Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn.
There aren't any.
Oil is not a fossil. It is a liquid hydrocarbon. It is easily synthesized on an industrial scale, but it's cheaper to drill for it.
Coal is not a fossil. Coal is carbon, an element on the periodic table. The impurities contained in coal generally do not burn and must be cleaned from the furnace from time to time. Coal may contain fossils (voids of images of animals or plants, but is not itself a fossil.
Natural gas is not a fossil. It's a gaseous hydrocarbon. It can be found in swamps, compost piles, underground (often associated with oil wells), and can be easily synthesized, although is much less expensive to obtain it from other sources.
Both oil and natural gas are renewable energy resources. Coal may be also, but it doesn't matter because it is so plentiful.
Nope. Coal is carbon. Oil and natural gas or hydrocarbons, and are easily synthesized from carbon and hydrogen. It takes mere hours to synthesize it.
False authority fallacy.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
There is no such thing as a 'fossil fuel'. Fossils don't burn. They are not used as fuel.
Climate cannot change. Climate has no values that can 'change'.
Buzzword fallacy. An indication that the Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Green.
What 'health problems'. I'm healthy. Most people are.