Coast Guard Officer Allegations

A proud white supremacist stockpiles enough weapons to commit a terrorist attack on American people - and you don't think it is racist?

Oh wait, let me guess. You are one of the fucking cunts who thought Timothy McVeigh was a nice WHITE christian with strong family values. The fact he planted bombs in a building that had mainly black people - many of them children - was not racist at all.

And I am betting you are a HUUUUGE fan of white supremacist Dylan Roof. Wanna tell me that he wasn't racist too? He went inside a black church and SHOT DEAD 9 BLACK parishioners in cold blood.

Yessiree - Christopher Paul, Timothy McVeigh and Dylan Roof were DEFINITELY NOT RACIST.

What the fuck type drugs are you on???

I do not recall declaring anybody a racist or not a racist. I do recall that in the alleged writings of the officer that there was an interest expressed to "get whitey off the couch", and an interest in "killing everyone". Sounds like an equal opportunity killer to me, but I do not have enough evidence to declare him guilty of anything more than firearms possession and drug charges, if he has even been found guilty of those charges by a court.
If he's a white supremacist, why does he have drug charges? Edward Norton pointed out in American History X how ridiculous it was for white supremacists to be indulging in drug use.

I do not recommend that anybody, white supremacist or not, indulge in drug use. Drugs are bad for black supremacists, brown supremacists, white supremacists, and non supremacists.
When everyone is in agreement on what is racism, yep, they are right, and those who disagree are wrong.

McThink McSo?

Is this McRacism?

I spit in the face of the black guy.

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.

If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
I have not found where it was proven that he intended to act on the those writings, and I cannot find where it was proven that they were his. I cannot find where the intent of the writings was proven, and I cannot find proof that the writings were not a manuscript for a book or movie. Please provide links to this evidence that you claim to have.

When your head is that far up your rectum, finding ANYTHING of value, much less the truth, is impossible. :rofl2:
Evmerto is doing exactly what he did in the Trump racism threads. Simply deny and lie. Then he claims some kind if crazy victory. It is incredible to read.
Evmerto is doing exactly what he did in the Trump racism threads. Simply deny and lie. Then he claims some kind if crazy victory. It is incredible to read.

It is very easy for me to do. All I do is request the evidence, and then sift out things that do not qualify as evidence. Obviously, allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda do not qualify as evidence, so I exclude them as they are posted. If a lefty posts real evidence, I congratulate them. That's it!
It is very easy for me to do. All I do is request the evidence, and then sift out things that do not qualify as evidence. Obviously, allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda do not qualify as evidence, so I exclude them as they are posted. If a lefty posts real evidence, I congratulate them. That's it!

Denier and liar. :rofl2:
It is very easy for me to do. All I do is request the evidence, and then sift out things that do not qualify as evidence. Obviously, allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda do not qualify as evidence, so I exclude them as they are posted. If a lefty posts real evidence, I congratulate them. That's it!

Request and then deny it. How can you lose with that system?
The Coast Guard Officer Christopher Paul was arrested for stock piling drugs and weapons, but the headlines all read that he was planning a racist attack. Has anybody seen any evidence that he was planning a racist attack? For that matter, has anybody seen any evidence that he was planning any attack at all?

I saw that he was "dreaming of a way to kill every last person on earth, "and that he wrote "Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch. ... They will die as will the traitors who actively work toward our demise". Was he for equal opportunity killing when he was dreaming of killing everybody, or does he have a special grudge against "whitey"?