Comey May Not Like The New AG

IF there is not government ALL OF THE TIME...there is no government, Robo.

That is something you "limited government" people just cannot grasp.

There's always government Frank! Lefties like you just want and think government should always be the be all end all conductor of everything. I agree with our founders when they feared government and did all they could with our Constitution to limit the bastards in the seats of power.
There's always government Frank! Lefties like you just want and think government should always be the be all end all conductor of everything. I agree with our founders when they feared government and did all they could with our Constitution to limit the bastards in the seats of power. did say, "More unfounded accusations and insults!!!! I didn't vote for Trump!!!!! If I'm a fascist, fascist are ardent promoters of our Bill Of Rights. I believe in limited government, leftist believe in all government all the time."

I was just calling your attention to the fact that if there is not government all of the time (like the people you call "lelfties" want)...

...there is NO government.

You seem to be agreeing with me in a comment supposedly disagreeing.

You get very confusing when you torture logic that way.
Not a long wait. Holder explained that he did not protect Obama because he did not fo crimes.

If Obummer didn't commit crimes, why was his campaign fined thousands for campaign finance violations? What would you call communicating emails with Hillary Clinton on her insecure illegal email server? then he lied about it too! He said he didn't even know she was using a private server, when his emails with her on that server were discovered. He's a liar or an incompetent idiot, which do you like best? did say, "More unfounded accusations and insults!!!! I didn't vote for Trump!!!!! If I'm a fascist, fascist are ardent promoters of our Bill Of Rights. I believe in limited government, leftist believe in all government all the time."

I was just calling your attention to the fact that if there is not government all of the time (like the people you call "lelfties" want)...

...there is NO government.

You seem to be agreeing with me in a comment supposedly disagreeing.

You get very confusing when you torture logic that way.

"Confused" isn't the best definition for you Frank, "brainwashed" is better!
Fired FBI Director James Comey surely being terribly frustrated at having to testify before another closed door session of the House committee yesterday finally found his platform to grandstand with indignant furor at Trump and Fox News when he was attacked by the leftist news media, just outside the hearing room. He accusing them, Trump & Fox), of lying and suggested the Republicans needed some strong Republicans to stand up against their propaganda machine of lies and attempting to trap his sorry ass with his own testimony. This is the same James Comey that used his convenient serious bouts of amnesia while testifying over 200 times with replies to questions like “I cant recall & I can’t remember.” This is the same stiff that claimed no prosecutor would attempt to prosecute Hillary Clinton for a criminal offense even after he reported publically on TV that she had purposely set up an illegal insecure email server in her bathroom, (he left the bathroom part out), wherewith she sent and received classified government information including, (we find out later), even secret information. Need I say anybody but Hillary Clinton would still be in jail for that felony?

The thing I find the most comical about Sr. James Comey is the fact that he seems to ignore that the FAKE news media, CNN & MSNBC, seem to be at a roadblock when it comes to pointing out the lies being spouted on Fox News. Fox and Judicial Watch have collected enough evidence to put the entire gang of the FBI’s Top Cops cabal in the clink all but for the foot dragging of the Obama leftovers in the Justice Department like Rod Rosenstein, who are likely having been part of the cabal to exonerate Clinton and frame Trump.

It’s gonna get even more interesting I think whenever Trump can get a new Attorney General in office. Hopefully he’ll have the gonads to go up against the Washington cesspool and start indicting the cabal members including Comey, Clapper and Brennan. I hope his first acts are to fire Rod Rosenstein and appoint a special counsel to investigate the present and past investigators. Mueller is another scab that needs to be investigated and his unconstitutional tactics revealed and prosecuted.

Odds are he will not get confirmed.
Like I said, I like making lefties speechless! The more you say the less you say of any logic or value, you friend are speechless and proving it.

You have nothing of any value to contribute here.

All you are is an antagonist who lives in your own self-important and imagined make believe reality.

You are one of our most embarrassing posters here in the forum, so stupid at times, that it is a wonder how you remember to just breath!
If Obummer didn't commit crimes, why was his campaign fined thousands for campaign finance violations? What would you call communicating emails with Hillary Clinton on her insecure illegal email server? then he lied about it too! He said he didn't even know she was using a private server, when his emails with her on that server were discovered. He's a liar or an incompetent idiot, which do you like best?

You don't even know that? How ignorant are you? Obama campaign raised over a billion dollars. The fines were the result of not filing soon enough. There are lots of points where you are sup[posed to show the government ho w much you have collectred and from whom.It was not a crime and Obama had nothing to do with it. Do you think Trump is in charge of collecting campaign money and in charge ot its' bookkeeping. Your low llevel hate of Dems reveals your dishonesty for all to see. You are so sad.
You have nothing of any value to contribute here.

I like making lefties speechless!!!!!


That really awkward moment when you're standing there, mouth hanging open, head tilted, blinking repeatedly because your brain just can't comprehend the magnitude of absolute stupidity of another person.
If Obummer didn't commit crimes, why was his campaign fined thousands for campaign finance violations? What would you call communicating emails with Hillary Clinton on her insecure illegal email server? then he lied about it too! He said he didn't even know she was using a private server, when his emails with her on that server were discovered. He's a liar or an incompetent idiot, which do you like best?

Wow.. you're stupid.. Errors can be corrects and fined.. That's not the same thing as lies and cover ups.
Generally, Xmas break is a quiet time. The president and Congress head off home or on vacation and politics quiet down. Trump stirred up a potential shutdown. He needs an Atty general. He needs a military adviser. He needs a person for DHS. I know, lets shut the government down and play golf.
Generally, Xmas break is a quiet time. The president and Congress head off home or on vacation and politics quiet down. Trump stirred up a potential shutdown. He needs an Atty general. He needs a military adviser. He needs a person for DHS. I know, lets shut the government down and play golf.

He does know more than the Generals. So...who needs em.