they don't care if its true or not
they will just repete it anyway.
Their gullibility is laughable.
they don't care if its true or not
they will just repete it anyway.
Proof positive that you know squat about both. I have been both honest and ambitious my entire life and you've made it perfectly clear you're speaking for your kind the lazy crooked bastards of the world.
...and the damn fool cons fell for it hook, line and sinker.
KLBJ's False Flag
Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story
By Brandon Watson, 11:00AM, Sat. Nov. 23, 2013
By now, "News Radio" KLBJ should have their ears finely tuned to fiction. After all, this is a station that hosts the Alex Jones Show every Sunday afternoon. But when a woman identifying herself as "Lucy" called in with enough yarn to knit a holiday sweater, they were too ready to cuddle up in the warmth.
KLBJ had struck viral gold. Your uncle who bought a lock of Megyn Kelly's hair on eBay probably forwarded you the story. Finally, one of Ronald Reagan's welfare queens was willing to admit that she games the system, hitting the bong and eating Cool Ranch Doritos in government-assisted splendor. What's more, she is unrepentant, calling working stiffs fools.
The hosts of "Austin's Morning News" ate it up. The station's Facebook following were quick to follow suit. "Bitch needs to be sent to jail for possession of an illegal substance, she needs to be kicked off of WELFARE and her damned tubes REMOVED," opined one of the faithful. "But we dont need drug tes testing for them even though I have to pass one fir my job," said another. Soon conservative blogs were reporting the scandalous affair. Geraldo Rivera was likely somewhere lurking, waiting to tickle outrage with his signature mustache.
...There was, however, one small problem. "Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses. Touché libruls.
To be fair, the original Facebook post went live before the second call. Obviously, KLBJ would want to keep the grift on the DL. The story went cold. That is until today when KLBJ News Director Todd Jeffries (the "Todd" of "Todd and Don") posted the below very special PowerPoint to YouTube. The retraction be damned, KLBJ wants some more of that Tea Party gold. Along with the (oddly interrupted) "full audio" of the original call, viewers are treated to a slideshow of conservative memes. Here's Brad Pitt eating Lays on a couch. Wait, now it's a potato. Touché libruls.
There is no mention of the second call, no admission of guilt. This "Lucy" is goosey, ready to raise blood pressure again. But this time, KLBJ is aware it's bogus. To their credit, Facebook users are doing a good job of reminding the station that it's a cheap ploy. In defense, the station responded to one user, "it was on a talk show, not news." It's perhaps the most honest thing they have said all year.
http://www. austinchronicle com/daily/news/2013-11-23/klbjs-false-flag/
Nope. Honesty and ambition really are incompatible. It's proven. Like when whistleblowers get arrested?
Their gullibility is laughable.
And of course you can prove Brandon Watson’s Austin Chronicle right-wing love story is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, right commie? Of course there’s no fucking chance that Brandon is a neo-commie like you working for a fish wrapper promoting commie propaganda, huh?
Your net cut & paste is less provable than the video staring that Gal Lucy. If you think that shit isn’t going on just as Lucy confessed, your leftist head is as far up your commie ass as the moron commie’s AssHatZombie!
Yea like "If you like your healthcare insurance you can absolutely keep it" "If you like your doctor you can keep him/her!" "Period!" Which gang of fucking assholes believed that shit and still do???? Guess who!!!
Their gullibility is laughable.
I didn't expect to change your hackish mind but more info may give others food for thought.
And who's the idiot who believes "Lucy" when she talks about staying on welfare for her lifetime?
Except that they use these same damn stories (and others like them which are just as false) on the floor of the Congress to defend their draconian austerity maneuvers that might cut food stamps by an additional $12 dollars this year and change the way the cost of living is calculated for SS and Veterans Pensions!
Duh! Why that would be every intelligent folk not brainwashed and brain-dead like y'all moron leftist commies, huh commie?
Look at the video around 4:10 where she talks about staying on welfare for her entire life. Then look at post #20 where I tried to educate you dummies that "There is a maximum of 60 months of benefits within one's lifetime, but some states have instituted shorter periods."
Choke on that you imbecilic rightie fascist.
Look at the video around 4:10 where she talks about staying on welfare for her entire life. Then look at post #20 where I tried to educate you dummies that "There is a maximum of 60 months of benefits within one's lifetime, but some states have instituted shorter periods."
Choke on that you imbecilic rightie fascist.
The only thing that proves moron is the corruption of your beloved tyrannical government it's no indication that honesty and ambition aren't compatible.
Oh yeah. corporations never fire whistleblowers. You're a fucked in the head moron of immense proportions.
We were not having a government versus corporation debate here anyway. That distinction is false anyway. In all organizations public and private, the highest members routinely violate their stated policies, and punish whistleblowers. Keeping a lid on corrupt practices and routine abuse is the key to promotion. Hence, honesty and ambition are incompatible.
Well Goober I’ve yet to notice a more ignorant and perfectly stupid fucking lefty here than you except for maybe Fatty Shitty Panties.
I don’t give a flying fuck whether it’s government or corporations or a fucking street gang. Your insinuation is preposterous! The only thing you’re proving aside from your own fucking stupidity is the corruption of the bastards that persecute whistleblowers. Ambition & honesty are nicely compatible in many, many ambitious honest people but nobody is claiming you can’t have one without the other, MORON!!!