Colt AR-15 saves lives?

Sharon-Jo Ramboz was a teen-ager when, home alone one day, she was beaten and left for dead by a man who had broken into the house. She was emotionally devastated and dropped out of school. Years later, in 1989, after she was married and had children, another man broke into her home, in suburban Maryland. This time she was ready.

"I calmly walked to our closet where the firearm was stored," she testified today at a Congressional hearing on the proposed repeal of last year's ban on 19 varieties of assault weapons. "I took my Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifle" and "inserted the magazine while I was in the closet.

"I walked to the top of the stairs. Then I pulled back the bolt and, letting it go, chambered a round."

That act, which loaded a bullet for firing, produced a sound loud and distinctive enough that the intruder uttered an expletive and fled.

Mrs. Ramboz, 36, testified that the rifle had saved her life and those of her three children, whose pictures she displayed on the witness table. It is one of the types of assault weapons whose manufacture and sale were banned by the anticrime law enacted last year....

the actual event is not current, however, i found it remarkably salient to today's discussion about guns.

those on the left apparently believe this gun has no value, this story indicates quite the opposite.

I love the story and I love her name. God bless her for exercising her 2nd Amendment rights. I bet every parent in Sandy Hook who is suffering today would have loved to have had her in that room with her AR15
Where is the evidecne it saved her life? Is it not more likely the intruder was going to grab and run anyway? What about those who have been killed by "accident" by a Colt AR-15?

We will never know. But we do know is that by her being armed, a crime was deterred. What don't you get about that? Are you so wedded to your ideology that you don't understand it? I guess you think everyone lives your Ward Cleaver existence huh?
As I said a 20 ga shotgun would have worked as well.

I can use a bulldozer to pull start my tractor with, but another tractor will work as well.

I actually pulled a stuck pickup truck out of a hole with a D9 caterpillar once. it was what was handy, but had a tow truck been there it would have worked better.

Not familiar with the concept of over penetration are you guys?