Out of Fahrenheit 451’
by Ian Hanchett
27 Jun 2017

Nobody in their right would trust Hillary or libraries. Libraries house the books where every schmuck can learn about the tax collector’s governing morality free of charge; so it comes as no surprise that the American Library Association called on Hillary and MO.

QUESTION: Did they pay Hillary the same speaking fee paid by Wall Street firms? ANSWER: NO. Defending fiction on library shelves is so important she spoke pro bono.

History deserves special mention in relation to libraries:

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it George Santayana (1863-1952).

Santayana’s trite truism does not standup to scrutiny. Thanks to history books, history teachers, television, radio, movies, and public education everybody knows all about historical events, yet I suspect they will continue to relive them anyway.

It seems to me that too much time is spent studying history. To me, reading history so you can predict the future is an awful lot like reading the Daily Racing Form’s “Past Performances” so you can predict the outcome of a race yet to be run by horses of questionable ancestry.

Knowing all about historical events going back thousands of years did not do much to keep the world from repeating the same old forms of government over and over again. Socialism/Communism is basically no different than every other totalitarian government that ever was. That alone should give good people food for thought concerning the value of learning where the political world has been. Nobody has to read history to know where government parasites are going; they never change their destination.

The greatest form of government ever devised given to us by the Founding Fathers is the one exception, and it is losing ground because of a growing parasite class. I have a gut feeling that when America is gone governments will see to it that limited government is never repeated.

Resisting tyrants in your own time and place, as this country’s Founding Fathers did in their time, is the point. I doubt very much if the Founders looked in history books in order to find what they should or should not do.

The word ‘history’ appears in the Declaration of Independence, but it only refers to a living King George’s conduct. The Founders applied commonsense to the political problem at hand. That beats a knowledge of history every time. And you can be sure that those people who abuse power will not stop doing it because they know how the fate of a few long dead oppressors turned out. The public learns the names of dead dictators, while live dictators learn not to make the same mistakes their role models made.

Aside from knowledge required in our individual fields of endeavor in search of a buck most of us know more about wars than they know about any other subject. To me, that says that killing is being taught as though human beings require lessons.

It is said that Egyptians living in the time of the pharaohs were overly fascinated with death. If that is true, maybe it is time for the U.S. to shut down the history department in every institution that accepts tax dollars that are then spent on teaching about dead events and even deader people. Since the human race seems to be getting less humane with a mountain of treacherous historical facts in their heads there is nothing to lose by shutting down history departments —— nothing to lose except a few bucks should they ever get on Double Jeopardy and history is one of the categories.

If teaching history is actually shutdown maybe there will come a generation that spends more time looking forward rather than looking back. If the day ever comes when no one, including myself, will have to refer to past events in order to have a shot at more freedom from government.

When all is said and done exactly why are historians stumbling over each other picking up the money if they are not propagandists with licenses to tell stories about the joys of collectivism?

NOTE: The Library of Congress would be permitted to stock works of fiction because it is more museum than library.

Law libraries, medical libraries, scientific, technical books, etc., should be housed in libraries paid for and maintained by tax dollars. Even there, foot traffic should determine how long they stay open. To serve the public as physical structures disappear, tax dollars could be used to setup a website to provide all of the scientific and technical books one finds in brick library.

Colleges and universities should not get a tax dollar of any kind until every work of fiction is removed from their libraries. My suggestion would work out real well should colleges and universities refuse to comply. Nothing would serve the public better than stopping all tax dollars from going to institutions of higher learning.

Presidential libraries

Journalists and researchers looking to write a book are the only people who read anything in a presidential library. For all practical purposes, they are libraries where nobody goes to read a book.

Presidential libraries are built with private funds then donated to the federal government so that taxpayers end up paying for staffing and maintenance.

NOTE: Rush Limbaugh calls it the Clinton Presidential Library and Massage Parlor.

Need I say more?

Reading & Writing

The greatest myth surrounding libraries is the one that says libraries are an essential component in literacy. That line of reasoning is so absurd it defies logic. Individuals who read and write well spend very little time in libraries, if any. In the past, professional writers might have used libraries for research purposes, but they certainly have no need for them today.

Ordinary people who cannot read and write well sure as hell will not learn those skills in a library. Public education cannot teach reading and writing; so how in hell is a library going to teach those skills where silence is required ?

And I sure would like to see the library that teaches reading comprehension. That would be something out of a science fiction movie judging from the liberals I came across on message boards.

Videos & CDs

Under no circumstance should a library get a tax dollar if it stocks movie CDs. It is my understanding that libraries everywhere provide the worst, most destructive, fiction in the form of CDs. Fiction becomes propaganda in every movie.

Since 1876, the American Library Association had a stated mission of providing leadership for improving libraries in the U.S., but watchdogs point to radical shifts in policies that make the once trusted institution not only hard to trust, but a genuine threat to America, according to a critic.

I am not suggesting banning anything. I am suggesting that not one tax dollar be used to endorse fiction in any way. I would go so far as to take a close look at the tax breaks publishers and movie producers receive. Tax dollars should not pay to publish works of fiction, nor should tax dollars be used to store them for “posterity.”

I am not arguing against “books.” I am arguing against funding fiction with tax dollars. Buy all of the fiction you can afford, but do not force me to contribute to your reading habits.

Here is an interesting observation for those who are still with me.

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881) was onto more than he knew when he had Mr. Phoebus, in Lothair, say:

Books are fatal: they are the curse of the human race. Nine-tenths of existing books are nonsense, and the clever books are the refutation of that nonsense. The greatest misfortune that ever befell man was the invention of printing.

