Colorado Police Take Out Dangerous Criminal with Pepper Spray!

an 8 year old? seriously? any state costumed thug that can't handle an 8 year olds temper tantrum, stick or no stick, without pepper spraying the kid in the face should be immediately transferred to a correctional job in a high maximum security prison. what a bunch of coward cops. just like the dumb bitch that shot a chihuahua to death because she THOUGHT she'd been bitten.

The kid's likely to take a bite out of you unless you a) spray him like they did or b) clock 'em. Which would you rather they do?
I'm not surprised you fell for Fatso's lie. Now you get to watch him squirm and backtrack when he can't prove his accusation. :)

Yeah, easy for you to claim, being those posts are no longer available to view having been deleted for their vile content! I know there are people on here who can back up Zappas claim. I was away from the board when it all happened, but, sorry, I have a tendency to believe Zappa over yourself when it comes to this subject matter.
Yeah, easy for you to claim, being those posts are no longer available to view having been deleted for their vile content! I know there are people on here who can back up Zappas claim. I was away from the board when it all happened, but, sorry, I have a tendency to believe Zappa over yourself when it comes to this subject matter.

Nice try, but I haven't seen Damo remove any posts here, with the possible exception of maineman's, but certainly not any of ID's.

Regardless, Fatso made the accusation, and so have you with the "evil" comment, so its up to you and Fatman to back up what you say.
Nice try, but I haven't seen Damo remove any posts here, with the possible exception of maineman's, but certainly not any of ID's.

Regardless, Fatso made the accusation, and so have you with the "evil" comment, so its up to you and Fatman to back up what you say.

Well, I guess the only way to verify this is to ask Damo...hey, Damo, did you remove ID's comment about Zappa's daughter?
Let's see. Should the public believe Zap, who hasn't been banned, or Damn Prole who has multiple bans under his belt?
Without getting into the "evil" section of the conversation, I would like to see the question "What would you suggest they do?" be answered.
Without getting into the "evil" section of the conversation, I would like to see the question "What would you suggest they do?" be answered.

He had a stick, not a gun, he is eight years old, what would I do, grab him! I believe there was more than one officer! In my former life I dealt with children. I never had to pepper spray one, EVER! My friends works at a school for children with mental issues and they teach them ways to restrain a child, it seems that the police should have learned the same techniques?
He had a stick, not a gun, he is eight years old, what would I do, grab him! I believe there was more than one officer! In my former life I dealt with children. I never had to pepper spray one, EVER! My friends works at a school for children with mental issues and they teach them ways to restrain a child, it seems that the police should have learned the same techniques?

That is what I would have done too. The problem is, the second the cop grabs the kid the story then becomes 'cop manhandles 8 year old' or 'cop physically assaults 8 year old' or something along those lines. The cops can't win in a situation like this. The school should have the authority to discipline the kid.... for a teacher to be afraid of an 8 year old... that should tell you how nutty this kid is. His mom should rethink her 'parenting' skill set as she is clearly lacking.

Now I am not saying the cuffs were warranted in either of the above cases, but no matter how the police respond (keep in mind it is the schools who keep calling the police in these cases) they get lambasted. Personally, this is why I could never be a cop.
They should have turned the dogs on him first and then pepper sprayed him, then when his mother arrived, they should have turned the dogs on her and pepper sprayed her too, then hit her with the tazer!
By the time police arrived, young Aidan was in a full-blown meltdown. He had ripped molding from the wall and tossed chairs and a TV cart around the classroom. He had grabbed a stick and chased his teachers into the office, where they locked themselves in. “I wanted to make something sharp,” he told NBC News. “I was so mad at them.” At one point, police allege, he warned his teachers, “If you come out, you’re gonna die!”

so what would you have done differently? tackle him? then you'll likely complain it was excessive force. pepper spray on the other hand is only temporary pain and in this case, it worked. and as was noted earlier, the kid later said he kind of deserved it.

if you don't agree with pepper spray, what other option is there as talking him down failed....he was in murderous rage.