Cohen Testimony Prediction Thread

I think Melania needs to take Baron on a vacation the day of the testimony, because it could really screw up a kid's head to see their daddy screaming at the television.
I dont know, but I am going to have to install a TV in my bathroom, because I dont want to miss any of it.
I think Melania needs to take Baron on a vacation the day of the testimony, because it could really screw up a kid's head to see their daddy screaming at the television.
I don’t think that’s a problem, I think she keeps Baron and herself as far away from him as often as she possibly can.
I think Melania needs to take Baron on a vacation the day of the testimony, because it could really screw up a kid's head to see their daddy screaming at the television.

Don't all kids witness their dads screaming at the television? My dad cleverly doesn't have cable/dish/broadcast/etc. Instead, he chose to mess with me by yelling his approval for the bad guys on movies that we watched (mostly checked-out from the library), and watching me get annoyed by his antics.
Yep; in loony tune land, an ATTORNEY was forced to break laws he knew he was breaking by that meanie Trump.

This is comedy if it weren't so pathetic and tragic for the nation as a whole. We have to watch now as Democrats in the Party of the Jackass make a mockery of the "people's" House and our political processes because they just cannot accept the FACT that Trump won an election and Hillary was that pathetic of a candidate.

The Democrats hit a new low in American politics.
Suprising if true, all the Republicans will do will portray Cohen as an untrustworthy dirt bag, which is easy given that he pretty much is, but his credibility will overshadow anything he says

Do attorney's break the law out of loyalty? Only morons believe such tripe.
Yep; in loony tune land, an ATTORNEY was forced to break laws he knew he was breaking by that meanie Trump.

This is comedy if it weren't so pathetic and tragic for the nation as a whole. We have to watch now as Democrats in the Party of the Jackass make a mockery of the "people's" House and our political processes because they just cannot accept the FACT that Trump won an election and Hillary was that pathetic of a candidate.

The Democrats hit a new low in American politics.