I have to agree with Disraeli in that the printing press did not do much to eliminate mankind’s appetite for brutality in the five and a half centuries since Johannes Gutenberg (1400? - 1468?) invented movable type. (Whenever I look at fiction on the shelves in a library I see centuries of labor, an incalculable number of incomes, and nothing more.)

The percentage of people who knew how to read remained low until “enlightened” governments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries began teaching the children of the illiterate masses how to read and write. It was not long before entire families could read and write. Inevitably, Socialism took root in all of that book learning. A cynic might say that all of that book-learning produced 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century government-slaughterhouses never dreamed of in the centuries of illiteracy.

Liberals are not known as limousine liberals because they drive around town in limousines. They got the title because they dabble at defending the unwashed, the unloved, and the unappreciated.

Liberals regard the 1920s and ‘30s as the era of Camelot; home to the wittiest, the most brilliant, the most creative people ever assembled at the same time in the Algonquin Hotel.

Liberals are convinced that the departed communicants who frequented the Algonquin Round Table said more of importance than did the host of the Last Supper and his quests.

Liberals seldom leave Baghdad on the Hudson. Whenever liberals do go abroad for business or pleasure they pine for Manhattan as Count Dracula longs to sleep in his native soil.

Liberals tolerate equals visiting Manhattan while holding them in contempt the instant they leave.

Liberals will never rest until every human being on the planet accepts the printing press as the second most important invention of all time; rapidly closing in on the wheel.

How do I know all of this since I never spent time with liberals? Easy answer: All of my adult life, I have been inundated by the importance liberals assigned to themselves, their opinions, and their worldview. I arrived at my conclusions from the things liberals said over many decades in newspapers, in magazines, in movies, and on radio and television. Everything from the “theater” to the Metropolitan Opera, to fawning over the author of the latest book that nobody except liberals ever reads, or the latest stage play that fewer than one percent of Americans would go see if they got free tickets.

One way or another, the rest of us hear about those authors, their books, and their plays just to make sure that we do not miss something important. I will bet you that two-hundred million Americans know the name of every liberal author that ever lived.

I will also bet you that not more than a minute number of Americans ever read books written by liberal authors. Yet talking about liberal authors, living and dead, is standard repartee for liberals. I can understand the reason for the talk when a sales pitch is selling books, etc. My guess is that they always talk about the same things when they are talking to one another just to show how well-informed they are.

Ultimately, liberalism is a soap opera because a liberal can awake from a fifty year coma without having missed a thing.

And then there is the publishing industry itself. The entire liberal community in America orbits around liberals in publishing. Liberals in the hinterland hold a janitor at the New York Times in higher esteem than they hold Mother Teresa. Publishing is the turkey —— everything else is the trimmings.

Libraries are the publishing industry’s best free advertising gimmick ever devised. A library is better than running the same product commercial 24-7 forever on every television.

Socialists like Rep. Rashida Tlaib will never admit that the most offense speech requires the most protection. Thank God that Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is too famous to destroy every copy, but that did not stop the political correct crowd from doing a little editing:

A new edition of “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is missing something.

Throughout the book — 219 times in all — the word “nigger” is replaced by “slave,” a substitution that was made by NewSouth Books, a publisher based in Alabama, which plans to release the edition in February.

Publisher Tinkers With Twain
JAN. 4, 2011

The Little Library on the Prairie

Removing Wilder’s books from libraries is the next step. Note that “core values” is doublespeak for Socialism’s political agenda:

A division of the American Library Association has voted to remove the name of Laura Ingalls Wilder from a major children’s book award, over concerns about how the author portrayed African Americans and Native Americans.

The board of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) made the unanimous decision to change the name on Saturday, at a meeting in New Orleans. The name of the prize was changed from the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal to the Children’s Literature Legacy Award.

The association said Wilder “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values”.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's name removed from book award over racism concerns
Associated Press in Chicago
Sun 24 Jun 2018 12.40 EDT

(I am wrong. Racist is the next step. )

'Little House on the Prairie': Now it's 'racist'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/26/2018

Every time professional writers say the word racist they imply racism is real.

The title of a novel caught my attention when I noticed that Henry’s little darling was chugging along in something called the Book Club:

Nonetheless they really have been friends forever and – despite their apparent intelligence – are looking forward to reading EL James’s Fifty Shades of Grey together.

Book Club: Don’t be fooled by the great actors. This is an awful film
Donald Clarke
Wed, May 30, 2018, 06:00

I had to refresh my memory:

Fifty Shades of Grey Summary
Written by Hector Rivera, Alina Malick, anaya khan, Kelly H Nguyen

The plot should be right up Barbarella’s ally, or in her sewer, as the case may be.

That is why I was surprised that the old Commie would lend her name to anything the Russians censored:

According to Russian news agency TASS, Alexander Kibovsky, head of the Department of Culture in Moscow, said that the citywide review of library books was not “a question of censorship, but of understanding the situation.”

Moscow to Remove ‘Fifty Shades’ from its Shelves
BY: Jenna Lifhits
August 26, 2015 11:37 am

My research told me that I would not read it to win a bet, while it did remind me of our own National Endowment for the Arts.

Our NEA practices reverse censorship when they use tax dollars to produce filth of the worst kind. Basically, individual choice is not censorship. In a free society individuals can simply avoid paying for the filth. Government-approved “artists” solved their income problem by calling it censorship whenever they are driven away from the public trough; hence, NEA funding.

On the other hand, Moscow’s censorship might be “. . . normal taste . . .” in Moscow:

The Department of Culture in Moscow will remove Fifty Shades of Grey from its library shelves in order to help readers develop a “normal taste” in literature.

I am not exactly sure what constitutes normal taste anywhere, but I do know censorship when I see it.

