CNN reporter shows Trump supporter her debunked Facebook posts. See her reaction

ROFL lol honest conversation. leftists do not know what honesty is- you confuse that with being disengenuous or dishonest. again leftists believe men are women, up is down, peace is war, love is hate. who precisely was going around loudly and proudly proclaiming how leftist protests were "mostly peaceful" as entire cities and towns were being ransacked, burned and people shot and crap by leftists? Oh you were!
leftism is degeneracy - you are more than welcome to prove me wrong. but you and i both know it is impossible for you since you know I am correct

Your childish remarks are not worth a long response. Your rightyness is ingrained. Grow up.
Your childish remarks are not worth a long response. Your rightyness is ingrained. Grow up.

lol you can not debunk anything i said- all you can do is try to smear it and dismiss it like the bigoted willfully illiterate failure you are :)

It is impossible for leftists to reason or argue cause you have no brain nor critical thinking ability - you even deny humanity itself
Your childish remarks are not worth a long response. Your rightyness is ingrained. Grow up.

i would absolutely LOVE to hear more about that 'summer of love' you got going on- how is your 'successful peaceful' CHAZ doing?
Oh it already fell apart and disintegrated! good job!
lol you mean it MAY reduce by maybe about 40%. and it come with additional risks of side effects and is subpar to natural immunity.... as expected. cause leftists are anti science bigots

The vaccines are 90 to 95 percent effective, which is extremely high. However 95 means for 1 in 20, it does not work. That is science and statistics.
The vaccines are 90 to 95 percent effective, which is extremely high. However 95 means for 1 in 20, it does not work. That is science and statistics.

try again- study from israel debunked your bullshit. you are anti science and statistics.

to highlight that- if your vacciine were so magically effective- why exactly do you keep changin the number of so called 'boosters' now? oh cause you know it is not even nearly that effective especially for whatever variants you are up to now....
cause viruses are gonna be viruses... and mutate- duh evolution
And also why would you demand everyone else be vaccinated? oh cause you know it is not actually that effective- you want to virtue signal and treat other human beings like guinea pigs
Hello AProudLefty,

Those people are JPP RW clones and zombies.

America is in a very, very sad state. It's scary.

"Fact-checking is a bad thing."


Because it doesn't support their narrative!

They are going to believe what they want to believe and they are simply not interested in facts.

Yes, it is an unfortunate series of events.

I think facebook should begin a 'cred rating' for each user. If a user has been found to have made incorrect posts x number of times then that needs to accompany everything they post. "This post contains false information. This poster has posted false information 3,052 times. This poster has a credibility rating of -812."
Leftists FLUNKED biology, evolution, economics, math economics and statistics. Leftists have no idea even what humans are- and are confused about the distinction between men and women.
Hell leftists have no idea what an immune system is, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system nor even what a brain is. they have no idea what resiliency aka being human means- hence they loathe human traits and values like freedom, honesty and truth
It's like, if you're not in the Trump bubble with them then they simply do not believe you.

They live in an alternative world centered around flat out falsehood.
Hello AProudLefty,

"Fact-checking is a bad thing."


Because it doesn't support their narrative!

They are going to believe what they want to believe and they are simply not interested in facts.

Yes, it is an unfortunate series of events.

I think facebook should begin a 'cred rating' for each user. If a user has been found to have made incorrect posts x number of times then that needs to accompany everything they post. "This post contains false information. This poster has posted false information 3,052 times. This poster has a credibility rating of -812."

leftists are anti facts and reality- again like i said before- leftists believe men are women, up is down, peace is war, love is hate and science is blind cultish dogma. hell leftists are dumb enough to claim 'math is racist'
Hello AProudLefty,

"Fact-checking is a bad thing."


Because it doesn't support their narrative!

They are going to believe what they want to believe and they are simply not interested in facts.

Yes, it is an unfortunate series of events.

I think facebook should begin a 'cred rating' for each user. If a user has been found to have made incorrect posts x number of times then that needs to accompany everything they post. "This post contains false information. This poster has posted false information 3,052 times. This poster has a credibility rating of -812."

That's a good system that everyone will accept.
lol 'debunked'
Again- these are the subhuman leftist degenerates who STILL FALL FOR jussie smollett nonsense hoaxes, and AOC fake tears. these are the morons who push smear pieces on kavenaugh without even doing a bit of journalism. leftists and CNN do not do journalism- they do "activism" aka act like leftist degenerate fools running around politicizing stuff