Consumer Spending Stalls in January

sure if they put in 4% and the inflation rate is 4% yep a real gainer :rolleyes:

Number are often misleading unless taken into context. ie buying power.

And quit calling god stupid.
Are you guys still talking about this?

401K's are taking a beating right now; I'm sure topspin's investments are, as well. Things don't stand to get much better as the recession that topspin guaranteed would never happen starts to really kick in.

Should be fun. That's another cautionary tale from the Bush admin: "cut taxes" does not equate to an economic "plan".
Ocelor the dumbass who lives in a tiny house.
I NEVER quaranteed a recession wouldn't happen. Recessions are a normal part of the business cycle (about every 7 yrs and now due). You two fucks only know about them cause you think it's a good bush bash.
Ocelor the dumbass who lives in a tiny house.
I NEVER quaranteed a recession wouldn't happen. Recessions are a normal part of the business cycle (about every 7 yrs and now due). You two fucks only know about them cause you think it's a good bush bash.

P'shaw. I'm adding an extension, btw - good time to do it, since the housing market is tanking (another toppy prediction gone bad).

It's a myth that they have to be a "normal part of the business cycle," particularly extended recessions, which many are now predicting. What has Bush's stewardship of this economy been? What has he done to lessen the impact of this downturn? (and, please...don't use the words "stimulus package")

And don't act all innocent now. Me & my fellow libbies were called "chicken littles" by you dozens, if not hundreds, of times, for predicting basically what is happening right now.

I don't feel much comfort in being so vindicated.
I'm still calling you chicken little lorax. YOU are comical dude, and such a wussy.
I bet I've made over $100,000 in the market since you started your crybaby shit.
And please show me where I said the housing market wouldn't go down. I don't invest a lot (yet) in real estate. Oil baby.
Hmm according to what I read the stock market has laready lost over 5 trillion worldwide.
And the value of 401K's did not drop ?

That 4% contribution almost kept up with inflation.

4% did not keep up with inflation.

Not a chance the average 401k has a positive return. I think toppy is adding contributions to previous balances and calling that "up"
Oncelor/Lorax started this sky is falling about 2yrs ago, still no recession.

Nah - just a year ago. You're exaggerating, because you lost.

I tried explaining to you about the credit crunch, loans against inflated home values, the impending housing downturn, cost of living far out-pacing wage increases, etc, etc, etc, and your only response all along has been "chicken little", along with some variant of "coffee fetcher" or "cold caller."

I was right. You were wrong.

Ha ha.
thanks for that gem you moron, the average 401K has most definatley risen.

What could possibly make you say that? The market is flat over the past twelve months, but down hard in the past four. Which means that the old assets are likely close to flat and the new assets are down.

Not to mention the typical performance of an individuals 401k is less than the market average on an annual basis due to several factors....

1) they are paying fees
2) the average mutual fund underperforms the market
3) the average investor does not buy and hold.... especially during the more volatile times... they tend to panic and bail when we go through period like the last year.

If you have data to show the average 401k was up in the last twelve months, I would love to see it.
Oncelor/Lorax started this sky is falling about 2yrs ago, still no recession.

some of us saw the signs of something worse than the usual adjustment type of recession coming. And none of the signs have turned the corner towards positive yet.
so if stocks gains are zero and the average person put in $2,000 their 401K is up. God your stupid.

But their returns would still be flat in that situation. Not up. You do not count contributions as positive return.

If you owned $100k worth of XOM and added $20k to the position, you are NOT up 20%.
freak use your economics, stocks are down last 6 months and same place as last year. Contributions alone would have them up. Post a link showing their down, 8th grade math says they are up.
USMORON having several quarters of growth at 3%, several above that. The economy is billions bigger than when you and Chicklorax started your whinning.
You seriously don't understand the word "return" when used in this sense do you?

If I have $100 in the market and it gains $12 I have a return of 12%, if I then add $12 of my own cash it would not increase my returns they still would have been at 12%.

If during that year I got no return at all and I added my $12 I would have a zero return. Just because the balance goes up does not mean that the investment was good when it only goes up because I am adding to the balance from earnings, not returns.
do you want a cookie.
I understand hell of a lot better than you.
That's not what we were talking about Junior.
He said most 401K balances were down vs a year ago. CLASS DISSMISSED DANO