So I am not misunderstood, I must declare that I oppose censorship of any kind; more so when the government does the censoring.

NOTE: Do not confuse censorship with burning books. Individuals should be able to buy all of the books they can afford.

Russian readers had a long love affair with censorship. Stalin censored every novel except Jack London’s The Iron Heel. That was the only novel by an American author that Stalin allowed in Communist libraries. Among Old Joe’s other records he still holds the record for the most novels censored, and look what happened to the Soviet Union.

Censorship bit Soviet Communists on the ass when they locked up dissident authors. Years later the Kremlin admitted they would have let their dissidents emigrate to the West a lot sooner had they known that nobody in America cared what dissidents said.

Should Fifty Shades of Grey be censored anywhere? Answer: No. It is easier to ignore it if you were dumb enough to go see Book Club.
She's a dumbass. The post office is not socialist. To make that claim, it would mean the wealthier would pay more than the current price for a stamp so the poorer could pay less. Same with mailing a package.

To people like her that get elected because of who she is not what she knows, anything done cooperatively is socialism.

"I mean look, for me I think a lot of people don't understand it [socialism]," Tlaib told the Hill. "I mean the library and the post office is socialism — so many of the things that we have in our country that we all value is very much based on those values of equality."

Awkward phrasing aside, it's simplistic to refer to two government entities like the post office and the library as "socialism."

Tlaib: ‘The Library and the Post Office Is Socialism’
BY: David Rutz
February 6, 2019 9:51 am

Socialists already brainwash children in public schools. I can imagine what the new bunch of Socialists have planned for libraries.

"I am not a unicorn," said Michelle Obama. "There are millions of kids like me out there." Mrs. Obama was discussing her upcoming memoir "Becoming," before a crowd of thousands at the American Library Association conference in New Orleans Friday (June 22).

First, memoirs, autobiographies, biographies, and a whole lot of history books are fiction.

True, she may have been the first African-American first lady, but Obama's ascent from a working class background to a professional career in Chicago and eventually the White House is a path that any American should be able to aspire to, she said.

"In this country we've gotten to a point where we kind of think there are only a handful of legitimate stories that make you a true American," she said. But she went on to explain that the opposite is the ideal.

'I am not a unicorn,' Michelle Obama tells library convention
Updated 12:21 AM; Posted Jun 22, 2018

Secondly, if MO wanted to tell the truth she would have said she can prove Socialists are true Americans —— her husband was the first born and bred Socialist parasite who made it to the White House.

My contention is that parasites never made it into legend and song down through history; so they never appeared in print until Ayn Rand provided a few grains of truth in her novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Irrespective of Ayn Rand, parasites remain civilization’s deadliest disease —— undiagnosed —— untreated —— and unchallenged.

Ayn Rand proved that a grain of truth can be found in a piece of fiction. The problem is all of the B.S. one has to wade through to find that grain. The fiction section in every library contains 99.9999999 percent B.S. Most of the B.S. written after 1900 is Socialist B.S. That is a lot of manure to shovel looking for a grain of truth. You are better off looking for truth in your own life’s experience.

Few writers posting on the Internet, professional or amateur, identify the parasite class by name. When future historians dive into today’s gigabyte capacity trying to identify what brought this country down will they find enough material to figure out that Socialism’s “welfare state” with all of its destructive power is a synonym for parasites?

There is a danger that political truths on the Internet will go the way of books in libraries where wisdom is suffocated by trivia. My fervent prayer is that enough meaningful Internet text will survive long enough to show future investigators what the American parasite class did to every civilization throughout history.

Incidentally, Hillary Clinton beat MO to the library gig. When Hillary says anything you know it is not true with one exception: Libraries and democracy (Socialism) do go hand in hand. Neither one is good news for freedom-loving Americans:

During a speech at the American Library Association’s convention on Tuesday, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton compared the treatment of libraries in Trump administration’s budget to Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451.”

Hillary said, “I believe that libraries and democracy go hand in hand.

Hillary: Treatment of Libraries in Trump Budget ‘Like Something Out of Fahrenheit 451’
by Ian Hanchett
27 Jun 2017

Nobody in their right would trust Hillary or libraries. Libraries house the books where every schmuck can learn about the tax collector’s governing morality free of charge; so it comes as no surprise that the American Library Association called on Hillary and MO.

QUESTION: Did they pay Hillary the same speaking fee paid by Wall Street firms? ANSWER: NO. Defending fiction on library shelves is so important she spoke pro bono.

History deserves special mention in relation to libraries:

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it George Santayana (1863-1952).

Santayana’s trite truism does not standup to scrutiny. Thanks to history books, history teachers, television, radio, movies, and public education everybody knows all about historical events, yet I suspect they will continue to relive them anyway.

It seems to me that too much time is spent studying history. To me, reading history so you can predict the future is an awful lot like reading the Daily Racing Form’s “Past Performances” so you can predict the outcome of a race yet to be run by horses of questionable ancestry.

Knowing all about historical events going back thousands of years did not do much to keep the world from repeating the same old forms of government over and over again. Socialism/Communism is basically no different than every other totalitarian government that ever was. That alone should give good people food for thought concerning the value of learning where the political world has been. Nobody has to read history to know where government parasites are going; they never change their destination.

The greatest form of government ever devised given to us by the Founding Fathers is the one exception, and it is losing ground because of a growing parasite class. I have a gut feeling that when America is gone governments will see to it that limited government is never repeated.

Resisting tyrants in your own time and place, as this country’s Founding Fathers did in their time, is the point. I doubt very much if the Founders looked in history books in order to find what they should or should not do.

