Close Socialism’s Libraries!

Hi Frank,

It is not absolute power.

You must have missed my point when I said, "You gotta be careful with that "knowledge is power" stuff, Poli!"

Spend a minute and a half...and you will see what I meant. It is well worth it...very....ummm...POWERFUL.

Hello Flanders,

Everyone should strive to uphold high morals.

To PoliTalker: Except when they force them on everyone else.

Knowledge is power.

To PoliTalker: A little knowledge in Socialist hands is a dangerous thing because they have no brain. Take a look at old Democrats if you doubt this:

If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain. Anonymous
You must have missed my point when I said, "You gotta be careful with that "knowledge is power" stuff, Poli!"

Spend a minute and a half...and you will see what I meant. It is well worth it...very....ummm...POWERFUL.

OK, watched it. I still don't get your point. It's a fictional presentation. Knowledge is power, but the power of knowledge is not absolute. Are you disputing that?

efinition of socialism
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

like the post office

Or post roads

the founders wrote those into the constitution idiots

the founders created a never before seen Hybrid government that was REVOLUTIONARY

It works AWESOME

why does the republican party hate the founders?
Hello Flanders,

Everyone should strive to uphold high morals.

To PoliTalker: Except when they force them on everyone else.

As in the case of using government to force others to do what some consider moral, but not the ones being forced?

To PoliTalker: A little knowledge in Socialist hands is a dangerous thing because they have no brain. Take a look at old Democrats if you doubt this:

If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain. Anonymous

Pure opinion. Not verifiable. Sounds good to conservatives.
The more this lady speaks and knowing she is from Detroit, the more I realize she has been drinking water out of lead pipes for a very long time. Also explains the people that voted for her.
OK, watched it. I still don't get your point. It's a fictional presentation. Knowledge is power, but the power of knowledge is not absolute. Are you disputing that?

Go back to whatever you were doing, Poli.

You might consider working on getting a sense of humor...and not taking yourself quite so seriously.
How many times do you idiots need to quote the original post in it's entirety?

Come on for FUCK's Sake!

Back on point- The other night in Trump's SOU address, he said a lot- most of it total insincere Bullshit- but let me give him a little credit where credit is due.

When the President said, two things almost back to back!

When he said, "Our Country will never be a Socialist country" for one! Because that is very true!

But, I'll have to give him a mixed score on when he said, that "Illegal Immigrants were draining our "Social Safety Nets"! As, it is White People that are the largest recipients for our nation's "Social Safety Nets" just to set that record straight!

But also a little credit, for just the mere fact that the president called them what they truly and accurately are- "Social Safety Nets" and by not calling them SOCIALISM!

So for all you idiots out there- and just to set the record straight here- We are not a Socialist nation- Never has been- Never will be- and no one in our nation wants that- as we are a nation that cares about it's people and we have "Social Safety Nets" built in to our Government- by the people at the voting majority's request!

We want "Social Safety Nets" for our people - ALWAYS!
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Hi Frank,

Go back to whatever you were doing, Poli.

LOL, now that's funny. I already did.

You might consider working on getting a sense of humor...and not taking yourself quite so seriously.

Nah. That's not a problem. I love a good laugh. You made me laugh. Just not the way you intended. Sorry. It just comes across differently in print. There's no voice inflection, no look in the eye, no timing, no context of humor.
The more this lady speaks and knowing she is from Detroit, the more I realize she has been drinking water out of lead pipes for a very long time. Also explains the people that voted for her.

That's Flint, not Detroit.
I think it is so cute when lying leftist dumb fucks attempt to justify third world shit holism with moronic claims like the Post Office and Library is Socialism. It is funny but also remarkably stupid and lacks common sense.

:lolup:Whiny broke cunt doesn't think everyone knows where Robertson and Santa Monica Blvd are. Not to mention stupidly thinks you can dine in West Hollywood for $20. :laugh:

Guess you didn't bother to read the menu just like you dont bother to read what your handlers give you to post.
Listen to Mulvaney in the opening VIDEO ▼

Twitter users had a very different take. They wondered why he wasn’t counting taxpayer-funded corporate subsidies and tax breaks by the Trump administration as socialism, reminded him of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s nation-saving New Deal during the Depression — and pointed out how important publicly funded Social Security and Medicare are to Americans who aren’t billionaires.

Twitter schools Donald Trump Jr. after he rips Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal as 'socialism'
Mary Papenfuss
Feb 8th 2019 4:12AM

D.T. Jr. needs a lesson on how the failure of the XVI Amendment funds Socialism.

Should D.T. Jr. take up the challenge on Twitter he should point out that Social Security and Medicare are funded by labor performed —— and:

The one thing that we knew for sure as we grew older and looked back was that Socialism had been failing until WW II came along and gave social engineers a breathing spell.

The worst year of the Great Depression was 1938, and that was after FDR had been in office six years. Were it not for the war that was already being fought in Europe and China, I doubt if FDR would have been elected to a third term in 1940. American industry began to seriously gear up for war in 1939 and that helped FDR and American Socialists look better than they actually were. No Communist teacher will ever teach students that bit of heresy, nor will any public trough professor admit that FDR Socialists per se never solved any of the problems that led to the Great Depression. Contrary to what they want everyone to believe, getting two chickens in every pot cannot be credited to Socialism’s account.

Today’s leading Democrats are the legitimate heirs of those New Deal social engineers that entrenched themselves in government under FDR.