Conservatism IS Trumpism

True conservatives Were decent people at one time.
These so-called Trump supporters are as close to goose stepping Nazis,as it gets!


True liberals Were decent people at one time.
These so-called Trump haters are as close to goose stepping Nazis,as it gets!
I think Trump is the absolutely logical outgrowth and consequence of movement conservatism and two decades of Fox Noise and the wingnutosphere.

Everything they hollered about for years - from fake birth certificates, to global warming hoaxes, to invasions of brown people from the south are being articulated and being given a voice through the pig lips of the porcine Trump.

There are no more conservatives!
Just Trump scum that abuse the word!
I am not going to argue that Donald Trump is right about America coming up short in terms of fair trade with China over the decades past- and currently.

Great! So now Donald Trump has realized the unfairness, that we all knew already, before Captain Obvious Trump started using the fact to stir the emotions of the American consumers who are basically drunk on the affordability of Chinese products. But directly imposing a trade war with China could stir up some serious hurt for Americans.

A trade war would likely mean much higher prices for American consumers on all manner of goods that are imported. China could always take steps to retaliate against the U.S. beyond restoring high tariffs. Beijing is the second-largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds after Japan. China could dump its $1 trillion in U.S. paper, which would send Treasury prices crashing and U.S. interest rates skyrocketing, slamming everyday Americans.

I'll just use one example of how tariff retaliation works in a trade war. During the Obama Administration, it was realized that China was a major dent in the production and sales of American tires to be able to compete with the sales of Chinese tires to the American consumers. So Obama imposed a tariff on Chinese Tires. But China in retaliation, imposed a tariff on Chicken parts that only caused Americans to have to pay more for tires and chickens. I mean since the tariffs leveled out the cost of American and Chinese made tires, American Tire manufactures used that as an excuse to raise the prices on their American made tires- which only hurt the consumers. And the US Unions claimed the tariffs cost 5 - 6 thousand US tire-making jobs, when it was actually American Tire manufactures that caused this by inflating the costs of their own tires.

And it was the very same Republican cheerleaders now cheerleading Donald Trump on and putting him on a pedestal for creating a tariff war with China and the rest of the world, who lambasted, and criticized Obama for starting a trade war with China with his tariff on Chinese tires. Trade wars with countries that owns the purse strings to your countries debt, do not work now, and they never will as long as you are in debt up to your neck with another country.

Can you say hypocrite? Can you say, "Biting off your own dick to spite your ballsack"? LOL!

If you seriously want to fix a trade deficit, you better fix your own National Budget Deficit by paying off the holders of your debt first- and not increasing it by an instant 1.5 trillion dollars to offset a giveaway tax break for the richest Americans. China does not have to finance America's debt, just as Mexico don't have to pay for a wall between us!

As long as China has the leverage in the "who owe's who" or better yet,"Who Own's Who" contest, China is going to win the trade war with America. The only reason our lights are on now, is because China, Japan, and 43 other countries who own and hold the title to our debt.

And don't rely on these countries who do finance our debt to continue to do that in a trade war with them, as these countries could cash in on their Treasury Bonds at any moment leaving us with the lights out.
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Trade wars with countries that owns the purse strings to your countries debt, do not work now, and they never will as long as you are in debt up to your neck with another country.
China can't just dump our T-bills.
as far as prices this IS a trade war -where is the inflation?

No body want this, but it has to be done -which is the heart of the reason to drive China away
from espionage and predatory trade.

As long as China has the leverage in the "who owe's who" or better yet,"Who Own's Who" contest, China is going to win the trade war with America. The only reason our lights are on now, is because China, Japan, and 43 other countries who own and hold the title to our debt.
facile. incorrect