The word ‘history’ appears in the Declaration of Independence, but it only refers to a living King George’s conduct. The Founders applied commonsense to the political problem at hand. That beats a knowledge of history every time. And you can be sure that those people who abuse power will not stop doing it because they know how the fate of a few long dead oppressors turned out. The public learns the names of dead dictators, while live dictators learn not to make the same mistakes their role models made.

Aside from knowledge required in our individual fields of endeavor in search of a buck most of us know more about wars than they know about any other subject. To me, that says that killing is being taught as though human beings require lessons.

It is said that Egyptians living in the time of the pharaohs were overly fascinated with death. If that is true, maybe it is time for the U.S. to shut down the history department in every institution that accepts tax dollars that are then spent on teaching about dead events and even deader people. Since the human race seems to be getting less humane with a mountain of treacherous historical facts in their heads there is nothing to lose by shutting down history departments —— nothing to lose except a few bucks should they ever get on Double Jeopardy and history is one of the categories.

If teaching history is actually shutdown maybe there will come a generation that spends more time looking forward rather than looking back. If the day ever comes when no one, including myself, will have to refer to past events in order to have a shot at more freedom from government.

When all is said and done exactly why are historians stumbling over each other picking up the money if they are not propagandists with licenses to tell stories about the joys of collectivism?

NOTE: The Library of Congress would be permitted to stock works of fiction because it is more museum than library.

Law libraries, medical libraries, scientific, technical books, etc., should be housed in libraries paid for and maintained by tax dollars. Even there, foot traffic should determine how long they stay open. To serve the public as physical structures disappear, tax dollars could be used to setup a website to provide all of the scientific and technical books one finds in brick library.

Colleges and universities should not get a tax dollar of any kind until every work of fiction is removed from their libraries. My suggestion would work out real well should colleges and universities refuse to comply. Nothing would serve the public better than stopping all tax dollars from going to institutions of higher learning.

Presidential libraries

Journalists and researchers looking to write a book are the only people who read anything in a presidential library. For all practical purposes, they are libraries where nobody goes to read a book.

Presidential libraries are built with private funds then donated to the federal government so that taxpayers end up paying for staffing and maintenance.

NOTE: Rush Limbaugh calls it the Clinton Presidential Library and Massage Parlor.

Need I say more?

Reading & Writing

The greatest myth surrounding libraries is the one that says libraries are an essential component in literacy. That line of reasoning is so absurd it defies logic. Individuals who read and write well spend very little time in libraries, if any. In the past, professional writers might have used libraries for research purposes, but they certainly have no need for them today.

Ordinary people who cannot read and write well sure as hell will not learn those skills in a library. Public education cannot teach reading and writing; so how in hell is a library going to teach those skills where silence is required ?

And I sure would like to see the library that teaches reading comprehension. That would be something out of a science fiction movie judging from the liberals I came across on message boards.

Videos & CDs

Under no circumstance should a library get a tax dollar if it stocks movie CDs. It is my understanding that libraries everywhere provide the worst, most destructive, fiction in the form of CDs. Fiction becomes propaganda in every movie.

Since 1876, the American Library Association had a stated mission of providing leadership for improving libraries in the U.S., but watchdogs point to radical shifts in policies that make the once trusted institution not only hard to trust, but a genuine threat to America, according to a critic.

I am not suggesting banning anything. I am suggesting that not one tax dollar be used to endorse fiction in any way. I would go so far as to take a close look at the tax breaks publishers and movie producers receive. Tax dollars should not pay to publish works of fiction, nor should tax dollars be used to store them for “posterity.”

I am not arguing against “books.” I am arguing against funding fiction with tax dollars. Buy all of the fiction you can afford, but do not force me to contribute to your reading habits.

Here is an interesting observation for those who are still with me.

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881) was onto more than he knew when he had Mr. Phoebus, in Lothair, say:

Books are fatal: they are the curse of the human race. Nine-tenths of existing books are nonsense, and the clever books are the refutation of that nonsense. The greatest misfortune that ever befell man was the invention of printing.

I have to agree with Disraeli in that the printing press did not do much to eliminate mankind’s appetite for brutality in the five and a half centuries since Johannes Gutenberg (1400? - 1468?) invented movable type. (Whenever I look at fiction on the shelves in a library I see centuries of labor, an incalculable number of incomes, and nothing more.)

The percentage of people who knew how to read remained low until “enlightened” governments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries began teaching the children of the illiterate masses how to read and write. It was not long before entire families could read and write. Inevitably, Socialism took root in all of that book learning. A cynic might say that all of that book-learning produced 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century government-slaughterhouses never dreamed of in the centuries of illiteracy.

Liberals are not known as limousine liberals because they drive around town in limousines. They got the title because they dabble at defending the unwashed, the unloved, and the unappreciated.

Liberals regard the 1920s and ‘30s as the era of Camelot; home to the wittiest, the most brilliant, the most creative people ever assembled at the same time in the Algonquin Hotel.

Liberals are convinced that the departed communicants who frequented the Algonquin Round Table said more of importance than did the host of the Last Supper and his quests.

Liberals seldom leave Baghdad on the Hudson. Whenever liberals do go abroad for business or pleasure they pine for Manhattan as Count Dracula longs to sleep in his native soil.

Liberals tolerate equals visiting Manhattan while holding them in contempt the instant they leave.

Liberals will never rest until every human being on the planet accepts the printing press as the second most important invention of all time; rapidly closing in on the wheel.

How do I know all of this since I never spent time with liberals? Easy answer: All of my adult life, I have been inundated by the importance liberals assigned to themselves, their opinions, and their worldview. I arrived at my conclusions from the things liberals said over many decades in newspapers, in magazines, in movies, and on radio and television. Everything from the “theater” to the Metropolitan Opera, to fawning over the author of the latest book that nobody except liberals ever reads, or the latest stage play that fewer than one percent of Americans would go see if they got free tickets.

