That's one thing that's always fascinated folks' (i.e. Trumpoids/Teabaggers) inability to recognize how ridiculous you sound, when making your sophomoric-stabsat profundity. are not an done told us so. Laugh My Ass Off. You had your liberal chance at (wink, wink) leading this nation and the CONSEQUENCES of that failure have caused ELECTION RESULTS.
...a flat income across the board. The average medium income has remained at the same level it was at the beginning of the recession...there is no recovery.
....poverty has went UP from 39% to 45%
....debt has went up from 10 trillion to 19 trillion
....race relations has went DOWN
.....The U.S. Credit rating has lost its AAA rating for the 1st time in U.S. history, its been reduced not once but twice.
..... home ownership has declined since Jan. 2009
..... the work (labor) force has been reduced to its lowest level since the 1970s.
..... your leadership skills have cost you 13 senate seats (you had a filibuster proof 60seats at one time), 900 state house seats, 11 governors, a majority in the house....
Now...its the PEOPLE that voted for CHANGE from these lack of LIBERAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS are making the mistake?
Laugh My Ass Off. Get your loser ass to the back of the bus. Consequences produce election results.