Construction Workers


Well-known member
This is totally random and there's no political message or hidden meaning behind this. Are there any construction workers here? And please pardon my ignorance on the question but when I see construction sites a number of the workers are Hispanic and a lot of Spanish is being spoken so I'm assuming they are more recent immigrants. Is that the norm across the country?

I don't know if many young kids today grow up wanting to get into construction. Do many of these construction jobs not pay a lot and thus Americans don't want them? Are newer immigrants willing to work for less and thus construction companies hire them instead of paying American workers more?

It's also possible plenty of Americans do go into construction jobs and they just don't happen to live around me because of the cost of living so I don't see them.

Do we need more trade schools to train construction workers?

Would love to hear thoughts.
This is totally random and there's no political message or hidden meaning behind this. Are there any construction workers here? And please pardon my ignorance on the question but when I see construction sites a number of the workers are Hispanic and a lot of Spanish is being spoken so I'm assuming they are more recent immigrants. Is that the norm across the country?

I don't know if many young kids today grow up wanting to get into construction. Do many of these construction jobs not pay a lot and thus Americans don't want them? Are newer immigrants willing to work for less and thus construction companies hire them instead of paying American workers more?

It's also possible plenty of Americans do go into construction jobs and they just don't happen to live around me because of the cost of living so I don't see them.

Do we need more trade schools to train construction workers?

Would love to hear thoughts.

What you see are day laborers. They are hired by the day or just for one job. It is cheaper for a contractor to hire a bunch of low skilled workers than a few full time workers.
Recent illegals typically.
Once upon a time they were paid under the table and less but with the advent of purchased "papers" its about the same. They are favored because they show up ready to work every day and would work 7 days a week if asked.
For a long period working class kids were steered to college and away from trades. Thanks dems. Big mistake as they were not needed and ended up with student loans and working at the mall.
I'm not a construction contractor but many of my clients are.........some are Hispanic, two are Cambodian, most are Caucasion.......I know one of the Cambodians has an all Asian crew, but he pretty much only works for other Cambodians, the rest I believe are pretty much balanced.........was talking with a friend last night who's son is a contractor......friend will be retiring in February and will be working part time for his son......he told his son that he wouldn't be able to keep up with a full eight hour work day......his son told him if he just showed up for work he would be ahead of most of his crew......

the local school systems here jointly support a tech center which offers classes in plumbing, electrical, HVAC and journeyman degrees......every year they have a house in the local Parade of Homes put on by the Home Builders Association that is student built......
This is totally random and there's no political message or hidden meaning behind this. Are there any construction workers here? And please pardon my ignorance on the question but when I see construction sites a number of the workers are Hispanic and a lot of Spanish is being spoken so I'm assuming they are more recent immigrants. Is that the norm across the country?

I don't know if many young kids today grow up wanting to get into construction. Do many of these construction jobs not pay a lot and thus Americans don't want them? Are newer immigrants willing to work for less and thus construction companies hire them instead of paying American workers more?

It's also possible plenty of Americans do go into construction jobs and they just don't happen to live around me because of the cost of living so I don't see them.

Do we need more trade schools to train construction workers?

Would love to hear thoughts.

I live on a new street with new homes going up all around me. Most of the carpenters are Hispanic and those doing tile, painting, granite, and concrete. Many of them do not speak Spanish. Their children are often in the same business with them and interpret. Most of the plumbers and electricians are Anglo.

I don't think we need more trade schools as I don't think the high school classes and trade schools we have are that full. Some of these programs get cancelled because they do not have enough students to run.
This is totally random and there's no political message or hidden meaning behind this. Are there any construction workers here? And please pardon my ignorance on the question but when I see construction sites a number of the workers are Hispanic and a lot of Spanish is being spoken so I'm assuming they are more recent immigrants. Is that the norm across the country?

I don't know if many young kids today grow up wanting to get into construction. Do many of these construction jobs not pay a lot and thus Americans don't want them? Are newer immigrants willing to work for less and thus construction companies hire them instead of paying American workers more?

It's also possible plenty of Americans do go into construction jobs and they just don't happen to live around me because of the cost of living so I don't see them.

