Columnist Coulter in hot water over voting


JPP Modarater

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (AP) -- Conservative columnist Ann Coulter has refused to cooperate in an investigation into whether she voted in the wrong precinct, so the case will probably be turned over to prosecutors, Palm Beach County's elections chief said Wednesday..........

Knowingly voting in the wrong precinct is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

As I recall from the reports at the time of the incident, she intentionally voted in the wrong place after being told ehere she should vote. Yep she deserves some jail time. But I feel sorry for the jail and the other people in there.
won't that jailer be in for a surprise when the plumbing that goes along with that adam's apple is exposed
Don't libs reject the requirement that you vote in the right precent? Did last year in fact required percents to take voters from other precents. OH, that is Ohio. LOL
Cruel and unusual punishment for every other woman in the clink. No can do. At best, they'd have her do a Junior Soprano.

You're not looking at the big picture Ornot. Think of what her presence would do for the rate of recidivism of people locked up with her. Hel|, we could take her on a road show of prisons throughout the country. The beauty of it is she can pass in mens and women's correctional facilities. This may be the answer we've been waiting for.
i still think she's a pre-op TS...and will be sent to a men's correctional facility where she will make some inmate a very compliant "wife"
LOL, no joke, the tranny I was talking about in yesterday's thread kind of looks like her. Ann's hair looks a lot better, and I haven't seen any stubble on her chin and upper lip, but aside from that s/he looked a lot like her.
Compliant ??? Surely we are not speaking about the same person ?

when "her" cellmate is 6'6" 280 lbs.... tatoos everywhere...skinhead biker rapist....yeah...."she'll" be complaint alright.... either before he knocks her front teeth out for unencumbered access or after...
This story has been going on for months. When are they going to get to it? Talking about it seems to be the only thing that anybody is doing!