Consequences of Human Wickedness


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The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people." They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.

Because of greed and/or mismanagement, human wickedness has resulted in the following:

1. False religious teachings not supported by scripture within the Judeo-Christian Bible.

2. Racial bigotry based upon the delusion that one ethnic group is superior to others. The result is man's inhumanity to man.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.

The skeptics ignore the following facts:

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.

B. Along with free will, Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions. They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Based upon Ecclesiastes 7:29, who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
Human ability to choose our actions is the primary agent of malevolence and unnecessary suffering.
Human ability to choose our actions is the primary agent of malevolence and unnecessary suffering.
why? How do you purpose to correct it where no exceptions nor exemptions apply to any ancestor any generation gap past, present, future generations forward?
Simple solution really. personal honesty.
The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people." They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.

Because of greed and/or mismanagement, human wickedness has resulted in the following:

1. False religious teachings not supported by scripture within the Judeo-Christian Bible.

2. Racial bigotry based upon the delusion that one ethnic group is superior to others. The result is man's inhumanity to man.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.

The skeptics ignore the following facts:

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.

B. Along with free will, Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions. They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Based upon Ecclesiastes 7:29, who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
People of faith life isn't self evident regardless the beliefs are in science fiction or spiritual fantasies genetics cannot be the single source of eternal separation of each specific ancestors living each rotation of this planet here now.

God promises mankind will inherit the earth is a myth. Same as Allah, Mother Nature, Lady Justice, Lady Liberty, theory of evolution, relative time theory, Satan.

Navigate with your brain living in series parallel position your body is never staying same form of your arrival arrival shape, a fertilized cell.

What do you understand about thermodynamic principles?
The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people." They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.

Because of greed and/or mismanagement, human wickedness has resulted in the following:

1. False religious teachings not supported by scripture within the Judeo-Christian Bible.

2. Racial bigotry based upon the delusion that one ethnic group is superior to others. The result is man's inhumanity to man.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.

The skeptics ignore the following facts:

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.

B. Along with free will, Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions. They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Based upon Ecclesiastes 7:29, who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
Pointing to the Bible, expecting unbias feedback, is not going to work.

I asked this question previously and will ask again....

If you saw your neighbor raping a 10 year old girl, would you do something or would you say "Free will is a bitch! She'll be ok."
I am not a Christian so I am not going base anything on the Bible....But....

Humans are both good and Evil....choosing to seek good is essential....those who dont breed their own misery and the misery of the many.
The Christians, who are mostly gone now, believed that seeking God and serving God by taking care of others (humans and beasts) was the seeking good over Evil.
The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people." They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.

Because of greed and/or mismanagement, human wickedness has resulted in the following:

1. False religious teachings not supported by scripture within the Judeo-Christian Bible.

2. Racial bigotry based upon the delusion that one ethnic group is superior to others. The result is man's inhumanity to man.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.
Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn.

The use of coal, oil, and natural gas hasn't destroyed Earth. What 'devastating results' are you referring to?
The skeptics ignore the following facts:

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.

B. Along with free will, Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions. They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Based upon Ecclesiastes 7:29, who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
Themselves. They are given free agency.
Human ability to choose our actions is the primary agent of malevolence and unnecessary suffering.

So you are responsible for being a dick. It is always your choice to be a dick. One could, effectively, say you ARE a dick. It is your nature. Your raison d'etre. Your "way".

You actively get up in the morning and say "I'm going to go online today and misrepresent other people and lie about them!"

And you do it.

And, ironically, you blather on about "morality" as if you have any.
why? How do you purpose to correct it where no exceptions nor exemptions apply to any ancestor any generation gap past, present, future generations forward?
Simple solution really. personal honesty.

Cypress doesn't know what "personal honesty" means. He is an incredibly dishonest poster. He has no morality. He does, however, talk about it a lot. I suppose he wants people to think he's a decent person but it's pretty easy to see he's a thin-skinned wanna-be intellectual.
The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people." They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.

Because of greed and/or mismanagement, human wickedness has resulted in the following:

1. False religious teachings not supported by scripture within the Judeo-Christian Bible.

2. Racial bigotry based upon the delusion that one ethnic group is superior to others. The result is man's inhumanity to man.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.