One way or another, the rest of us hear about those authors, their books, and their plays just to make sure that we do not miss something important. I will bet you that two-hundred million Americans know the name of every liberal author that ever lived.

I will also bet you that not more than a minute number of Americans ever read books written by liberal authors. Yet talking about liberal authors, living and dead, is standard repartee for liberals. I can understand the reason for the talk when a sales pitch is selling books, etc. My guess is that they always talk about the same things when they are talking to one another just to show how well-informed they are.

Ultimately, liberalism is a soap opera because a liberal can awake from a fifty year coma without having missed a thing.

And then there is the publishing industry itself. The entire liberal community in America orbits around liberals in publishing. Liberals in the hinterland hold a janitor at the New York Times in higher esteem than they hold Mother Teresa. Publishing is the turkey —— everything else is the trimmings.

Libraries are the publishing industry’s best free advertising gimmick ever devised. A library is better than running the same product commercial 24-7 forever on every television.

Socialists like Rep. Rashida Tlaib will never admit that the most offense speech requires the most protection. Thank God that Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is too famous to destroy every copy, but that did not stop the political correct crowd from doing a little editing:

A new edition of “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is missing something.

Throughout the book — 219 times in all — the word “nigger” is replaced by “slave,” a substitution that was made by NewSouth Books, a publisher based in Alabama, which plans to release the edition in February.

Publisher Tinkers With Twain
JAN. 4, 2011

The Little Library on the Prairie

Removing Wilder’s books from libraries is the next step. Note that “core values” is doublespeak for Socialism’s political agenda:

A division of the American Library Association has voted to remove the name of Laura Ingalls Wilder from a major children’s book award, over concerns about how the author portrayed African Americans and Native Americans.

The board of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) made the unanimous decision to change the name on Saturday, at a meeting in New Orleans. The name of the prize was changed from the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal to the Children’s Literature Legacy Award.

The association said Wilder “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values”.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's name removed from book award over racism concerns
Associated Press in Chicago
Sun 24 Jun 2018 12.40 EDT

(I am wrong. Racist is the next step. )

'Little House on the Prairie': Now it's 'racist'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/26/2018

Every time professional writers say the word racist they imply racism is real.

The title of a novel caught my attention when I noticed that Henry’s little darling was chugging along in something called the Book Club:

Nonetheless they really have been friends forever and – despite their apparent intelligence – are looking forward to reading EL James’s Fifty Shades of Grey together.

Book Club: Don’t be fooled by the great actors. This is an awful film
Donald Clarke
Wed, May 30, 2018, 06:00

I had to refresh my memory:

Fifty Shades of Grey Summary
Written by Hector Rivera, Alina Malick, anaya khan, Kelly H Nguyen

The plot should be right up Barbarella’s ally, or in her sewer, as the case may be.

That is why I was surprised that the old Commie would lend her name to anything the Russians censored:

According to Russian news agency TASS, Alexander Kibovsky, head of the Department of Culture in Moscow, said that the citywide review of library books was not “a question of censorship, but of understanding the situation.”

Moscow to Remove ‘Fifty Shades’ from its Shelves
BY: Jenna Lifhits
August 26, 2015 11:37 am

My research told me that I would not read it to win a bet, while it did remind me of our own National Endowment for the Arts.

Our NEA practices reverse censorship when they use tax dollars to produce filth of the worst kind. Basically, individual choice is not censorship. In a free society individuals can simply avoid paying for the filth. Government-approved “artists” solved their income problem by calling it censorship whenever they are driven away from the public trough; hence, NEA funding.

On the other hand, Moscow’s censorship might be “. . . normal taste . . .” in Moscow:

The Department of Culture in Moscow will remove Fifty Shades of Grey from its library shelves in order to help readers develop a “normal taste” in literature.

I am not exactly sure what constitutes normal taste anywhere, but I do know censorship when I see it.

So I am not misunderstood, I must declare that I oppose censorship of any kind; more so when the government does the censoring.

NOTE: Do not confuse censorship with burning books. Individuals should be able to buy all of the books they can afford.

Russian readers had a long love affair with censorship. Stalin censored every novel except Jack London’s The Iron Heel. That was the only novel by an American author that Stalin allowed in Communist libraries. Among Old Joe’s other records he still holds the record for the most novels censored, and look what happened to the Soviet Union.

Censorship bit Soviet Communists on the ass when they locked up dissident authors. Years later the Kremlin admitted they would have let their dissidents emigrate to the West a lot sooner had they known that nobody in America cared what dissidents said.

Should Fifty Shades of Grey be censored anywhere? Answer: No. It is easier to ignore it if you were dumb enough to go see Book Club.

She's a dumbass. The post office is not socialist. To make that claim, it would mean the wealthier would pay more than the current price for a stamp so the poorer could pay less. Same with mailing a package.

To people like her that get elected because of who she is not what she knows, anything done cooperatively is socialism.

Derp, derp my name is CFM and I don’t know what socialism is! Derp, derp!
Derp, derp my name is CFM and I don’t know what socialism is! Derp, derp!

The post office isn't socialism. If you believe it is, you're a fucking dumbass.

People doing things cooperatively without government interference isn't socialism. If you believe it is, see the first statement above, boy.
She's a dumbass. The post office is not socialist. To make that claim, it would mean the wealthier would pay more than the current price for a stamp so the poorer could pay less. Same with mailing a package.

To people like her that get elected because of who she is not what she knows, anything done cooperatively is socialism.

