Condi's school girl crush on Dubya...


Will work for Scooby snacks

‘They’re Siamese twins joined at the frontal lobe.’ : A forthcoming biography of Condoleezza Rice, excerpted by Newsweek, examines the ties between President Bush and Condoleezza Rice:

Rice was drawn to Bush. “First of all, I thought he was wonderful to be around,” she recalled, sitting on the couch in her State Department office. “He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind … You could barely finish an explanation before he was digging into it.”

Bush was also a bad boy. And Rice, according to friends and family, had a thing for bad boys…

Rice’s friends insisted the attraction to Bush was platonic, but Brenda Hamberry-Green, her Palo Alto hairdresser, who had spent years commiserating with Rice over how hard it was for successful black women to find a good man, noticed a change when Rice started working for Bush. “He fills that need,” Hamberry-Green decided. “Bush is her feed.” …

“There was this connective stuff–that was really fully under way by the summer of 1999,” said Rice’s friend Coit “Chip” Blacker. “There’s a funny kind of transfer of energy and ideas that’s almost–not random, but unstructured. It’s as though they’re Siamese twins joined at the frontal lobe.” glad I clicked on this thread!

1) I'm surprised there was no mention of his blue jeans
2) That bit she says about him being "inquisitive" sounds like she's talking about a 10 y/o boy
3) I LOOOOOOOVE That the hairdresser was quoted.

‘They’re Siamese twins joined at the frontal lobe.’ : A forthcoming biography of Condoleezza Rice, excerpted by Newsweek, examines the ties between President Bush and Condoleezza Rice:


So this is finally going to hit the mainstream? I will never forget the picture on the front page of the NY Times that convinced me they were screwing. And nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I guess I know how two lovers look at each other. Don't need an interpretation.

So this is finally going to hit the mainstream? I will never forget the picture on the front page of the NY Times that convinced me they were screwing. And nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I guess I know how two lovers look at each other. Don't need an interpretation.

LOL, I luuuuuuuuv it!

Trash TV meets politics.
I'd definitely buy that book. If what the hair dresser is saying is true, I'm sure she'd be down. But this is the first time I've heard this talked about seriously.

So this is finally going to hit the mainstream? I will never forget the picture on the front page of the NY Times that convinced me they were screwing. And nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I guess I know how two lovers look at each other. Don't need an interpretation.

HeHeHe. I thought thos rumours were tabloid crapola, before. Now, I'm not so sure.

This is NOT how a Secretary of State and former Stanford University President, talks about a male politician...especially a male with the IQ of a chimpanzee:

"He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind …"

-Condi Rice
HeHeHe. I thought thos rumours were tabloid crapola, before. Now, I'm not so sure.

This is NOT how a Secretary of State and former Stanford University President, talks about a male politician...especially a male with the IQ of a chimpanzee:

"He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind …"

-Condi Rice

This is a woman who has never been married, who accidently referred to Bush as "my husband" at a public dinner! Now, if she were married, then I would say, ok anyone can make that mistake, because you're used to saying "my husband". But she's not married, she never has been married. Why are the words "my husband" coming out of her mouth in regards to Bush???
Darla, maybe that all explains her propesity to lie on Bush's behalf. Prior to 1999, it's not like she was some partisan republican operative, or GOP hack. Not that I'm aware of. She was president of a great american university. Not exactly where party insiders and partisan hacks hang out.

Yet, party hackery aside, a smitten, love-struck woman will tell any lie, to support her man. :shock:
A Freudian slip ?

The truth eventually reveals itself. This Episode of the George and Connie show might prove interesting.
Wow. Is this much schadenfreude over just speculation even healthy?

It wouldn't be healthy for any two people to look at each other the way they do, in places his wife can see it.

If she wasn't tranqued to within an inch of her life, she probably would have wrapped him in the head with a frying pan already.
Yeah same here, I had heard rumors of marital problems, but not of the Connie thing until now. I had my suspicions but had not heard anything about it.
Well, it explains a lot. A whole lot. If she ever owns up to it, I think I'd be willing to cut her a tad bit of slack. We've all done stupid things for love. Granted, not taken an entire country into war under false pretenses, cost thousands lives and billions and dollars in destruction, but I've certainly left logic and reason behind to follow my heart.
“He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind … You could barely finish an explanation before he was digging into it.” -- CONDI RICE

I'm calling BS on this. I've never heard any credible person say bush has an inquisitive mind.

Recall that Condi was Governor Bush's foreign policy "tutor" in 1999.:

Note to Condi: Bush asking you where the hell Serbia is on a map, or asking you who the president of Russia is, does not qualify him as having a sharp, "inquistive" mind. Love may fool you into thinking it does. But, these are in fact, the questions of a moron or a dunce.