College Football.....

And said it to the guy who was coming to town with his friends (you said it was the only way you come to Atlanta).

As I have said, name a time & place. But you haven't done that either.

You said name a time and place. You placed no restrictions on it. I named a place. You refused, more than once, to provide the information. That's when you named the fag bar where you hang out.

I'll do it again. Provide your address. That you are such a pussy you won't provide it doesn't mean I haven't named a place.
You wanted me to give you my phone number. You have shown, over and over, that you lack basic integrity, but you want my phone number?? LMAO! Yeah, that ain't happening, junior.

But name a time & place and we will talk.

As for the bar being a fag bar, you might want to get the doorman to call me BEFORE you tell him it is a fag bar. At least that way I can visit you in the hospital. No, it is not a fag bar. You'll have to find one of those on your own.

You keep saying name a time and place. I have. You refuse to provide your address yet keep saying I haven't named a place.

When you ask me to name it and I do, your failure to provide the information I need proves your cowardice.

If you go there, it's a fag bar. No reason to deny. You don't have to keep your secret love affair with the doorman secret anymore.
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You said name a time and place. You placed no restrictions on it. I named a place. You refused, more than once, to provide the information. That's when you named the fag bar where you hang out.

I'll do it again. Provide your address. That you are such a pussy you won't provide it doesn't mean I haven't named a place.

That you think any rational human would provide their actual home address to an internet troll is laughable. I said name a time and place and we will see. You want to try and make me look bad by refusing, but everyone reading this is agreeing with me.

Name a time & place to meet. It is really that simple. If you insist it be in my driveway, you are out of luck. I am not giving you my home address.

Tell you what, give me YOUR home phone and physical address, and I'll come to you. Post it out here and I'll let you know when to expect me.
The two Alabama thugs that got penalties at the end of the game show a classless program. What would you expect coming from a classless coach.

LMAO!! 60 minutes of football and you are focused on 2 penalties at the end? Oh, and did you see Saban's reaction to the penalties?
That you think any rational human would provide their actual home address to an internet troll is laughable. I said name a time and place and we will see. You want to try and make me look bad by refusing, but everyone reading this is agreeing with me.

Name a time & place to meet. It is really that simple. If you insist it be in my driveway, you are out of luck. I am not giving you my home address.

Tell you what, give me YOUR home phone and physical address, and I'll come to you. Post it out here and I'll let you know when to expect me.

I already have and YOU refused, pussy. YOU said name it, placed no parameters on where it could be, I did, and now you back down. What you really meant when you said a time and place was one you approved of although that was not what you said. Now, when you won't do something after saying where, you expect me to do it. Not how it works fag boy. You're the one that said name the time and place then backed down when you knew the results.
LMAO!! 60 minutes of football and you are focused on 2 penalties at the end? Oh, and did you see Saban's reaction to the penalties?

I pointed the classless act by a classless coached team. I saw two thugs commit two penalties. Saban's reaction? Irrelevant. If Saban kept his players in line, it wouldn't have happened to start with.

That's what happens when you take hood rats out of the hood because they happen to be able to run fast or tackle.
I already have and YOU refused, pussy. YOU said name it, placed no parameters on where it could be, I did, and now you back down. What you really meant when you said a time and place was one you approved of although that was not what you said. Now, when you won't do something after saying where, you expect me to do it. Not how it works fag boy. You're the one that said name the time and place then backed down when you knew the results.

LMAO!! Oh, so when I said "name a time and place" but refuse to give you (an unknown internet troll) my home address, you are now saying "I'm not going to do it because you wouldn't!"?? Too funny.

The results would be that you wouldn't show or you would show up with a bunch of your buddies. You talk shit, but don't have it in you to do anything.

There are plenty of places you could have named that I would have refused. You could have said meet you in the middle of I285. You could have wanted to meet at midnight in the hood. You could have wanted to meet any number of places that I would have refused. I am not scared of you. I am simply not stupid.

If you really wanted to meet me, you would have no problem naming a reasonable place to do so. You haven't. That speaks volumes.

Yes, I said name a place & time, but refused to give you my home address. You said the only way you would come to Atlanta is with a bunch of your friends. You want to back out of what you said, but hold me to ANY place you name? Don't be daft.
I pointed the classless act by a classless coached team. I saw two thugs commit two penalties. Saban's reaction? Irrelevant. If Saban kept his players in line, it wouldn't have happened to start with.

That's what happens when you take hood rats out of the hood because they happen to be able to run fast or tackle.