That's not... *sights* ... this is very sad...
There is a lot more honor in being thought a "socialist"...than an "American conservative."

Great idea! Get all the right wing society haters to have a monster book burning!

Complete with MAGA hats.

Oh, wait a minute. That's a 5th century solution to 'too much knowledge.'

And it won't work today. Information is digital and it's never going away.

Book burning will never unlearn what is known.
Is the post office socialist, or just a government business? You still pay for it's usage like any other business. It's not like public parks, schools, and libraries.

"I mean look, for me I think a lot of people don't understand it [socialism]," Tlaib told the Hill. "I mean the library and the post office is socialism — so many of the things that we have in our country that we all value is very much based on those values of equality."

Awkward phrasing aside, it's simplistic to refer to two government entities like the post office and the library as "socialism."

Tlaib: ‘The Library and the Post Office Is Socialism’
BY: David Rutz
February 6, 2019 9:51 am

Socialists already brainwash children in public schools. I can imagine what the new bunch of Socialists have planned for libraries.

"I am not a unicorn," said Michelle Obama. "There are millions of kids like me out there." Mrs. Obama was discussing her upcoming memoir "Becoming," before a crowd of thousands at the American Library Association conference in New Orleans Friday (June 22).

First, memoirs, autobiographies, biographies, and a whole lot of history books are fiction.

True, she may have been the first African-American first lady, but Obama's ascent from a working class background to a professional career in Chicago and eventually the White House is a path that any American should be able to aspire to, she said.

"In this country we've gotten to a point where we kind of think there are only a handful of legitimate stories that make you a true American," she said. But she went on to explain that the opposite is the ideal.

'I am not a unicorn,' Michelle Obama tells library convention
Updated 12:21 AM; Posted Jun 22, 2018

Secondly, if MO wanted to tell the truth she would have said she can prove Socialists are true Americans —— her husband was the first born and bred Socialist parasite who made it to the White House.

My contention is that parasites never made it into legend and song down through history; so they never appeared in print until Ayn Rand provided a few grains of truth in her novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Irrespective of Ayn Rand, parasites remain civilization’s deadliest disease —— undiagnosed —— untreated —— and unchallenged.

Ayn Rand proved that a grain of truth can be found in a piece of fiction. The problem is all of the B.S. one has to wade through to find that grain. The fiction section in every library contains 99.9999999 percent B.S. Most of the B.S. written after 1900 is Socialist B.S. That is a lot of manure to shovel looking for a grain of truth. You are better off looking for truth in your own life’s experience.

Few writers posting on the Internet, professional or amateur, identify the parasite class by name. When future historians dive into today’s gigabyte capacity trying to identify what brought this country down will they find enough material to figure out that Socialism’s “welfare state” with all of its destructive power is a synonym for parasites?

There is a danger that political truths on the Internet will go the way of books in libraries where wisdom is suffocated by trivia. My fervent prayer is that enough meaningful Internet text will survive long enough to show future investigators what the American parasite class did to every civilization throughout history.

Incidentally, Hillary Clinton beat MO to the library gig. When Hillary says anything you know it is not true with one exception: Libraries and democracy (Socialism) do go hand in hand. Neither one is good news for freedom-loving Americans:

During a speech at the American Library Association’s convention on Tuesday, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton compared the treatment of libraries in Trump administration’s budget to Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451.”

Hillary said, “I believe that libraries and democracy go hand in hand.

Hillary: Treatment of Libraries in Trump Budget ‘Like Something Out of Fahrenheit 451’
by Ian Hanchett
27 Jun 2017

Nobody in their right would trust Hillary or libraries. Libraries house the books where every schmuck can learn about the tax collector’s governing morality free of charge; so it comes as no surprise that the American Library Association called on Hillary and MO.

QUESTION: Did they pay Hillary the same speaking fee paid by Wall Street firms? ANSWER: NO. Defending fiction on library shelves is so important she spoke pro bono.

History deserves special mention in relation to libraries:

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it George Santayana (1863-1952).

Santayana’s trite truism does not standup to scrutiny. Thanks to history books, history teachers, television, radio, movies, and public education everybody knows all about historical events, yet I suspect they will continue to relive them anyway.

It seems to me that too much time is spent studying history. To me, reading history so you can predict the future is an awful lot like reading the Daily Racing Form’s “Past Performances” so you can predict the outcome of a race yet to be run by horses of questionable ancestry.

Knowing all about historical events going back thousands of years did not do much to keep the world from repeating the same old forms of government over and over again. Socialism/Communism is basically no different than every other totalitarian government that ever was. That alone should give good people food for thought concerning the value of learning where the political world has been. Nobody has to read history to know where government parasites are going; they never change their destination.

The greatest form of government ever devised given to us by the Founding Fathers is the one exception, and it is losing ground because of a growing parasite class. I have a gut feeling that when America is gone governments will see to it that limited government is never repeated.

Resisting tyrants in your own time and place, as this country’s Founding Fathers did in their time, is the point. I doubt very much if the Founders looked in history books in order to find what they should or should not do.

The word ‘history’ appears in the Declaration of Independence, but it only refers to a living King George’s conduct. The Founders applied commonsense to the political problem at hand. That beats a knowledge of history every time. And you can be sure that those people who abuse power will not stop doing it because they know how the fate of a few long dead oppressors turned out. The public learns the names of dead dictators, while live dictators learn not to make the same mistakes their role models made.

Aside from knowledge required in our individual fields of endeavor in search of a buck most of us know more about wars than they know about any other subject. To me, that says that killing is being taught as though human beings require lessons.

