Aint I a cutie? HEH HEH
Matter of choice, but they were more-or-less sequils. I think there were four in th series (not sure) Rather gangley type starlet.I didn't like that one as much as "Sixteen Candles"
Matter of choice, but they were more-or-less sequils. I think there were four in th series (not sure) Rather gangley type starlet.I didn't like that one as much as "Sixteen Candles"
Pretty in Pink was the story of a sixteen year old girl, or didn't you know that. It is a world away from CODE PINK. so much for you misguided intellect.
An analogy is NOT a PUN. Is there nothing you get right???Thats what I said using it as a anology(pun) "It was just a movie" you get stupider with each and every post...!
That is a diminuative if I ever heard one. HEH HEH. I don't usually hate anyone. but he is the exception.I am starting to get the impression that you 2 guys do not like each other....
I am starting to get the impression that you 2 guys do not like each other....
Life it too short to let someone get to ya that way.
Especially on the net.
Then I guess I'm not an idiot after all, not even in your eyes--- cause you sure don't ignore meI like most people..I just ignore "Idiots"
Then I guess I'm not an idiot after all, not even in your eyes--- cause you sure don't ignore me
and I don't have to use smilies to tell you what I think of you. I use plain old fashioned words.
Just one more of your non -responses. you know what that is? that is when you say something that doesn't referr to, or answer the points made that you are supposedly responding to. "Course I don't suppose yopu can read this as you have just said you put me on Ignore. ---or is that just another of your lies???I am a compassionate conservative..I feel sorry for your sorry old ass! Now pack your bags and go have a BBQ in Wisconsin...or whatever floats your boat!