Computer Question


Well-known member
Why is my computer missing key strokes, meaning that it misses one out of every four or five characters I type.

It gets better and worse during the day, and only on this site.
The only on this site is difficult to factor in. If the better / worse is predictable is there a connection to (if there is such) time you visit here ? Could you possibly type a bit differently here ? Faster slower harder softer ? Are there times when it works as it should ? First thing last thing ? Its likely a failing keyboard. Possibly a failing motherboard. If its a desk top swap keyboards. If jit plug an external keboard in and see what that dkes. If its an ipad... there you have it. Its Apple's way of having you come back and give them money. Good luck.
Why is my computer missing key strokes, meaning that it misses one out of every four or five characters I type.

It gets better and worse during the day, and only on this site.

Maybe you aren't paying enough taxes?

Isn't there a gubmint agency you can reach out to? I mean shit, you paid $100,000 in taxes. This isn't right. Your general welfare is at stake.

Oh the humanity

you either have a bad keyboard, or its user error. Keyboards seldom go bad, but just have your driver take your butler down to the nearest blue shirt best buy, and pick one out. Then have your assistant install it. See what happens.
you either have a bad keyboard, or its user error. Keyboards seldom go bad, but just have your driver take your butler down to the nearest blue shirt best buy, and pick one out. Then have your assistant install it. See what happens.

Keyboards are cheap and go bad more than they used to.
The only on this site is difficult to factor in. If the better / worse is predictable is there a connection to (if there is such) time you visit here ? Could you possibly type a bit differently here ? Faster slower harder softer ? Are there times when it works as it should ? First thing last thing ? Its likely a failing keyboard. Possibly a failing motherboard. If its a desk top swap keyboards. If jit plug an external keboard in and see what that dkes. If its an ipad... there you have it. Its Apple's way of having you come back and give them money. Good luck.

It does not happen on Microsoft word where I write other things. If I type slowly, sometimes it will work better here, others no. Now, as I type I am having no problem... but a couple min's ago as I typed on a different thread I was having to hit each key several times to get the character to pop up. I have a Microsoft wireless keyboard and I changed the batteries, but that had no effect.

Its very frustrating, and when it happens, I usually go away and come back later, but sometimes I have a point I want to make and it drives me crazy.

Thanks for the info.
As much as I enjoy reading the responses about you having the grubberment take care of this for you, or your wait staff, it's probably just a bad radio connection between your USB receiver and your keyboard. You probably have it plugged into the back of your PC, either shielded by the metal cabinet or just too far away from the keyboard. Buy a USB extension cord and set the receiver closer to the keyboard.
What he said. Also could try moving the usb thingy to a different port. And if you still have your old corded keyboard that would rule out
mothernoard if it worked flswlessly.
The only on this site is difficult to factor in. If the better / worse is predictable is there a connection to (if there is such) time you visit here ? Could you possibly type a bit differently here ? Faster slower harder softer ? Are there times when it works as it should ? First thing last thing ? Its likely a failing keyboard. Possibly a failing motherboard. If its a desk top swap keyboards. If jit plug an external keboard in and see what that dkes. If its an ipad... there you have it. Its Apple's way of having you come back and give them money. Good luck.

Why would it be the motherboard? The motherboard is an extremely reliable component, I've honestly never seen or even heard of that being the cause of a computer failure, unless you dropped water on it or something. This is also a very weird way for a keyboard to fail - the keyboard does not have any sort of complex circuitry in it, it's not going to pick up four characters or so and then drop the next because it's overworked or something. Specific keys will sometimes fail, but not every X character you type.
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I've had a MB fail before, in the PC that I used to use to monitor my mountain cabin. Every electronic device breaks there, even ones that aren't plugged into the wall. I've replaced my coffee maker about four times, the last time because it just started leaking internally. Florescent light fixtures: break. I've fixed my ice maker twice and have since given up on that. My wife's alarm clock broke, and that's on a battery.

My wife accuses me of building over an Indian cemetery, but I didn't find any graves when I dug for the basement...
It does not happen on Microsoft word where I write other things. If I type slowly, sometimes it will work better here, others no. Now, as I type I am having no problem... but a couple min's ago as I typed on a different thread I was having to hit each key several times to get the character to pop up. I have a Microsoft wireless keyboard and I changed the batteries, but that had no effect.

Its very frustrating, and when it happens, I usually go away and come back later, but sometimes I have a point I want to make and it drives me crazy.

Thanks for the info.

Wireless keyboard? You should have said so. That's an entirely different deal, the receiver has to interpret an oft-unreliable connection and sometimes things get dropped. My old wireless keyboard used to always have problems like this. And, for one thing, Bluetooth (a now common standard for extremely short range wireless transmission) shares the 2.4 Ghz band with Wi-Fi, it could only effect this site because that's the only time your internet connection is being saturated and causing contention with the bluetooth. I would tell you to try and change the wi-fi channel, but you wouldn't know how and it might be infrared or some shitty technology anyway. Try moving the receiver closer to your keyboard, or even drop the damn thing right on it, that could help it overpower any sort of interference, otherwise get a non-shitty non-wireless keyboard. Only other thing I can think of is that your behavior might be different when using this site - are you moving the keyboard further away from the receiver somehow?
Your computer might also be slow due to a virus or something (any computer bought in the last decade probably wouldn't be slow due to actual slow hardware), causing Windows to sometimes drop thing in the input buffer from your keyboard. Maybe your browser tabs stress the computer more than word would as well. But I haven't had a problem like this since my old 75 mhz Windows 95 box, it's not usually something you have to worry about on a modern system, just throwing it out there. I probably shouldn't even do that, a non-computer expert always thinks everything is due to their computer being slow, tell them that and they'll chunk it in the landfill and go buy a brand new $2000 computer with a quad core i7 for their tax software and word processor.
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I've had a MB fail before, in the PC that I used to use to monitor my mountain cabin. Every electronic device breaks there, even ones that aren't plugged into the wall. I've replaced my coffee maker about four times, the last time because it just started leaking internally. Florescent light fixtures: break. I've fixed my ice maker twice and have since given up on that. My wife's alarm clock broke, and that's on a battery.

My wife accuses me of building over an Indian cemetery, but I didn't find any graves when I dug for the basement...

Yeah, every device breaks, but solid state electronic components will be the last ones to cause the problem. I've had my laptop for 6 years, it's an ancient gaming dinosaur with a huge GPU in a tight space always spitting out ridiculous amounts of heat, basically the worst conditions imaginable for electronic components. Doesn't help that I overclock the CPU from 2.0 Ghz to 2.4 Ghz. In that time, the hard drive, the only mechanical component, has failed four times, the screen got broke when a door fell on it (rendering it basically a desktop), but the solid state electronic components are still chugging on.