Common core workshop


Moderate Republican
Staff member
Sadly, I am having to attend a workshop today as our state transitions to Common Core Curriculum. What I am learning is that I am super glad to be two years from retirement.
Ok. The common core standards aren't the issue. I have always contended that if they show me what they want taught, give me some decent books to use that I could teach it. I still say that. Common core curriculum, like a lot of stuff, sounds good on the surface. Standards that are Commonly taught and tested across the nation. I think 48 states have signed onto this. That way, when I get a new girl from Virginia (like I did yesterday) I can look at her records and make a pretty consistent evaluation of where she is at mathematically because the Standards used in Virginia are the same as in Oklahoma. Like I said, that sounds good.

But here is the deal. Teachers are expected to implement these standards which essentially back up what the kids are test on by a year. For instance, average 8th graders next year will be tested on Algebra I and Algebra I students will be tested on Algebra II, etc. All the while, the schools are still held accountable (mostly by republicans) for the scores, in that funding will be withheld from districts for inadequate scores. Republicans in OKC are using this to push for consolidation, which may be needed to a degree but isn't a viable, money saving solution in many parts of the state.
Run, leaningright, run. The standards for Common Core are soooo frickin' low that it pretty much aims to enrich colleges with overpriced "remediation" before they can begin to learn.

I mean, reading goal is THIRD GRADE? All my kids could read before kindergarten!
The math "goal" for graduation is barely Algebra II. My 7th grade daughter already kicks that out of the park. We can't let them lower our standards like this.
The math "goal" for graduation is barely Algebra II. My 7th grade daughter already kicks that out of the park. We can't let them lower our standards like this.

It's too late. As Snarla stated in another thread, the war has been won by the lefties. Why? Because they live for government, so they work in government. You will complain, but you will never take the actions that the lefties will take to change the system.

Snarla is an activist. She is a community agitator like Obama. She isn't a run of the mill liberal like Desh or Christie. She works in the trenches.

The brutal truth is that to defeat them you have to be more like me and you just aren't willing to do that.
It's too late. As Snarla stated in another thread, the war has been won by the lefties. Why? Because they live for government, so they work in government. You will complain, but you will never take the actions that the lefties will take to change the system.

Snarla is an activist. She is a community agitator like Obama. She isn't a run of the mill liberal like Desh or Christie. She works in the trenches.

The brutal truth is that to defeat them you have to be more like me and you just aren't willing to do that.

Well; she does have all that CODEPINK training.
I am doing some research, so far, not impressed, teachers don't like it from the articles I am reading, but going to ask my friends who are teachers what they think.
If you have a problem with it, GET VERY ACTIVE WITH YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD. And drag everyone you know with you. It will make a difference if you demonstrate your conviction. CC isa minimum, there is no maximum.
Run, leaningright, run. The standards for Common Core are soooo frickin' low that it pretty much aims to enrich colleges with overpriced "remediation" before they can begin to learn.

I mean, reading goal is THIRD GRADE? All my kids could read before kindergarten!

My oldest son couldn't read properly until he was seven yet still managed to get a First in Computer Science and now works for Cisco. My youngest son, who is in his final year of a Computer Science degree, could read and comprehend Wind in the Willows when he was three. Make of that what you will.
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Ok. The common core standards aren't the issue. I have always contended that if they show me what they want taught, give me some decent books to use that I could teach it. I still say that. Common core curriculum, like a lot of stuff, sounds good on the surface. Standards that are Commonly taught and tested across the nation. I think 48 states have signed onto this. That way, when I get a new girl from Virginia (like I did yesterday) I can look at her records and make a pretty consistent evaluation of where she is at mathematically because the Standards used in Virginia are the same as in Oklahoma. Like I said, that sounds good.

But here is the deal. Teachers are expected to implement these standards which essentially back up what the kids are test on by a year. For instance, average 8th graders next year will be tested on Algebra I and Algebra I students will be tested on Algebra II, etc. All the while, the schools are still held accountable (mostly by republicans) for the scores, in that funding will be withheld from districts for inadequate scores. Republicans in OKC are using this to push for consolidation, which may be needed to a degree but isn't a viable, money saving solution in many parts of the state.
And the same politicians who have made implementation of standards impossible or a self fullfilling prophecy for failure will be the same assholes who still demonize Teachers as being a bunch of incompetent union thugs when the problems arize from implementation that you predict.

I can understand why you look forward to retiring. I couldn't put up with the hordes of lay people who think that because they've read a book or two and have kids that they are qualified expert to lead the world in public education when in reality they're clueless neophytes to the education profession who are politicizing something that shouldn't be politicized.
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Talked to my teacher friends and they hate, hate this program. Still teaching to the test! Benefitting the testing companies but lousy for students!
My niece, Her union is fighting it and hopes Colorado will reject the program!
I just don't believe judging a schools performance can be done with standardized testing or even nationwide standards.