Consumer Spending Grows by Just 0.1 Percent in May, Inflation Remains High

According to Democrats. Obama had the slowest economic recovery since the great depression because of his record number of regulations that hurt small business and the economy

It wasn't a recovery. An economic depression is not a recovery. The depression that lasted through the Obama years and caused by Obama's policies lasted until a year into the Trump administration, when he finally ended it.
Funny that after a republican gave us the worst reccession in history
Nope. DEMOCRATS did.
you complain about a democrat who fixed it.
Democrats CAUSED IT!
You admit that democrat fixed it, your only complaint is that he did it slowly?
Obama CAUSED the economic depression during the Obama years.
Then another republican took over and left us in worse condition than when he started.
Trump ended the Obama depression.
It was DEMOCRATS that shut down the economy. Not Trump. That shutdown began ANOTHER economic depression that we are still in.
Now we have another democrat in there and the economy once again is getting better by the day.
It isn't. Blatant lie.
When are you right wingers going to put 2 and 2 together and get 4 instead of 3?
Racist! Don't you know that math is racist??? Democrats said so!
Republicans are the ones constantly fucking things up and leaving them for the democrats to fix.
Inversion fallacy. You can't get away with projecting YOUR problems on others.
Every openly racist group today like kkk is populated by nothing but right wing bigots and racists and every fucking one of them endorses republicans in every election.

The KKK was created by the DEMOCRAT party, ya dumb mutt.
Racism is a DEMOCRAT problem, ya dumb mutt. It always was. It was DEMOCRATS that wanted slavery.
Our economy is doing nothing but getting better under Biden
Blatant lie. We are still in economic depression.
regardless of how much you care to deny it.
It is YOU denying what is. Inversion fallacy.
what is collapsing?
Velocity. The dollar. The businesses that were DESTROYED when DEMOCRATS shut down the economy starting the current economic depression.
We were told there was going to be a recession yet your hopes for that are long gone, it ain't happenning.
We are in economic depression, ya dumb mutt.
Growth is now outpacing inflation
Inflation since 2021 when Biden was installed to today is approx. 32%. Source: US Treasury.
and things will only get better between now and the election.
Why? Are you planning on more election fraud?
It is becoming obvious to the women, the young and anyone willing to listen to the facts that republicans are a fucking dead end.
You hate women. You mistreat them, try to mutilate them, and try to redefine what a women is. You try to take their children away. A women is just a pawn to you.
You hate children. You abort them, you try to mutilate them, you expose them to your sexual perversions, you indoctrinate them instead of educating them. You try to take children away from their families. A child is just a pawn to you.
You don't own facts. Lies are not facts.
They're too ignorant to realize that they're complaining about successful Fed policy.
THERE IS NO SUCCESSFUL FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY. The Federal Reserve is in and of itself unconstitutional. It is communism.
They complain when the Fed artificially inflates the Markets (unless a Republican is in office)
Yes I complain. It is communism.
They complain when the Fed liquidates
Yes I complain. It is communism.
They clearly don't understand the issue.
No. YOU don't understand the issue. You discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

What numbers?

The trump virus ravaged the world economy. Especially the U.S economy

So the Fed pumped trillions in taxpayer money into the economy.

Are you talking about those numbers?

[h=1]Donald Trump And The Fed Have ‘Ended The Free Market’[/h]

Trump didn't create the Fed or fiat currency. DEMOCRATS DID.
Communism is not a free market.

The President does not control the Fed. CONGRESS does.

He tried to hide it from U.S citizens for months. He destroyed the lives of millions of people.
The trump virus will go down in history as the biggest political blunder in decades.

Especially since he single handedly destroyed the Obama era program to avoid another pandemic, by firing dozens of scientists who were stationed in China.

Why does trump have Obama envy?

Trump did not create nor does he control any virus.
Trump took the first action to limit the spread of the virus by banning flights from China (which Democrats opposed!). Trump did not hide anything.

Covid19 does not kill. DEMOCRATS destroyed the lives of millions of people by throwing them out of work and destroying their businesses!

Trump didn't fire anyone in China. He does not envy anyone. He doesn't need to.

Did they have disposable income because nobody was paying taxes? (creating Dubyah's horrible economic results)

Did they have disposable because they refinanced their homes at 125% of value? (creating Dubyah's near depression)

Trying to pin DEMOCRAT housing market interference on Bush isn't going to work.
They were sky high for consumers actually, why don't you go check.

Everyone prospered under Trumps leadership.
Nope. trump's tax on American consumers hiked prices on many items not only coming from 'Jina', but from all of our former trading partners.

Ask Soy farmers who committed suicide because of trump policies how they did.
Low interest rates: Everyone owns a home regardless of ability to pay a mortgage. They cite great housing numbers.
Not everyone homes a home, dumbass.
High interest rates: Only people with good credit and income can afford a mortgage. Housing numbers slow, but so does default.
Default rises, dumbass.

And the 'federal' government is getting closer to default all the time. The debt is now over $32 trillion. Brought about by DEMOCRATS.

They will always have something to complain about if their party isn't in office
DEMOCRATS were in Congress, dope.

Communism doesn't work.
And my personal favorite:

Lowest black unemployment in history.

Obama era rate dropped 8%, making it near record lows.

trump era drops 2.5%, further lowering the rate to historic lows.

Then Covid came.

8% is not 'record lows'. Made up numbers are not data. Argument from randU fallacy.
trump's tax on American consumers hiked prices on many items not only coming from 'Jina', but from all of our former trading partners.
Trump lowered taxes across the board. Lower taxes does not cause prices to rise. Void argument fallacies.
Ask Soy farmers who committed suicide because of trump policies how they did.
What soy farmers?? Hallucination.
Illiteracy: Sentences begin with capital letters. Proper nouns begin with capital letters. normal nouns are not capitalized unless it is the first word of a sentence. 'China' is misspelled.