Cloud Strike struck.....

A cyberattack would have had the trigger pulled after everyone had installed the update, when it could have done far worse damage. The attack would have involved corrupting data, so that the damage could not easily be undone. This had neither. Most people who could have been attacked learned of the update failure before downloading this. And so far the bug has only caused crashing, which is relatively easily fixed.

In short, this is not a cyber attack. A cyber attack would have been far, far worse.

This is piss poor testing gone crazy. CloudStrike is one of a few hundred firms that claim to be cyber security firms. There is a lot of, mostly undeserved, arrogance in the field. I have had nothing but bad experiences with any "cyber security" firm in Texas, but admittedly have had no direct experience with CloudStrike. It is a cesspool.
A cyberattack would have had the trigger pulled after everyone had installed the update, when it could have done far worse damage. The attack would have involved corrupting data, so that the damage could not easily be undone. This had neither. Most people who could have been attacked learned of the update failure before downloading this. And so far the bug has only caused crashing, which is relatively easily fixed.

In short, this is not a cyber attack. A cyber attack would have been far, far worse.

This is piss poor testing gone crazy. CloudStrike is one of a few hundred firms that claim to be cyber security firms. There is a lot of, mostly undeserved, arrogance in the field. I have had nothing but bad experiences with any "cyber security" firm in Texas, but admittedly have had no direct experience with CloudStrike. It is a cesspool.
It was an inside job....the question is who did it....who knew about it.
It is not possible that they are this incompetent....this is something else.

This applies to the hit on Trump as well.
It was an inside job....the question is who did it....who knew about it.
Well, it was an inside job, in that CloudStrike did the job that caused the problem. It was not a cyber attack. It was a poorly done job.

If it was an "inside job", we know who did it... or generally who did it. CloudStrike wrote and released the bug. We may not know exactly who at CloudStrike did it, but it was done inside CloudStrike.

As with any mistake, the next question is not who knew, but rather who should have known? They clearly were arrogant and assumed everything would work. Their not knowing is the problem here.
It is not possible that they are this incompetent....this is something else.
You have clearly never worked with computers. These things happen all the time. It takes a lot of work to keep these things from happening. The natural state of the world is these things happening, and we fight against that natural state as hard as we can.

So the Chief Security Officer of Crowdstrike, who sold 4,000 shares just days before the "IT apocalypse" that wiped hundreds of thousands of government servers (possibly destroying evidence of deep state complicity in the assassination attempt) is an FBI veteran with 24 years with the FBI. Can't make this up. The same agency that's now actively involved in the cover-up.