(College) Grade Inflation

For this thread I'm talking specifically about college. I think at the elite schools there is a concern that if you grade the kids harder they will go elsewhere. On one hand you wouldn't think a school with a 4% acceptance rate would care about that, but they do.

It's this whole charade of 'if I don't get a 4.0 then I won't get hired on Wall St or by some consulting firm and my life will be over'. And thus, even the elite of the elite want to make sure they aren't the school known as the 'tough graders'.
Nearly anybody can get hired at a major corporation today if they check the correct box
Be any color but white.
Are far less qualified than the person to whom you will report.
Are Woke as shit and drink Bud Lite.
Have an obvious physical defect.
Wear a $62,000 necklace to the interview.
Change your accent to match that of your interviewers.
Make sure you tell the interviewer which pronoun you insist on being called. Purple or green hair for added bonus points.
Use words like "Unburden from what has become", "I love vien diagrams", and "Who doesn't love yellow school busses".
Offer a blowjob or two to the correct person, another positive.
Tell them you are a high ranking combat vet who carried "weapons of war".
Your spouse or partner loves the smell of burning tires.
You are friends with school shooters.

Big plus for any combination of the above.
Grades have been compromised forever. It is well known that the children of the wealthy and powerful do not get the same rules we did. They called them "gentlemen "C's. They would never flunk out a school benefactor's , or wealthy powerful person's kids so matter what they did.
Or top athletes.
I know of a private medical school that has the reputation as the best degree that money can buy. I never go to a doctor that graduated from there. I have worked with recent grads from Harvard Medical school. They were not superstars to say the least.
Yes, we’ve talked about this before.
A dental school classmate and good friend I stay in touch with worked at a prison out of school and was so fascinated with the population he went on to med school with the intention of being a psychiatrist.
Anyway he’s now on teaching staff at Harvard and he’s generally not impressed with the students, AT ALL.