Do we need more trade schools to train construction workers?

Would love to hear thoughts.

Everyone knows wacko that any OP that starts off w/ a line like that in the first sentence definitely has a hidden meaning & agenda.:mad:

We have the same here mostly, although I am less than a 100 miles from you.......
Recent illegals typically.
Once upon a time they were paid under the table and less but with the advent of purchased "papers" its about the same. They are favored because they show up ready to work every day and would work 7 days a week if asked.
For a long period working class kids were steered to college and away from trades. Thanks dems. Big mistake as they were not needed and ended up with student loans and working at the mall.

What area of the country are you seeing this?? If I may ask?
I live on a new street with new homes going up all around me. Most of the carpenters are Hispanic and those doing tile, painting, granite, and concrete. Many of them do not speak Spanish. Their children are often in the same business with them and interpret. Most of the plumbers and electricians are Anglo.

I don't think we need more trade schools as I don't think the high school classes and trade schools we have are that full. Some of these programs get cancelled because they do not have enough students to run.
What part of the county, if I may ask??
My son has a degree in electronics, but went into construction years ago by choice.

He went though a few layoffs in IT before switching careers.

He's happy working as a Journeyman electrician today working for a local contractor.

He's never been laid off in his new career and he don't even have to do the grunt work anymore.

We are White BTW. In case someone feels like that is important to know!
Where I reside, most of the larger construction jobs are Union, so those working the sites could be anyone, and as far as the home repair/construction jobs, they could be anything, subcontracting sections of jobs is popular, but the more reputable firms usually employ the same workers as regular employees

Vocational education has been on the decline for years, and it should be, who wants to train for a profession that unless you land a Union postion, and we all know Unions have targeted, you are going to be working for near minimum wage
This is totally random and there's no political message or hidden meaning behind this. Are there any construction workers here? And please pardon my ignorance on the question but when I see construction sites a number of the workers are Hispanic and a lot of Spanish is being spoken so I'm assuming they are more recent immigrants. Is that the norm across the country?

I don't know if many young kids today grow up wanting to get into construction. Do many of these construction jobs not pay a lot and thus Americans don't want them? Are newer immigrants willing to work for less and thus construction companies hire them instead of paying American workers more?

It's also possible plenty of Americans do go into construction jobs and they just don't happen to live around me because of the cost of living so I don't see them.

Do we need more trade schools to train construction workers?

Would love to hear thoughts.

I've worked construction for the last 40 years, before I retired, and to answer your question, a lot of contractors hire undocumented aliens so that they don't have to pay so much in labor. As an electrician myself which requires a license that was not an issue in my trade.
I've worked construction for the last 40 years, before I retired, and to answer your question, a lot of contractors hire undocumented aliens so that they don't have to pay so much in labor. As an electrician myself which requires a license that was not an issue in my trade.

As an electrian you are working along side, around & w/ other fields/trades etc so have you noticed what cowacko is talking about where you are??
As an electrian you are working along side, around & w/ other fields/trades etc so have you noticed what cowacko is talking about where you are??

Yes, I did, but I can't say that it's widespread, but it does happen even here in New England.
Everyone knows wacko that any OP that starts off w/ a line like that in the first sentence definitely has a hidden meaning & agenda.:mad:

We have the same here mostly, although I am less than a 100 miles from you.......

Haha, it’s like when people start their sentence “to be honest...”

I stated that because I’m not suggesting people vote a certain way or pushing some policy and that’s what 99% of threads on the board are about. I feel like I’ve heard various posters over the years hear make reference to working in construction and was just curious to their thoughts/feedback/experiences.
Haha, it’s like when people start their sentence “to be honest...”

I stated that because I’m not suggesting people vote a certain way or pushing some policy and that’s what 99% of threads on the board are about. I feel like I’ve heard various posters over the years hear make reference to working in construction and was just curious to their thoughts/feedback/experiences.

The reason that there illegals are here working for less is because they're allowed to, paying less in wages so that the employer can keep more is the GOP way of thinking. To remedy the situation why not go after the employers, or could it be that these employers are Republican political contributors