'Code Pink Apologists'...

No shit donny!

Pretty in Pink was the story of a sixteen year old girl, or didn't you know that. It is a world away from CODE PINK. so much for you misguided intellect.

Thats what I said using it as a anology(pun) "It was just a movie" you get stupider with each and every post...!
Thats what I said using it as a anology(pun) "It was just a movie" you get stupider with each and every post...!
An analogy is NOT a PUN. Is there nothing you get right???

Further, At least you give me credit for having a ways to go. You don't. You are as stupod as it is possible to be.
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Life it too short to let someone get to ya that way.
Especially on the net.

Like ya would actually believe that donny et al get to me...not hardly..I go out and have fun when the sun is warm and the lake cool...the rest of the time I spend spanking idiots who have no idea what fun really is..need I say more?
I like most people..I just ignore "Idiots"
Then I guess I'm not an idiot after all, not even in your eyes--- cause you sure don't ignore me

and I don't have to use smilies to tell you what I think of you. I use plain old fashioned words.

Then I guess I'm not an idiot after all, not even in your eyes--- cause you sure don't ignore me

and I don't have to use smilies to tell you what I think of you. I use plain old fashioned words.

I am a compassionate conservative..I feel sorry for your sorry old ass! Now pack your bags and go have a BBQ in Wisconsin...or whatever floats your boat!
I am a compassionate conservative..I feel sorry for your sorry old ass! Now pack your bags and go have a BBQ in Wisconsin...or whatever floats your boat!
Just one more of your non -responses. you know what that is? that is when you say something that doesn't referr to, or answer the points made that you are supposedly responding to. "Course I don't suppose yopu can read this as you have just said you put me on Ignore. ---or is that just another of your lies???