Communists Takeover

Are there any of the 45 communist goals to take over America that have not been accomplished yet?

Here are the 45 goals that were read into congressional record in 1963:

There are a few that are not relevant now, but it looks like most of those 45 communist goals have been accomplished. Thoughts?

Most of the ones that were accomplished weren't done by Communists, rather they were things normally accepted in America.
"Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party."
Well, yeah, I expect them to not want their party banned. But in addition to that, this is America. We respect anyone's freedom to have a political party. The American Nazi Party isn't banned either.
Most of the ones that were accomplished weren't done by Communists, rather they were things normally accepted in America.
"Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party."
Well, yeah, I expect them to not want their party banned. But in addition to that, this is America. We respect anyone's freedom to have a political party. The American Nazi Party isn't banned either.

I think 15 through 30 are the biggest ones. Commies have accomplished these goals.
Are there any of the 45 communist goals to take over America that have not been accomplished yet?

Here are the 45 goals that were read into congressional record in 1963:

There are a few that are not relevant now, but it looks like most of those 45 communist goals have been accomplished. Thoughts?

Those are not anything from communists but some book written by a former FBI guy during the red scare of the 1950's.

Some of those things that have been "achieved" are just protections of American freedoms; such as:

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths

And others have been undone:
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

It was basically just scare mongering during the red scare.
I think 15 through 30 are the biggest ones. Commies have accomplished these goals.

"Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States."

If you want to believe the DNC is run by Commies, you need to have a reeeeeeally loose definition of Communism.

"Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights."

What are some examples of that happening?

"Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks."

Again, you'd need a really loose definition of Communism.
By Communism, do you mean Soviet-style Communism or Antifa-style Cultural Marxism?
Who are the 'Communists'?

Lefties are commies. Political identifiers such as progressive, democrat, liberal, communist, libertarian, etc, no longer have meaning in the modern political climate. They are all merged into the same group of commies, I just refer to them as lefties. Commies can change their name as many times as they like, but they are still the same enemy who had goals of taking over America. Americans at the time those goals were read into congress recognized this group as our national enemy.
Those are not anything from communists but some book written by a former FBI guy during the red scare of the 1950's.

Some of those things that have been "achieved" are just protections of American freedoms; such as:

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths

And others have been undone:
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

It was basically just scare mongering during the red scare.

I thought the same thing about #12. The American Nazi Party is also legal. That's America, everyone has the freedom to have a political party.
The whole thing does just look like how Conservatives view Communism.
Lefties are commies. Political identifiers such as progressive, democrat, liberal, communist, libertarian, etc, no longer have meaning in the modern political climate. They are all merged into the same group of commies, I just refer to them as lefties. Commies can change their name as many times as they like, but they are still the same enemy who had goals of taking over America. Americans at the time those goals were read into congress recognized this group as our national enemy.

You consider Communists and Libertarians to be the same thing?

So by "Communism," you're not actually referring to Marxist Communism.
Lefties are commies. Political identifiers such as progressive, democrat, liberal, communist, libertarian, etc, no longer have meaning in the modern political climate. They are all merged into the same group of commies, I just refer to them as lefties. Commies can change their name as many times as they like, but they are still the same enemy who had goals of taking over America. Americans at the time those goals were read into congress recognized this group as our national enemy.

I thought the same thing about #12. The American Nazi Party is also legal. That's America, everyone has the freedom to have a political party.
The whole thing does just look like how Conservatives view Communism.

I remember speakers telling us "there is a communist in every church" and other scare stuff. I had to sign a loyalty oath when I started college. If a person is planning to subvert the government he certainly would have no qualms about falsely signing a loyalty oath.
Lefties are commies. Political identifiers such as progressive, democrat, liberal, communist, libertarian, etc, no longer have meaning in the modern political climate. They are all merged into the same group of commies, I just refer to them as lefties. Commies can change their name as many times as they like, but they are still the same enemy who had goals of taking over America. Americans at the time those goals were read into congress recognized this group as our national enemy.

People living in communist nations were convinced the U. S. wanted to take over their country. It was what the governments told the people so we would support a strong military to support containment. There is not much left of communism today except for the communist party (China) that practices a lot of private ownership of industries and free market economics. Saying a liberal or libertarian is the same thing as communism completely destroys the meaning of all those terms. A libertarian has nothing in common with socialism or communism.
You consider Communists and Libertarians to be the same thing?

So by "Communism," you're not actually referring to Marxist Communism.

The political identifiers no longer mean anything. There are only two sides of the political war that defines our current political landscape, and the only way I can tell who is on which side is to talk to them or read what they have to say. In general though, most "libertarians" I talk to these days seem to be commies.
The political identifiers no longer mean anything. There are only two sides of the political war that defines our current political landscape, and the only way I can tell who is on which side is to talk to them or read what they have to say. In general though, most "libertarians" I talk to these days seem to be commies.

What makes a commie?
People living in communist nations were convinced the U. S. wanted to take over their country. It was what the governments told the people so we would support a strong military to support containment. There is not much left of communism today except for the communist party (China) that practices a lot of private ownership of industries and free market economics. Saying a liberal or libertarian is the same thing as communism completely destroys the meaning of all those terms. A libertarian has nothing in common with socialism or communism.

Commies got a bad name awhile back, so they learned how to hijack other names like progressives, democrats, libertarians, GOP, Republican, etc. They never stopped being commies, they just used new names.