Cloud Strike struck.....

Never heard of Crowd Strike......which may explain why I am one of the few people in the world who can still access the internet.....

Crowd Strike is used by many websites to ensure that security policies are in place. The problem appears to be confined to Windows, both Linux and Mac users are unaffected, draw your own conclusions.
CrowdStrike is an interactive cybersecurity platform that uses a centralized system to actively evaluate and track what your network users are accessing and to block malware like viruses and ransomware from entering your network through your end user.
I had never heard of CrowdStrike either yet this morning I get this email from Ed D'Asgostino who I follow for geopolitical news. Interesting timing. (this email has nothing to do with the internet outage)

CrowdStrike Founder on Taiwan and "Cold War II"​

Several respected geopolitical analysts say the US is already in a Cold War with China. We’ve heard this from Pippa Malmgren here on Global Macro Update, and now Dmitri Alperovitch is echoing her stance, calling it “Cold War II,” with Taiwan at the epicenter.

Dmitri is a founder of cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike and the co-author of World on the Brink: How America Can Beat China in the Race for the Twenty-First Century.

It’s difficult to get Americans too riled up about Taiwan. Why should we care about an island 7,500 miles away? Dmitri has plenty of reasons, and he articulates Taiwan’s strategic importance to both China and the US in plain terms.

In our interview, Dmitri points to China’s belief in its right to global preeminence. He says China doesn’t want to be a US peer—it wants to “eclipse” it. But when China looks out from its shores, it sees a ring of US naval power constraining it, keeping it from dominating trade and geopolitical relations in and around the South China Sea. China cannot change that without full control of Taiwan and the deep waters off its eastern shore.

In the interview, you will also hear:​

  • Why complete decoupling is impossible, and the better ways to manage our China risk.
  • The four essential technologies Dmitri believes will define progress in the 21st century.
  • How the US can help prevent tensions with China from escalating into a full-scale kinetic war.
Before you discount the risk of China invading Taiwan, I should note that Dmitri is one of the few analysts who accurately predicted when, why, and how Russia would invade Ukraine. He got it right—and he got it right early.

Watch my interview with Dmitri Alperovitch by clicking the image above.

A full transcript of our conversation is available here.
Sounds like large numbers of airports, businesses, and services around the world have been affected. A bunch of fights canceled at SFO this morning.

The events of these past few days or so are not to be confused with coincidences. 1. Assassination attempt against
(whistleblowers now coming forward) 2. Near stock short debacle targeting conservative social media companies 3. A massive & global cyber “glitch” (more like an attack) against major trans networks, banking, 911 services, healthcare systems, etc. Take nothing for granted. Be careful of first reports (they’re usually wrong). Never underestimate your opponents. Stick to facts.


I probably need to start paying more attention to Alex Jones.

Just a reminder that people like myself,
, and all sorts of influencers across alternative media have been repeatedly warning that a CYBER FALSE FLAG event would be unleashed before the election. What's happening today is NOT the event. In my view, this is the temporarily disabling of the security systems necessary to install the actual cyber code that will achieve the event when it is triggered. What you are witnessing today is nothing compared to what's coming. I believe a rogue engineer inside Crowdstrike is working for the deep state to achieve this end goal. Because this level of failure is not possible if code was run through normal quality checks before distribution. Somebody bypassed Crowdstrike internal QC checks.

The wisdom of digital sovereignty... China's great firewall has been immensely criticized but over the long run it's proving one of the smartest decisions they ever took: it allowed them to develop their homegrown tech ecosystem and they're immune to threats, such as this global outage. Europe should have done the exact same thing. Now we don't have any ecosystem to speak of - American companies dictate the rules - and we get hit by the threats...
Who is more likely to have done this....the American Regime or the CCP?

That we are here is more evidence of how much trouble America is in.
Never heard of Crowd Strike......which may explain why I am one of the few people in the world who can still access the internet.....
Almost everyone can access the internet. The problem starts coming up when they try to go to some websites. The servers are down because CrowdStrike is causing trouble on Microsoft Win OS.

My work place does not use Microsoft's products, and I have trouble with any company that uses Microsoft's products for servers. That means I am relaxing at home today... And rethinking some of my banking decisions.