20 years ago China was only 2 years out of communism since then they have owned you - not the other way round. 20 years ago China hadn't even scratched the surface of economic success. 20 years ago India didn't have a motor car industry or a steel industry ... or toilets!!! now they are ready to use the US as a toilet!!
20 years ago there was no Russia, indeed it was almost 20 years ago that the USSR came to an end. Russia is now branded as the most corrupt nation in the world. Trust is not a word that springs readily to the lips.
Now, and I really do not like saying this, but no one .. no one is frightened of the great US and while you may think you can negotiate with China, India and Russia there is nothing to say they will negotiate with you. We have learned of late of the disdain which the US harbours even for its allies, let alone its avowed enemies.
China has been investing heavily in alliances in Asia and Africa and has now surrounded itself with ocean access points and access to primary products. Russia is courting them. India and China are moving very close together, despite the conflicts of the past and even Pakistan is singing to the Asian tune.
Russia will, no doubt try to keep a foot in both camps but will jump to the winning side at the drop of a samovar.
You can think yourselves fortunate - very, very fortunate - that the likes of bush are history. By golly that man and his braindead supporters have a lot to answer for.