There are more, but if the shoe fits, wear it. (and of course, I expect this to be moved)
This post is in reference to ASSHAT, BATTLEBORNE, DARLA, and of course DAMO. In General, It must be a kick to be able to post anything you wish in the Garbage thread without direct response from me. A bit chickenshit, but that is you people. and you have your own lack of ethics. (Since have already stated that I won't post anyyhing on that thread, and I have not.)
Every one of the posts atributed to me have been moved there by DAMO, Justified simply by his lies and disengeneousness.
That's enough said regarding ASSHAT He is usually senseless anyhow.
BB, I have to say I am disappointed. you had seemed to get better and somewhat reasonable. then you slipped back.
DARLA, I don't care how slutty you talk. but your hypocricy bothers me. You can tlk slutty, and that seems to be OK, but if someone else says something off-color, you app[ear to b dismayed.
Then we get 6o the LYING JACKASS DAMO. wherein there wouldn't be the other persistant Jackasses without his instgation (acceptance) of them DAMO, I have never requested, asked for, even implied that I wanted this stupidity you have instituted. I did state that I recognized you had the opion of ban me if you so chose. but the rest is [purely your imagination, It is all your imagination, and while I assume it is perfectly legal for you to move my posts anywhere you please. since you own the site, I suggest your actions have been anything but ethical. You even appeared to have an ulterior motive in your action which makes your actions even more disengeneous. The following is a "TRUE exerpt from one of your PMS to me.
I like my solution, and it serves well as a fun thread for other members as well.(unquote)
You may continue to move all of my posts which even remotely disagree with your point of veiw as you don't seem to be able to differentiate between a objection to your point of veiw on an issue, or your approach to an issue from compaint abuot your "mad"eration, but that is your problem.
If you want to continue to add confusion to the site. Have at it.
I don't respond to all of your posts, (and sometimes even agree.)but I will continue to respond as appropriate (IMHO) whenever necessary. And you can take THAT to the bank.