Hello NiftyNiblick,
I'm of Italian heritage, PoliTalker, and not 100% assimilated. I retain a measure of my ethnicity,
and my ethnicity means as much to me as my American nationality.
We're a lot like Jews--we tend to hug and kiss when we greet our friends.
We all act like those "Hollywood Elites" that redneck crackers hate so much.
That's OK if they hate us, We do look down at them like so many hayseeds, after all.
So let them hate us--I've wandered off the subject.
The point is, we've been unable to act like ourselves for a year now.
I suppose a year isn't a huge length of time if you compare it to World War II.
That inconvenienced us--kept us from living normally--for longer.
But neither patience nor optimism is infinite.
At 74, I'm running out of both.
I'm taking covid seriously because I'm respecting the rights of my other liberal acquaintances
[I don't share your very generous respect for the reactionaries]
to remain healthy.
But if I'm any example, I'm going to opine that even the non-deniers are starting to get pissed.
Science needs to get off its ass and make some serious progress to keep us from saying, Fuck it.
Hopefully, the signs that it's doing that are not false.
I think everyone hopes for a tech solution as soon as possible.
It doesn't look like normal life is coming back any time soon. At least another half year or full year or even more.
This is no little proxy war.
This is a full scale world war.
It's the humans against the bug.
We could have prevailed long ago if everyone did everything they should. Taiwan already has. They operate under strict guidelines and enjoy near universal adherence within the population there. Taiwan and Florida have roughly the same population size. Florida is out of control. They have had 17,647 deaths, and the virus still rages there. Taiwan has had 7 deaths with no new cases in months until just recently. They have 2 new cases, both in quarantine.
It's really propaganda that's losing this war for us. Our success in this war is affected more by the irresponsibility of individuals who refuse to cooperate than it is by the diligence and dedication of those who do.
No, this is no little proxy war. It is widespread, and it is affecting nearly everyone, all of our daily lives. You're not alone in this at all. Everyone wants it to just be done and get back to normal life. But we can't do that until we either get through to those who won't listen, or we reach herd immunity, which we are nowhere close to reaching. The recent vaccines are very promising, and I believe there are more to come. But they are not going to be widely available for months, and even then, we don't know what the distribution criteria is going to be. Who is going to pay? Will this only be available to those who can afford it? And how many people will accept a vaccine? There is a strong anti-vax movement.
They will be asking if the vaccine is safe. How will we really know? It's experimental. Any initial approval will be an emergency one not subject to the usual criteria for full scale approval for general public use. These things usually take years. How can we know the possible long-term side effects of the vaccine?
Will we be able to vaccinate enough people to turn the tide on the virus?
How long will protections last?
Since we don't have the answers to any of these important questions we still can't know when this will all be over. But at least we do have one answer. It is possible to create a vaccine with 90 - 95% effective rate. That is extraordinary.
One thing appears certain.
We are going to be wearing masks and distancing for a long time yet to come.