Consequences of eliminating the federal minimum wage.

You made what you were worth

My "worth" is revealing your lack of relevancy Donald. You and your imagined wealth are totally irrelevant. You're a lost lonely irrelevant clueless pathetic soul. Your only talent here is unfounded accusations, childish personal insults and irrelevant one liners.:rofl2::cof1:
In my opinion, it’s much more reasonable with honest interpretation of the Constitution to opine that a FMW is unconstitutional and any decision about a minimum wage is by authority of the 10th amendment of our Bill Of Rights the power of State government that’s closer to the people whereby any negative or positive consequences thereof a MW would more readily be dealt with by the people at the polls. A FMW mandates no State can reject a MW. That’s central “socialist” government, only promoted by socialist. ...
... All of that, [i.e. a minimum wage rate] should be dealt with by State government in accordance with the 10th amendment to our Constitution, then you’d actually have some real evidence of the negative or positive consequences of the MW. Also businesses and the people could vote with their feet and locate where they found the best conditions for their personal and business economy.

Robo, the federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate prevents “spoilers” of our national economy. The law permits states to increase the minimum wage permitted under their jurisdictions but prohibits a state from undermining our nation's or other states’economies by tolerating a lesser than the federal minimum rate within their own jurisdictions.

It does reduce the incidences and extents of poverty within the USA but its ability to do so is limited by the rates purchasing power.
Our U.S. dollar has variable purchasing power and that’s why I’m among the proponents for modifying the federal law to retain the FMW rate’s purchasing power. The purchasing powers of Social Security retirement benefits are retained by pegging them to a cost-price index number. That method has been successful and it’s simple.

I understand your contention that the federal statute establishing a FMW rate is unconstitutional. That argument has been tested by various cases that have reached the U.S. Supreme Court where the FMW rate itself was always upheld.

I hope and believe that a U.S. Congress with or without the president’s concurrence, will never eliminate the FMW rate. There are two other methods by which the FMW rate could be eliminated; the U.S. Supreme Court could reverse their prior decisions regarding the minimum rate or the states could amend the constitution to eliminate the FMW rate. I believe that a constitutional amendment is the least feasible method.

The FMW rate reduces incidences and extents of poverty within the USA more than otherwise. Its ability to do so is limited by the rate’s purchasing power.
Our U.S. dollar has variable purchasing power and that’s why I’m among the proponents for modifying the federal law to retain the FMW rate’s purchasing power. The purchasing powers of Social Security retirement benefits are retained by pegging them to a cost-price index number. That method has been successful and it’s simple.

I believe that the FMW rate will prevail and inevitably it will be augmented with legislation to annually monitor (and when necessary) update the rate in order to retain the FMW rate’s purchasing power.

Respectfully, Supposn
this country tried it without a minimum wage.

It worked so well they came up with a minimum wage.

why do fucking idiots want to go back to what DIDNT work?
this country tried it without a minimum wage.

It worked so well they came up with a minimum wage.

why do fucking idiots want to go back to what DIDNT work?

There was always a minimum wage. I support a minimum wage just not one arbitrarily set by know nothing gubmint types

BTW you want want to take me up on my offer for you to come off if thread ban?
the need for a minimum wage made its self apparent.

You idiots keep wanting to go back to what didn't work.

YOU seek the failure of this nation
... That’s [i.e. the federal minimum wage rate is] central “socialist” government, only promoted by socialist. ...

Robo, within all levels of USA’s governments’ jurisdictions there are identifiable individual acts or mutually agreed upon transactions that have been determined to be grievously contrary to their society’s interests and deemed as illegal.

Shame on you for evoking a socialist bogey man to make your arguments opposing the federal minimum wage law. There is no nationalization of commercial enterprises involved within this federal statute.
You're contending that every president and congressman and senator that voted or signed off an increase of the federal minimum wage rate was a socialist?


The U.S. Congress has determined that the consequences of tolerating less than the federal minimum wage rate within any state is significantly detrimental to the economies of our national and other individual states’ economies.
The Fair Labor Standards Act in effect recognized unskilled or otherwise less employable workers are at extreme negotiating disadvantage when dealing with employers of labor. This is particularly true when we have a surplus of labor.

Grievously poor USA wage rates are detrimental to the employees earning drastically lesser wage rates but (because the minimum wage rate's the basis upon which all other USA wage differentials must stand upon) it is also to some extent detrimental to all those dependent upon any USA wage rates.

These are justifications of the U.S. federal minimum wage rate.

It can be argued as to where and how the adage, “your right to swing your fists ends where my nose begins” should be applied. In the case of the federal minimum wage rate, the laws have thus far been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Respectfully, Supposn
see they will just deny any history you give them

they will deny any facts you give them

they will deny the math that proves them fucking wrong.

how do you deal with a faction of society that refuses all FACTS ?

Not by being nice to them folks

It is incombent on this society to publically shame these evil tards for going with lies an liars and denying reality

bad info in means bad decisions out.

there is only one reason to embrace lies over fact.

You want failure

they are the enemy
Uh-oh Desh. Another liberal site arguing against a $15 minimum wage. You need to take war on these lefties Desh. They are the enemy!

The Fight Against 15

Increasing the minimum wage so dramatically will damage the economic prospects of millions of vulnerable people.

Cawacko, the federal minimum wage rate, (FMW) rate’s never been updated in a shocking manner and its ALWAYS been of some net benefit to our nation’s economy.
FMW rate is not among the primary causes but is among the victims of the U.S. dollar’s inflation. To the extent that the purchasing pawer of the FMW rate is not retained, benefits due to the FMW rate are less than otherwise.

Federal minimum wage rate should be annually monitored and adjusted by civil service statisticians rather than by Congress’s politicians. (Congress of course will always retain its constitutional oversight task).

Respectfully, Supposn