The skeptics ignore the following facts:

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.

B. Along with free will, Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions. They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Based upon Ecclesiastes 7:29, who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
Free will, and thus wickedness, probably don't exist.
Behavior anomalies are the result of genetic flaws.
Living matter reacts as it does
for scientific, cause and effect, reasons.

We may be faulted for the genes we perpetuate,
but we have NO culpability for the genes that were passed on to us.
And even if we are faulted for the genes we perpetuate,
that probably isn't our free will either.

Wickedness is a religious concept,
and in many sophisticated circles,
religion is regarded as superstition,
and a very negative influence on society.

Even if it's not inherently destructive--
even if we look toward where it's done humanitarian work--
we know for certain that theocracy is destructive.

So Alter2Ego,
or for whomever you're a self-described admitted sock using that name,
what point are you trying to make here?
Cypress doesn't know what "personal honesty" means. He is an incredibly dishonest poster. He has no morality. He does, however, talk about it a lot. I suppose he wants people to think he's a decent person but it's pretty easy to see he's a thin-skinned wanna-be intellectual.
Everyone knows what "personal honesty" is when they choose to abandon it and join a social consensus life isn't self evident time adapting forward daily here.
The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people." They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.

Because of greed and/or mismanagement, human wickedness has resulted in the following:

1. False religious teachings not supported by scripture within the Judeo-Christian Bible.

2. Racial bigotry based upon the delusion that one ethnic group is superior to others. The result is man's inhumanity to man.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.

The skeptics ignore the following facts:

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.

B. Along with free will, Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions. They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Based upon Ecclesiastes 7:29, who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
Who cares what the Bible says. There is the problem.
Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn.

The use of coal, oil, and natural gas hasn't destroyed Earth. What 'devastating results' are you referring to?

Themselves. They are given free agency.

Into the Night:

Below are examples of fossil fuels.

"Fossil energy sources, including oil, coal and natural gas, are non-renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock."

The use of coal, oil, and natural gas hasn't destroyed Earth. What 'devastating results' are you referring to?
Global warming.

"The burning of fossil fuels is the primary cause of current climate change, altering the Earth’s ecosystems and causing human and environmental health problems."

The routine of skeptics is to point at the consequences of human wickedness and blame the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible for "creating those types of people."
Did your God create those people?

They frequently accompany that comment with a similar one: If God is omniscient aka all knowing, then God knew what humans would do before he even created them.
That's just an axiom and does not need to accompany any statement.

3. Heavy use of fossil fuels, which has had devastating results to our earthly home.
I'm having trouble understanding your point. Is this your position or are you saying that "skeptics" hold this position?

I'm an atheist and I don't hold this position.

A. Almighty God, the Creator, endowed humans with free will -- the ability to make independent decisions.
You have that backwards. Skeptics see a problem with you making this assertion after you have already asserted that your God created the universal timeline a certain way. You get the ball rolling by asserting that God is omniscient and that he used his omnipotence to create a timeline that accounts for every atom for all of eternity or for the life of the universe, whichever is shorter.

Skeptics point out that no human can "will" anything that isn't in the preprogrammed timeline, you have declared such.

Jehovah provided written instructions to humanity in his inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, which, if followed, would have prevented the harmful results listed above.
How would have the Bible prevented the benefits of hydrocarbons?

C. Humans have misused their God-given free will and have chosen to ignore God's written instructions.
Skeptics might point out that you declared that humans weren't given the free will do anything that God did not preprogram. If people ignore the Bible, then it's all part of the preprogrammed timeline, i.e. God's Plan.

They have chosen to abuse the environment as well as abuse other humans. It is all about choices and the misuse of free will.
The only Biblical restriction on the environment is to not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

who is actually responsible for the bad behavior of rebellious humans, and why?
God's plan?
Global warming.
Why should any rational adult believe in Global Warming or Climate Change ?

By the way, you've got a theological problem on your hands. You can't be a Christian while disavowing Christ's teachings, which include not having other gods besides Jehova/Yahweh/God. Global Warming/Climate Change is a fanatical religion whose worship precludes one from remaining a Christian. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
Hell would be an eternity of listening to you droning on about your horrible religion. Sadly, that would probably be heaven to you.