Cold People


I cannot even believe how horrible this is. What the hell is wrong with people? And in Kansas the f'ing cradle of "we cry over embyroes".

Kansas Shoppers Step Over Dying Woman
Posted: 2007-07-04 09:37:01
Filed Under: Crime News, Nation
WICHITA, Kan. (July 4) - As stabbing victim LaShanda Calloway lay dying on the floor of a convenience store, five shoppers, including one who stopped to take a picture of her with a cell phone, stepped over the woman, police said.

The June 23 situation, captured on the store's surveillance video, got scant news coverage until a columnist for The Wichita Eagle disclosed the existence of the video and its contents Tuesday.

Police have refused to release the video, saying it is part of their investigation.

"It was tragic to watch," police spokesman Gordon Bassham said Tuesday. "The fact that people were more interested in taking a picture with a cell phone and shopping for snacks rather than helping this innocent young woman is, frankly, revolting."

The woman was stabbed during an altercation that was not part of a robbery, Bassham said. It took about two minutes for someone to call 911, he said.

Calloway, 27, died later at a hospital.

Two suspects have been arrested. A 19-year-old woman was charged with first-degree murder. Another suspect who turned himself in had not been charged as of Tuesday, the Sedgwick County prosecutor's office said.

The district attorney's office will have to decide whether any of the shoppers could be charged, Bassham said.
Those five people should be taken out back and severely beaten. Then dropped in a doorway so that people could step over them and/or take pictures.

How hard is it to help out? Takes what... a few seconds to dial 9/11. Grab a few napkins or a shirt or something to put pressure on the wound... what another couple of minutes. She might have died anyway, but at least you would have given her better odds of survival.
"The district attorney's office will have to decide whether any of the shoppers could be charged, Bassham said."

All five should be charged under good samaritan laws in Kansas. Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Maximum fines and sentences.

God, shit like this gets my blood boiling.
People are so disconnected, so accustomed to being spectators via video, movies, TV, that even reality apparently has no meaning. At least that's the best I can come up with. This is truly shocking. Bad enough that nobody helped her, but to stand there with a camera phone ...

I'm pretty sure we have Good Samaritan laws in Texas.
Those five people should be taken out back and severely beaten. Then dropped in a doorway so that people could step over them and/or take pictures.

How hard is it to help out? Takes what... a few seconds to dial 9/11. Grab a few napkins or a shirt or something to put pressure on the wound... what another couple of minutes. She might have died anyway, but at least you would have given her better odds of survival.

I don't know, it's unfathomable to me. I can't believe it.
People are so disconnected, so accustomed to being spectators via video, movies, TV, that even reality apparently has no meaning. At least that's the best I can come up with. This is truly shocking. Bad enough that nobody helped her, but to stand there with a camera phone ...

I'm pretty sure we have Good Samaritan laws in Texas.

Well, if they have them in Kansas, I agree with SF, they should all be charged under it.
I grew up in KC, they do indeed have good samaritan laws. I do not recall what the max penalties are, but to be sure... they are not enough.
Thorn;90798[B said:
]People are so disconnected, so accustomed to being pectators via video, movies, TV, that even reality apparently has no meaning.[/B] At least that's the best I can come up with. This is truly shocking. Bad enough that nobody helped her, but to stand there with a camera phone ...

I'm pretty sure we have Good Samaritan laws in Texas.

I think Thorn hit the nail right on the head. We're a society of voyeurs. We watch people so much with no implication or disturbance in our lives that that disconnect is beginning to trickle over into the real world.
"I wonder how dark the poor womans skin pigment was ?"

What the hell does that matter? Does it make it any more or less wrong?
"I wonder how dark the poor womans skin pigment was ?"

What the hell does that matter? Does it make it any more or less wrong?

To a reasonable person it should not matter, to many assholes it does, and might explain their indifference to her predicament.
We're a society so disconnected from each other.

I love how all of you sit on your high horse. The fact that such a large percentage of the people who saw her either didn't register it or ignored her indicates that most of you would've thought differently sitting there in real life than on your computer where you can casually condemn others. I've seen on the Discovery channel where they've faked a poor man dying on the street, and DOZENS of people saw it, and no one did anything. It's a problem with our entire society, punishing a few individuals isn't going to help unless you punish damn near everyone.
We're a society so disconnected from each other.

I love how all of you sit on your high horse. The fact that such a large percentage of the people who saw her either didn't register it or ignored her indicates that most of you would've thought differently sitting there in real life than on your computer where you can casually condemn others. I've seen on the Discovery channel where they've faked a poor man dying on the street, and DOZENS of people saw it, and no one did anything. It's a problem with our entire society, punishing a few individuals isn't going to help unless you punish damn near everyone.

It was five people Water.

So your claim is that everybody does it? Maybe you kids are disconnected from having your heads in violent video games, I don't know. But you're wrong. Everybody does not do it. Apparently you would find it surprising to discover just how many people would stop and help you.

And if society is getting too disconnected because of their video games, and their ipods, and their im's, then this will be a good way to wake them up.

Put these five people, in jail, for as long as the law allows.

You know, that might get a couple of people to get their heads out of their asses.
We're a society so disconnected from each other.

I love how all of you sit on your high horse. The fact that such a large percentage of the people who saw her either didn't register it or ignored her indicates that most of you would've thought differently sitting there in real life than on your computer where you can casually condemn others. I've seen on the Discovery channel where they've faked a poor man dying on the street, and DOZENS of people saw it, and no one did anything. It's a problem with our entire society, punishing a few individuals isn't going to help unless you punish damn near everyone.
If so then the entire criminal justice system is in the crapper. The main justification for judicial punishment of any kind is to modify anti-social behavior. Anti-social behavior just like this.

I agree with Darla in that I think you're underestimating the number of people -- the proportion of the population, more to the point -- who would stop and at least try to help. I agree with you about punishing people for behavior that's so common as to be consensually acceptable even if not formally so but I think you're wrong about this being such a case.
Yeah right. The decision is so goddam simple. You don't know what thoughts ran through their heads whenever it happened, I'm pretty certain it wasn't "OH I FEEL LIKE BEING EVIL MWHAHAHAH!". You are all the same as them. YOU would've done the exact same thing. Bystander apathy is a very well-documented condition in urbanized societies.
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If so then the entire criminal justice system is in the crapper. The main justification for judicial punishment of any kind is to modify anti-social behavior. Anti-social behavior just like this.

I agree with Darla in that I think you're underestimating the number of people -- the proportion of the population, more to the point -- who would stop and at least try to help. I agree with you about punishing people for behavior that's so common as to be consensually acceptable even if not formally so but I think you're wrong about this being such a case.

It's not anti-social behavior. It's social behaviour. It's how our society operates.

If you would've taken any 5 people from any part of the nation and put them in that store, 90% would've acted the same way. It's so easy to judge and look down on others but not easy to see how they came to the decision they made. It's the same level of apathy that you guys are operating on now that made these people not recongnize this person.