Coke goes Full Woke

so dont/ WTF do I care? you are Woke,and beyond repair. the corporate world panders so it doesn't get
harrassed by PCmonsters

That's his shtick, that's what he does. It's all he knows. You could tell him the Sun rises in the East and he'd ask for a link. He's an idiot.
i dont GAF what/whom you are upset with
you are unable to carry on a conversation, remain willfully ignorant

Uh your OP is simple.

Coco-Cola forces it's employees to be "woke", telling them to be less white.
A few pictures in tweet to prove that.
The next tweet links to Linkedin page that asks you to sign up to download a full course to verify.

What conclusions can you draw from it?
Uh your OP is simple.

Coco-Cola forces it's employees to be "woke", telling them to be less white.
A few pictures in tweet to prove that.
The next tweet links to Linkedin page that asks you to sign up to download a full course to verify.

What conclusions can you draw from it?
it's a whistleblower. I gave a link to a photo or courseware on their computer/
the story is everywhere. You are the only one with the problem - if you bothered to think you'd also
know this is typical of corporate HR

But remain stoopid. your generation excels at that
Telling the truth is good. So is standing up for both civility and civilization. Hating others, however, isn't good.

What's indecent and immoral, in your opinion? Who are you going to kill to save morality and decency?

IMO, it's also good to understand the meaning of the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace​

OTOH, a picture is worth a thousand words:


Things are not ok, and they are not going to be OK anytime soon, because too many people are shit now.
Which I did. So where's the full course to download for free?

No, you don't. The reason I don't think you're as old as you claim (well, one of them) is your continued insistence on being supplied links for material you should easily be able to check out for yourself. You do this all the time. This is a millennial trait.
No, you don't. The reason I don't think you're as old as you claim (well, one of them) is your continued insistence on being supplied links for material you should easily be able to check out for yourself. You do this all the time. This is a millennial trait.

You don't understand how debates work, do you?
No, you don't. The reason I don't think you're as old as you claim (well, one of them) is your continued insistence on being supplied links for material you should easily be able to check out for yourself. You do this all the time. This is a millennial trait.

the internet is for documentation or fact finding
It does not replace critical reasoning.

Millennials are like Doubting Thomas - "i need to see the stigmata!" -
instead of using logic and reasoning as we've done for thousands of years to acquire knowledge
Since you understand how the Internet works, perhaps you'll search "burden of proof".
you need to learn to think and not just rely on documentation. documentation only supports a position.
It does not replace the analysis needed to form the hypothesis
Since you understand how the Internet works, perhaps you'll search "burden of proof".

This is exactly what I'm talking about. All you have to do is search something...which, btw, you've admitted many times you've done when I've made pop culture references you didn't understand ( another reason I think you're young) yet you won't search a fucking thing when it comes to "muh politics"