Condi's school girl crush on Dubya...

I'm calling BS on this. I've never heard any credible person say bush has an inquisitive mind.

Recall that Condi was Governor Bush's foreign policy "tutor" in 1999.:

Note to Condi: Bush asking you where the hell Serbia is on a map, or asking you who the president of Russia is, does not qualify him as having a sharp, "inquistive" mind. Love may fool you into thinking it does. But, these are in fact, the questions of a moron or a dunce.

That's the sentence that stuck out for me too. Knowing what I know, I think it makes him sound down right infantile.
I'm calling BS on this. I've never heard any credible person say bush has an inquisitive mind.

Recall that Condi was Governor Bush's foreign policy "tutor" in 1999.:

Note to Condi: Bush asking you where the hell Serbia is on a map, or asking you who the president of Russia is, does not qualify him as having a sharp, "inquistive" mind. Love may fool you into thinking it does. But, these are in fact, the questions of a moron or a dunce.

Yeah but she doesn't specify what she was "explaining" that made him "dig right into it".

You know how those professor/student role-playing things can get pretty kinky pretty fast.

I mean, or so I've heard.
LadyT, You remember the latest scientific study that concluded that love was a form of insanity don't ya ?
Still it IS fun ;)
Yeah but she doesn't specify what she was "explaining" that made him "dig right into it".

You know how those professor/student role-playing things can get pretty kinky pretty fast.

I mean, or so I've heard.

LOL. Exactly.

The Chimp was so ignorant of the world at large, and of foreign policy, I'm sure he asked his foreign policy "tutor" (Condi) a LOT of questions in 1999. And if we know our chimp at all, they were probably really dumb questions - "Condi, why do they speak spanish in Latin America? Why aren't they speaking Latin? I don't get it"

To condi's love struck mind, these probably seemed like the questions of a highly inqusitive, knowledge-hungry man.