fully immersed in faith..
of schools, student newspapers, the press, radio, TV, and motion pictures, art critics, art museums?.......not that I heard of......Are Republicans and Democrats not both trying to gain control?
of schools, student newspapers, the press, radio, TV, and motion pictures, art critics, art museums?.......not that I heard of......Are Republicans and Democrats not both trying to gain control?
of schools, student newspapers, the press, radio, TV, and motion pictures, art critics, art museums?.......not that I heard of......
Take #17, "Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks."
How does, or did, any Communist entity ever get control of the schools? Education is under the control of the individual States, so you are saying all fifty States are run by Communists?
You can't even work at a school if they find out you are a righty. I have to sift out PETA junk mail addressed to my kids via school. My kids see movies at school that promote queer parents. School is where my kids are taught all kinds of lefty agenda.
My older kids got incredible amounts of commie agenda in college. When I looked in their bookstore for the books on capitalism that I enjoyed in college, I couldn't even find any books on capitalism. They had the Commie Manifesto though...
As I noted above, Education is controlled by the individual States, so if what you are claiming is true that would mean all fifty States are run by Commies.
It doesn't matter what percentage of states are commie run or how it got that way, what matters is that schools are indeed being used as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda, and commie agenda is being put in the textbooks. Commie goal 17 has been achieved.
Then you're not paying attention. There are politically partisan people trying to get into all of those fields. And it's not uncommon for people to use their influence to promote their politics.
As I noted above, Education is controlled by the individual States, so if what you are claiming is true that would mean all fifty States are run by Commies.
actually, education is controlled mostly by municipalities..........and they've only achieved their goal in places overrun by lib'ruls............
Education is controlled by the States, municipalities follow the State's directives, the curriculum is set at the State level not locally
well yeah....but they're socialist/communist lib'ruls.......
Depends how you define "Communism." If anyone to the left of you is a Communist, then sure.
I include you folks to the left of Karl, Joseph and Mao.......
Ha, Stalin and Mao weren't left. They were typical right-wing totalitarianists.
like I said....from where you are standing they look like right wingers.....but they were just more left wing totalitarians......
There is no such thing as "left-wing totalitarians."
yeah, you run with that and scissors and see where it gets you.......
Maybe look up what Leftism actually is instead of just watching Fox News.
You are a commie.
Maybe look up what Leftism actually is instead of just watching Fox News.