Cold People

To a reasonable person it should not matter, to many assholes it does, and might explain their indifference to her predicament.
How about the bypassers?

There are good sam laws, but those are designed to protect those who DO render aid from liability. Is there another law that compels one to render aid?
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How about the bypassers?

There are good sam laws, but those are designed to protect those who DO render aid from liability. Is there another law that compels one to render aid?

I'm pretty sure the law in Texas spells that out; you can be prosecuted and fined/jailed for not rendering aid.
I'm pretty sure the law in Texas spells that out; you can be prosecuted and fined/jailed for not rendering aid.
The Good Samaritan laws almost always make it so you can't be sued for attempting to give aid, but almost never attempt to force you to give aid. Some people fully understand that they are not qualified and may cause complications.

Now, most of the people in this particular case probably just assumed that somebody else called 911. Personally I would call regardless of whether I thought that had happened or not, it is better to have too many than no calls at all.
The Good Samaritan laws almost always make it so you can't be sued for attempting to give aid, but almost never attempt to force you to give aid. Some people fully understand that they are not qualified and may cause complications.

Now, most of the people in this particular case probably just assumed that somebody else called 911. Personally I would call regardless of whether I thought that had happened or not, it is better to have too many than no calls at all.

She was stabbed Damo. Do you think you might have bothered to kneel down and see if she could be tourniqueted? And if not, maybe offered her some comfort? And definitely not taken her picture?

I think most people would. I think this is astounding that these people were completely indifferent to a human life.
She was stabbed Damo. Do you think you might have bothered to kneel down and see if she could be tourniqueted? And if not, maybe offered her some comfort? And definitely not taken her picture?

I think most people would. I think this is astounding that these people were completely indifferent to a human life.
Remember that last Seinfeld?
She was stabbed Damo. Do you think you might have bothered to kneel down and see if she could be tourniqueted? And if not, maybe offered her some comfort? And definitely not taken her picture?

I think most people would. I think this is astounding that these people were completely indifferent to a human life.
I am well-trained. I would certainly have rendered aid.
Have to remember to carry rubber gloves with me at the mall so I don't catch aids from helping a stabbing victim....
Another consideration many laws do not take into account....