It is said that Egyptians living in the time of the pharaohs were overly fascinated with death. If that is true, maybe it is time for the U.S. to shut down the history department in every institution that accepts tax dollars that are then spent on teaching about dead events and even deader people. Since the human race seems to be getting less humane with a mountain of treacherous historical facts in their heads there is nothing to lose by shutting down history departments —— nothing to lose except a few bucks should they ever get on Double Jeopardy and history is one of the categories.

If teaching history is actually shutdown maybe there will come a generation that spends more time looking forward rather than looking back. If the day ever comes when no one, including myself, will have to refer to past events in order to have a shot at more freedom from government.

When all is said and done exactly why are historians stumbling over each other picking up the money if they are not propagandists with licenses to tell stories about the joys of collectivism?

NOTE: The Library of Congress would be permitted to stock works of fiction because it is more museum than library.

Law libraries, medical libraries, scientific, technical books, etc., should be housed in libraries paid for and maintained by tax dollars. Even there, foot traffic should determine how long they stay open. To serve the public as physical structures disappear, tax dollars could be used to setup a website to provide all of the scientific and technical books one finds in brick library.

Colleges and universities should not get a tax dollar of any kind until every work of fiction is removed from their libraries. My suggestion would work out real well should colleges and universities refuse to comply. Nothing would serve the public better than stopping all tax dollars from going to institutions of higher learning.

Presidential libraries

Journalists and researchers looking to write a book are the only people who read anything in a presidential library. For all practical purposes, they are libraries where nobody goes to read a book.

Presidential libraries are built with private funds then donated to the federal government so that taxpayers end up paying for staffing and maintenance.

NOTE: Rush Limbaugh calls it the Clinton Presidential Library and Massage Parlor.

Need I say more?

Reading & Writing

The greatest myth surrounding libraries is the one that says libraries are an essential component in literacy. That line of reasoning is so absurd it defies logic. Individuals who read and write well spend very little time in libraries, if any. In the past, professional writers might have used libraries for research purposes, but they certainly have no need for them today.

Ordinary people who cannot read and write well sure as hell will not learn those skills in a library. Public education cannot teach reading and writing; so how in hell is a library going to teach those skills where silence is required ?

And I sure would like to see the library that teaches reading comprehension. That would be something out of a science fiction movie judging from the liberals I came across on message boards.

Videos & CDs

Under no circumstance should a library get a tax dollar if it stocks movie CDs. It is my understanding that libraries everywhere provide the worst, most destructive, fiction in the form of CDs. Fiction becomes propaganda in every movie.

Since 1876, the American Library Association had a stated mission of providing leadership for improving libraries in the U.S., but watchdogs point to radical shifts in policies that make the once trusted institution not only hard to trust, but a genuine threat to America, according to a critic.

I am not suggesting banning anything. I am suggesting that not one tax dollar be used to endorse fiction in any way. I would go so far as to take a close look at the tax breaks publishers and movie producers receive. Tax dollars should not pay to publish works of fiction, nor should tax dollars be used to store them for “posterity.”

I am not arguing against “books.” I am arguing against funding fiction with tax dollars. Buy all of the fiction you can afford, but do not force me to contribute to your reading habits.

Here is an interesting observation for those who are still with me.

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881) was onto more than he knew when he had Mr. Phoebus, in Lothair, say:

Books are fatal: they are the curse of the human race. Nine-tenths of existing books are nonsense, and the clever books are the refutation of that nonsense. The greatest misfortune that ever befell man was the invention of printing.

I have to agree with Disraeli in that the printing press did not do much to eliminate mankind’s appetite for brutality in the five and a half centuries since Johannes Gutenberg (1400? - 1468?) invented movable type. (Whenever I look at fiction on the shelves in a library I see centuries of labor, an incalculable number of incomes, and nothing more.)

The percentage of people who knew how to read remained low until “enlightened” governments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries began teaching the children of the illiterate masses how to read and write. It was not long before entire families could read and write. Inevitably, Socialism took root in all of that book learning. A cynic might say that all of that book-learning produced 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century government-slaughterhouses never dreamed of in the centuries of illiteracy.

Liberals are not known as limousine liberals because they drive around town in limousines. They got the title because they dabble at defending the unwashed, the unloved, and the unappreciated.

Liberals regard the 1920s and ‘30s as the era of Camelot; home to the wittiest, the most brilliant, the most creative people ever assembled at the same time in the Algonquin Hotel.

Liberals are convinced that the departed communicants who frequented the Algonquin Round Table said more of importance than did the host of the Last Supper and his quests.

Liberals seldom leave Baghdad on the Hudson. Whenever liberals do go abroad for business or pleasure they pine for Manhattan as Count Dracula longs to sleep in his native soil.

Liberals tolerate equals visiting Manhattan while holding them in contempt the instant they leave.

Liberals will never rest until every human being on the planet accepts the printing press as the second most important invention of all time; rapidly closing in on the wheel.

How do I know all of this since I never spent time with liberals? Easy answer: All of my adult life, I have been inundated by the importance liberals assigned to themselves, their opinions, and their worldview. I arrived at my conclusions from the things liberals said over many decades in newspapers, in magazines, in movies, and on radio and television. Everything from the “theater” to the Metropolitan Opera, to fawning over the author of the latest book that nobody except liberals ever reads, or the latest stage play that fewer than one percent of Americans would go see if they got free tickets.

One way or another, the rest of us hear about those authors, their books, and their plays just to make sure that we do not miss something important. I will bet you that two-hundred million Americans know the name of every liberal author that ever lived.

I will also bet you that not more than a minute number of Americans ever read books written by liberal authors. Yet talking about liberal authors, living and dead, is standard repartee for liberals. I can understand the reason for the talk when a sales pitch is selling books, etc. My guess is that they always talk about the same things when they are talking to one another just to show how well-informed they are.

