Congressional Budget Office On Obama-Care

Well if the definition of "endowed by their creator" is just a fancy way of referring to mommy and daddy, then by extension that means our right to "keep and bear arms" was given to us by our parents.

You sure you want to go with that definition?

Personally, I go with the "supreme being." The mommy & daddy folks are usually atheist or agnostics, which is OK too because inalienable rights are guaranteed by all that is sanely and morally upheld by the common sense that any and all human actions are inalienable rights as long as they violate no physical or moral right of others and mommy & daddy may well be intelligent enough to pass that truth on. Of course there are leftist who avoid truths because they wish to enslave the world to their authoritarianism. They're fucking tyrannical bastards that fear an armed population because an armed population is most likely to remain a FREE population. Lefties hate freedom!!!!!
Sorry, but the guy who wrote the report you're citing says you are wrong...

Well, lookie. At the same hearing in which Rep. Paul Ryan was forced to acknowledge that no, the CBO report didn't say that Obamacare would kill 2 million jobs, the flip-side of 2 million workers free to quit their jobs was explored. And guess what? It actually turns out that Obamacare is going to reduce unemployment, as CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf reiterates with Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) in that video clip. Greg Sargent has more:

On page 124, the report estimates that the ACA will "boost overall demand for goods and services over the next few years because the people who will benefit from the expansion of Medicaid and from access to the exchange subsidies are predominantly in lower-income households and thus are likely to spend a considerable fraction of their additional resources on goods and services." This, the report says, "will in turn boost demand for labor over the next few years."

"When you boost demand for labor in this kind of economy, you actually reduce the unemployment rate, because those people who are looking for work can find more work, right?" Van Hollen asked Elmendorf.

"Yes, that's right," Elmendorf said.

Elmendorf added that the factor Van Hollen had identified was something CBO thinks "spurs employment and would reduce unemployment over the next few years."

That's considering the increased buying power lower-income folks are going to have now that they don't have to spend so much on health care. It's not considering the jobs that will be opening up as people choose to leave them to pursue other opportunities. It's not counting the potential jobs created by people leaving those jobs to start their own businesses. Even Republicans love those people, right? Republicans especially love those people, unless of course those people are foregoing the "dignity of work" to become moochers reliant on tax credits to help them pay for health insurance.

Here's the truth: Obamacare isn't a jobs killer. It's a jobs creator. The Republicans' dirty little secret is that this is something they've known all along; it's one of the reasons they've fought so hard to kill the law. It's one of the reason so many Republican governors and legislatures have refused participate. Economic sabotage has been one of the GOP's primary tactics against President Obama, and Obamacare opposition has been part and parcel of that.

And another neocon/teabagger distorted bullhorn is silenced!