Common core workshop

Talked to my teacher friends and they hate, hate this program. Still teaching to the test! Benefitting the testing companies but lousy for students!
My niece, Her union is fighting it and hopes Colorado will reject the program!
Of course they hate it, accountability is anathema to unions. That being said, there is a decided problem holding only the schools accountable when the parent(s) are far and away the greatest factor on student performance.
We do need to find a way to judge the teacher's performance but perhaps we would do better to see who is "teaching to the test" and therefore not looking for a better way for the kids who do apply themselves.
Allowing the parent(s) to shirk their responsibility without consequence is the problem. This has to be remidied for change to occur.
I would hope the neurosurgeon was taught what he needed to know to be a surgeon, not what was necessary to pass a test. There is a difference.

Yes because they would never think to put what you need to know on the actual test. No that would be to fucking obvious

I hope you get the neurosurgeon who had the highest self esteem and didn't take any tests.
Of course they hate it, accountability is anathema to unions. That being said, there is a decided problem holding only the schools accountable when the parent(s) are far and away the greatest factor on student performance.
We do need to find a way to judge the teacher's performance but perhaps we would do better to see who is "teaching to the test" and therefore not looking for a better way for the kids who do apply themselves.
Allowing the parent(s) to shirk their responsibility without consequence is the problem. This has to be remidied for change to occur.

The gubment has done everything it can to not make that happen. The gubment encourages single motherhood, the gubment encourages the mom to work outside the home, the gubment has taken over getting junior to school, filling juniors mind with mush, and even feeding junior breakfast, lunch and dinner while teaching junior about the birds and the bees while supplying them with condoms. In fact I would bet that school is where mainemans kid finally came out of the closet.
Yes because they would never think to put what you need to know on the actual test. No that would be to fucking obvious

I hope you get the neurosurgeon who had the highest self esteem and didn't take any tests.

It is not about whether they have tests or not. To teach to the test is to compromise the actual education of the student in order to get them to do well on a test. Now that LOOKS good, when the students do well. But I don't know a single educator (or anyone knowledgeable about education) who believes that testing gives us a complete view of what was learned in any class.
The gubment has done everything it can to not make that happen. The gubment encourages single motherhood, the gubment encourages the mom to work outside the home, the gubment has taken over getting junior to school, filling juniors mind with mush, and even feeding junior breakfast, lunch and dinner while teaching junior about the birds and the bees while supplying them with condoms. In fact I would bet that school is where mainemans kid finally came out of the closet.

WTF? Isn't there enough to discuss on this topic without going to the gutter and talking about someone's kids?
Yes. Tests are so horrible. How did anyone learn anything taking a test?
Well probably because you never passed to many of them. You moron. You don't learn anything taking a test. You learn something then you take a test to demonstrate what you have learned. Dude...6th grade sure was wasted on you! :p
Of course they hate it, accountability is anathema to unions. That being said, there is a decided problem holding only the schools accountable when the parent(s) are far and away the greatest factor on student performance.
We do need to find a way to judge the teacher's performance but perhaps we would do better to see who is "teaching to the test" and therefore not looking for a better way for the kids who do apply themselves.
Allowing the parent(s) to shirk their responsibility without consequence is the problem. This has to be remidied for change to occur.
Yes there is. What is holding up education in our country is mouth breathing morons who happen to be parents who care more about football and basketball than getting their child a sound education who then try to blame educational professionals for their personal failures as a parent. Thank God educators have a union to protect themselves from all these mouth breathers and the unmotivated crumb snatchers they breed.
Yes there is. What is holding up education in our country is mouth breathing morons who happen to be parents who care more about football and basketball than getting their child a sound education who then try to blame educational professionals for their personal failures as a parent. Thank God educators have a union to protect themselves from all these mouth breathers and the unmotivated crumb snatchers they breed.

Thank you!
It is not about whether they have tests or not. To teach to the test is to compromise the actual education of the student in order to get them to do well on a test. Now that LOOKS good, when the students do well. But I don't know a single educator (or anyone knowledgeable about education) who believes that testing gives us a complete view of what was learned in any class.

Just let the unions keep running it. It has worked wonders so far. Just for the love of God don't do anything that would hold teachers accountable for fucks sake. Don't you know teachers are the most revered profession in the history of professions. We are to get up every morning and genuflect before our nearest public school and proclaim the wonders and sacrifices these people make on a daily basis.

I mean think about what they do. They deal with kids. I mean that is horrifyingly difficult. It isn't like doing something easy like dismantling bombs or anything.