Which penalties are you talking about? I saw several cheap shots by Washington players, to which our boys responded.

As for hood rats, the players at the UofA are pushed to succeed in the classroom as much as they are on the field. Your ignorance of the topic is laughable.
LMAO!! Oh, so when I said "name a time and place" but refuse to give you (an unknown internet troll) my home address, you are now saying "I'm not going to do it because you wouldn't!"?? Too funny.

The results would be that you wouldn't show or you would show up with a bunch of your buddies. You talk shit, but don't have it in you to do anything.

There are plenty of places you could have named that I would have refused. You could have said meet you in the middle of I285. You could have wanted to meet at midnight in the hood. You could have wanted to meet any number of places that I would have refused. I am not scared of you. I am simply not stupid.

If you really wanted to meet me, you would have no problem naming a reasonable place to do so. You haven't. That speaks volumes.

Yes, I said name a place & time, but refused to give you my home address. You said the only way you would come to Atlanta is with a bunch of your friends. You want to back out of what you said, but hold me to ANY place you name? Don't be daft.

This can be summed up with three statements:

1) YOU said, without limits or restrictions, name a time and place.
2) I, upon request, named a place. The time couldn't be named until the location was determined.
3) YOU, despite making the request, said "No".

Anything other than you providing what you requested I name is an excuse of a coward. That's what it boils down to. I hold YOU to any place I name because when you asked, you didn't include things that weren't possibilities. Now, when you do, it's called backing down.
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Which penalties are you talking about? I saw several cheap shots by Washington players, to which our boys responded.

As for hood rats, the players at the UofA are pushed to succeed in the classroom as much as they are on the field. Your ignorance of the topic is laughable.

Sure you did. I saw flags thrown on the Alabama players and none on the Washington players. Perhaps you can tell me which cheap shots you claim the Washington players did were penalized at the end of the game. You can't which means they didn't happen.

If you think sending players off the field with 30 seconds left in a game when the result or potential results of doing so was nothing is discipline, my statement about a classless coach and team stands. While you want to think Washington players threw cheap shots, you have no proof. I do when it comes to the Alabama thugs.
This can be summed up with three statements:

1) YOU said, without limits or restrictions, name a time and place.
2) I, upon request, named a place. The time couldn't be named until the location was determined.
3) YOU, despite making the request, said "No".

Anything other than you providing what you requested I name is an excuse of a coward. That's what it boils down to. I hold YOU to any place I name because when you asked, you didn't include things that weren't possibilities. Now, when you do, it's called backing down.

This whole idea that when I said name the place, there were no restrictions, is ridiculous.

But, if that is what you insist upon, we will go with that. I will honor my request to meet you at the place and time you name. You have already named the place, so now you just need to name the time. Let me know when you will be here. No restrictions. Your first place was my house. Let me know when you will be here.
Sure you did. I saw flags thrown on the Alabama players and none on the Washington players. Perhaps you can tell me which cheap shots you claim the Washington players did were penalized at the end of the game. You can't which means they didn't happen.

If you think sending players off the field with 30 seconds left in a game when the result or potential results of doing so was nothing is discipline, my statement about a classless coach and team stands. While you want to think Washington players threw cheap shots, you have no proof. I do when it comes to the Alabama thugs.

Really? Which players received what penalties?
Oh, and in case you have forgotten, the first thing you wanted was my phone number.

And I am certain that I told you that I would absolutely not give you any personal information. That was before you any mention of a location. So, you knew I would not give you personal data when you named the location. So, you want to stick with that first request? Sure!! Come on down! Let me know when you will be here.

I'm beginning to agree with Threedee and Guille. You are just a fag.
Which penalties are you talking about? I saw several cheap shots by Washington players, to which our boys responded.

As for hood rats, the players at the UofA are pushed to succeed in the classroom as much as they are on the field. Your ignorance of the topic is laughable.

Yeah, if they can't recite the alphabet by the end of junior year, they are in yuge trouble!
You are thinking of auburn. Know why auburn grads put their diploma in their car window? So they can use handicapped parking.

Know why Alabama grads don't put their diplomas on their cars? They don't want anyone knowing they went there.
This whole idea that when I said name the place, there were no restrictions, is ridiculous.

But, if that is what you insist upon, we will go with that. I will honor my request to meet you at the place and time you name. You have already named the place, so now you just need to name the time. Let me know when you will be here. No restrictions. Your first place was my house. Let me know when you will be here.

When you don't state any limits, there aren't any.
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