I heard a lib'rul on the news say they were worried that Trump would give away Crimea........that confuses me.....didn't Obama already do that?.....
yes ,you are confused.
I heard a lib'rul on the news say they were worried that Trump would give away Crimea........that confuses me.....didn't Obama already do that?.....
A better question would be what do you think is okay with it? But since you asked, I'll go first.
1. Twittler and his campaign are under investigation for coordinating with the Russians to mess with the 2016 election.
2. Multiple indictments have been issued, and several guilty pleas made, in connection with this.
3. It is well-known in financial circles that Trump is deeply in hock to the Russians, given that no Western banks will loan him money anymore.
4. Despite what Faux News tells you, Russia is not our friend. Neither is Putin.
5. Trump is an idiot who says whatever comes into his piehole in order to gain approval. That doesn't bother you? It should be very concerning.
6. Trump is an egomaniac who easily succumbs to flattery and acclaim, but is not smart enough to know when he's going played. Putin is a KGB chief.
7. Trump plays checkers, while Putin plays 3-D chess.
Democrats and their mouthpiece CNN are outraged again that Trump is about to go have a one on one with his best buddy Putan. They want another American to be in the room with them to make sure they aren't setting up the Putan take over of America. I have to laugh at the bleeping insanity and idiocy of those folks. I can just imagine their uproar if anybody ever suggested that other Americans should be in the room with Obama and Putan.
In my opinion, if Trump and Putan are buddies and coluders in election crime that got Trump elected, Ole Putie got screwed. Trump's killed Russians in Syria, continued our sanctions on Russia, sold arms to the Ukraine to defend themselves against Russia and dressed down the Germans purchasing natural gas from Russia instead of America. And last but not least, Trump's proding the NATO cheapskates to pony up their fair share of financial military support and thereby help more to defend themselves from Russia. If Putie conspired with Trump to get Trump elected, I'd bet my bottom dollar ole Putie is now wishing he never cut a deal with the author of "The Art Of The Deal," huh?
Another American in the room,would have made it one American in the room.
Frankly, I wanted an adult in the room.
One more adult in the room would probably have made three...the two interpreters...and the additional one.
You don't know? It is against the fucking law. The presidential records act of 1978 prohibits that.https://www.archives.gov/presidential-libraries/laws/1978-act.html The presidents official communications are the property of the American people They go to the government archivist who can release them to the people.
Another American in the room,would have made it one American in the room.
Frankly, I wanted an adult in the room.
One more adult in the room would probably have made three...the two interpreters...and the additional one.
I think when the Trump nightmare ends.
Looking back we will be in horror that such a narcissistic,lazy,non-reading fool!
Was President of the USA.
The smoking gun. It's all Mueller needs to wrap up his investigation, the House to impeach and the Senate to convict. This is finally IT.
Now CNN and the MSM can start targeting Pence.
It is not about that at all. Trump regularly violates the records act. It is not impeachable, but he should answer for it in the public forum. Just more wood on the fire. His speech ,after the Sychophant Summit, should have even offended a far righty like you. He just lies and lies. You are old enough, i think./ trumnp said Russian /US relations were at all time lows. Trump lived during the Cuban missile Crisis. Trump just makes noise.
And your evidence is?
Nice rendition of "Yeah But Obama".... I've never heard it sung in that key before. Thanks.
As long as the Republican Senate and House are in control!
Trump could machine gun the press corp.And no impeachment.
Because, cunt, a sitting President can do that
Nice rendition of "Yeah But Obama".... I've never heard it sung in that key before. Thanks.
Yup. His sycophants are that stupid.
He treats them like dirt...actually telling them they will stick with him whatever he does.
You people did "yeah but Bush" for eight fucking years. STFU, seriously.
So dickhead,you're claim "but Bush" was wrong,but now "but Obama" is ok?
Can do what? Whisper about having more flexibility with the Ruskies? Why can't a candidate? What laws would be violated?