what the FUCK has happened to this country?
whos declaring war?
Oh, this will be good. What 'lessons' should we have taken from Vietnam?
I'm for staying out of it all together but if he is hell bent on going ahead then Repubs have zero leg to stand on if they do decide, which it looks like they will, to fight him.
Congress gave the retarded cowboy from Crawford approval to go after the guy who tried to kill his daddy so now they balk when kids are being gassed? Personally I think its none of our business and there are no American interests at stake in Syria but neither was there in Iraq so they need to go ahead and give Barack the green light in all fairness.
Things like this is why the UN was created. Sense we were not attacked, let the UN decide.
I really wish that what i'm about to say weren't true but the U.N. is about as useless as tits on a boar.
My big fear is that this drags Iran into the picture and America can't handle a million Iranians, they will destroy us.
naw, they won't destroy us. But they would cost us a lot of money and we might have to resort to bombs we really don't want to use.
They might destroy Israel though
And fighting Iran would be hugely destabilizing to the whole area.
Congress gave the retarded cowboy from Crawford approval to go after the guy who tried to kill his daddy so now they balk when kids are being gassed? Personally I think its none of our business and there are no American interests at stake in Syria but neither was there in Iraq so they need to go ahead and give Barack the green light in all fairness.
Congress gave the retarded cowboy from Crawford approval to go after the guy who tried to kill his daddy so now they balk when kids are being gassed? Personally I think its none of our business and there are no American interests at stake in Syria but neither was there in Iraq so they need to go ahead and give Barack the green light in all fairness.
I'm a tit for tat guy.
I'm curious;
Do you mean "retarded" as in someone with a mentally handicap?
Do you mean "retarded" as in someone that doesn't know the term is derogatory when used in the wrong context?..............
I'm for staying out of it all together but if he is hell bent on going ahead then Repubs have zero leg to stand on if they do decide, which it looks like they will, to fight him.