They work a grueling 7 hour day five days a week. Now how many of you could handle a schedule like that? They get four weeks vacation during the school year. Are you freaking kidding me? How in the fuck are they supposed to get any down time with only four weeks vacation during the year? And then if that isn't enough of a burden, they get three months off in the entire summer. Can you fucking believe that? Can you believe that we make them take three months off a year? You couldn't handle that type of stress and workload.

Now bow down on bended knee and pray to the NEA that these people sacrifice their very souls for the chillen. Just don't for fucks sake hold them accountable for ANYTHING
Well probably because you never passed to many of them. You moron. You don't learn anything taking a test. You learn something then you take a test to demonstrate what you have learned. Dude...6th grade sure was wasted on you! :p

Here is a hint dipshit fuckwad. When you are creating a five sentence post proclaiming another individuals stupidity, you might want to make sure you don't have any grammatical errors. Apparently, I learned the difference between TO and TOO and you did not. Maybe, just maybe it is because I took a fucking test to show that I did know the difference and your fucking special ed teachers were happy your water head ass could just get off the fucking bus without cracking your fucking skull wide open.

How embarrassing for you.
Yes there is. What is holding up education in our country is mouth breathing morons who happen to be parents who care more about football and basketball than getting their child a sound education who then try to blame educational professionals for their personal failures as a parent. Thank God educators have a union to protect themselves from all these mouth breathers and the unmotivated crumb snatchers they breed.

Yes, please for the love of God, do not hold fucking teachers accountable. Tell us of all the hard work they do then hide behind the parents.

Thank you!
Thanks. I have friends and family members who are educators and every one of them is a hard working crackling sharp professional. It just really gets under my skin how educators are blamed for the flaws of our educational system and are demonized by the right when most of the flaws of our educational system begins with parents and they should be held accountable.

You want to see the USA zoom past the rest of the world in education? Start holding parents accountable for their kids performance.
Thanks. I have friends and family members who are educators and every one of them is a hard working crackling sharp professional. It just really gets under my skin how educators are blamed for the flaws of our educational system and are demonized by the right when most of the flaws of our educational system begins with parents and they should be held accountable.

You want to see the USA zoom past the rest of the world in education? Start holding parents accountable for their kids performance.

Yeah it is like blaming a doctor for leaving a sponge in your fat ass. Don't ever blame a teacher. Get on bended knees for teachers.

Arguably the best propaganda machine in history is the NEA. They can't teach kids for shit but they sure have you fooled.

Hey did you know that education majors have the lowest SATs of all college majors? Yeah. It's true

Fuck teachers. Privatize education
Thanks. I have friends and family members who are educators and every one of them is a hard working crackling sharp professional. It just really gets under my skin how educators are blamed for the flaws of our educational system and are demonized by the right when most of the flaws of our educational system begins with parents and they should be held accountable.

You want to see the USA zoom past the rest of the world in education? Start holding parents accountable for their kids performance.

So you'd be on board with my parental licensing proposal?
Yes there is. What is holding up education in our country is mouth breathing morons who happen to be parents who care more about football and basketball than getting their child a sound education who then try to blame educational professionals for their personal failures as a parent. Thank God educators have a union to protect themselves from all these mouth breathers and the unmotivated crumb snatchers they breed.
The union does no such thing. It should be preaching what Bill Cosby has been telling anyone who will listen but instead they obstruct any and all efforts to change for the better.
The gubment has done everything it can to not make that happen. The gubment encourages single motherhood, the gubment encourages the mom to work outside the home, the gubment has taken over getting junior to school, filling juniors mind with mush, and even feeding junior breakfast, lunch and dinner while teaching junior about the birds and the bees while supplying them with condoms. In fact I would bet that school is where mainemans kid finally came out of the closet.
Yes, the government has done nothing to help and everything to hurt for a couple generations. They have seen the success of making welfare slaves so they can enrich their cronies out of the public treasury. Time to throw the bums out. ALL the bums.
The union does no such thing. It should be preaching what Bill Cosby has been telling anyone who will listen but instead they obstruct any and all efforts to change for the better.
Bullshit. It's right wing fanatics who want teachers to force feed their right wing propaganda down kids throughts instead of teaching them how to think critically while paying them minimum wage is what prevents many of the best talents from entering the education profession. I know I wouldn't put up that shit and substandard wages which gives me even greater respect for those whom do.

Our educators are not the problem. They are the solution. Stupid parents are the problem. Not unions.