Ultimately, liberalism is a soap opera because a liberal can awake from a fifty year coma without having missed a thing.

And then there is the publishing industry itself. The entire liberal community in America orbits around liberals in publishing. Liberals in the hinterland hold a janitor at the New York Times in higher esteem than they hold Mother Teresa. Publishing is the turkey —— everything else is the trimmings.

Libraries are the publishing industry’s best free advertising gimmick ever devised. A library is better than running the same product commercial 24-7 forever on every television.

Socialists like Rep. Rashida Tlaib will never admit that the most offense speech requires the most protection. Thank God that Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is too famous to destroy every copy, but that did not stop the political correct crowd from doing a little editing:

A new edition of “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is missing something.

Throughout the book — 219 times in all — the word “nigger” is replaced by “slave,” a substitution that was made by NewSouth Books, a publisher based in Alabama, which plans to release the edition in February.

Publisher Tinkers With Twain
JAN. 4, 2011

The Little Library on the Prairie

Removing Wilder’s books from libraries is the next step. Note that “core values” is doublespeak for Socialism’s political agenda:

A division of the American Library Association has voted to remove the name of Laura Ingalls Wilder from a major children’s book award, over concerns about how the author portrayed African Americans and Native Americans.

The board of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) made the unanimous decision to change the name on Saturday, at a meeting in New Orleans. The name of the prize was changed from the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal to the Children’s Literature Legacy Award.

The association said Wilder “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values”.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's name removed from book award over racism concerns
Associated Press in Chicago
Sun 24 Jun 2018 12.40 EDT

(I am wrong. Racist is the next step. )

'Little House on the Prairie': Now it's 'racist'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/26/2018

Every time professional writers say the word racist they imply racism is real.

The title of a novel caught my attention when I noticed that Henry’s little darling was chugging along in something called the Book Club:

Nonetheless they really have been friends forever and – despite their apparent intelligence – are looking forward to reading EL James’s Fifty Shades of Grey together.

Book Club: Don’t be fooled by the great actors. This is an awful film
Donald Clarke
Wed, May 30, 2018, 06:00

I had to refresh my memory:

Fifty Shades of Grey Summary
Written by Hector Rivera, Alina Malick, anaya khan, Kelly H Nguyen

The plot should be right up Barbarella’s ally, or in her sewer, as the case may be.

That is why I was surprised that the old Commie would lend her name to anything the Russians censored:

According to Russian news agency TASS, Alexander Kibovsky, head of the Department of Culture in Moscow, said that the citywide review of library books was not “a question of censorship, but of understanding the situation.”

Moscow to Remove ‘Fifty Shades’ from its Shelves
BY: Jenna Lifhits
August 26, 2015 11:37 am

My research told me that I would not read it to win a bet, while it did remind me of our own National Endowment for the Arts.

Our NEA practices reverse censorship when they use tax dollars to produce filth of the worst kind. Basically, individual choice is not censorship. In a free society individuals can simply avoid paying for the filth. Government-approved “artists” solved their income problem by calling it censorship whenever they are driven away from the public trough; hence, NEA funding.

On the other hand, Moscow’s censorship might be “. . . normal taste . . .” in Moscow:

The Department of Culture in Moscow will remove Fifty Shades of Grey from its library shelves in order to help readers develop a “normal taste” in literature.

I am not exactly sure what constitutes normal taste anywhere, but I do know censorship when I see it.

So I am not misunderstood, I must declare that I oppose censorship of any kind; more so when the government does the censoring.

NOTE: Do not confuse censorship with burning books. Individuals should be able to buy all of the books they can afford.

Russian readers had a long love affair with censorship. Stalin censored every novel except Jack London’s The Iron Heel. That was the only novel by an American author that Stalin allowed in Communist libraries. Among Old Joe’s other records he still holds the record for the most novels censored, and look what happened to the Soviet Union.

Censorship bit Soviet Communists on the ass when they locked up dissident authors. Years later the Kremlin admitted they would have let their dissidents emigrate to the West a lot sooner had they known that nobody in America cared what dissidents said.

Should Fifty Shades of Grey be censored anywhere? Answer: No. It is easier to ignore it if you were dumb enough to go see Book Club.

Do you actually think people wade through this bullshit?
She's a dumbass.

To CFM: Thank you. Dumbass is a permanent condition among Socialists.

Then you obviously don't understand Socialism.

To StoneByStone: Do You?

She does not:


Listen to Mulvaney in the opening VIDEO ▼

Great idea! Get all the right wing society haters to have a monster book burning!

Book burning will never unlearn what is known.

To PoliTalker: Do you understand this?

NOTE: Do not confuse censorship with burning books.

Individuals should be able to buy all of the books they can afford.

You and your kind claim the moral high ground in war without an enemy.

On the other hand American Socialists/Communists might light the fires again:


Original copies of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler. A new edition is set for release in Germany for the first time since WWII. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images)

The Strange Publishing History Of ‘Mein Kampf’
by M.Admin | Oct 29, 2015
To CFM: Thank you. Dumbass is a permanent condition among Socialists.

To StoneByStone: Do You?

She does not:


Listen to Mulvaney in the opening VIDEO ▼

To PoliTalker: Do you understand this?

You and your kind claim the moral high ground in war without an enemy.

On the other hand American Socialists/Communists might light the fires again:


Original copies of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler. A new edition is set for release in Germany for the first time since WWII. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images)

The Strange Publishing History Of ‘Mein Kampf’
by M.Admin | Oct 29, 2015

Maybe Stoney is like AOC and believes there's a difference between socialism and democratic socialism.