SmarterthanYou, apparently similar to President Donald Trump, will support the constitution of the United States to the best of your abilities, except when your opinions differ from the U.S. Supreme Court or the legal determinations and opinions of our U.S. Congress, or any other state’s governor or officials.I get that people need to believe that the supreme court rules over us, that they decide what the constitution makes it easier for those feebleminded individuals just do what they're told and push their parties to nominate political hacks to the benches to decide how they want's why we're pretty much dead as a free nation and have been for some time.
the thing that people can't seem to fathom, most likely because it would turn their foundation of reality in to quicksand, is what happens if you end up in court and believe you're not guilty of whatever it is that the government charged you with, but those on the court decide to interpret the law and/or constitution against you? you have to accept it because you've spent your entire lifetime letting government define the limits of their own that freedom when you can't completely trust the constitution and it's limits on the government? no, it just makes you a slave
When our current president took his oath of office, he must have whispered his exceptions to the oath. All anyone heard were his words, “… that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
Respectfully, Supposn