Contaminated food from China in the human foodchain

Any relationship to BushCo gutting the FDA and food inspections?

Such a silly conclusion, you been wearing a tinfoil hat or someting ?
And of course the wide open golbalized free trade has nothing to do with it either.
We would not after all want to interfere with profits over such a piddling thing as food safety.
Yeah if you believe what our govt and industry tell us....
One report from the FDA said they really don't have a clue how Melamine will act in humans or the food chain. I guess that person is looking for a new job about now.
Naah that one was not truely a ferengi, not mercenery enough. He had a bit of a heart. But Ross did have the ears though.
Bush is a true Ferengi, profit above all else.
remember the principles of acquisition.
1323 If someone else has something you want take it. (oil)
From all reports it was only in the feed, and it won't pass through the meat to humans.

Ah, but it did pass through the food to the dogs and cats who died and became ill, didn't it? Our digestive systems aren't all that different. Unless there's a biological mechanism for excretion of an ingredient, it tends to accumulate upwards through the food chain (eg. DDT and eagle egg shell fragility) until it causes serious damage.

The melamine was added deliberately to increase the reading of protein levels in the gluten. The claim by China that it was never intended to be used in food products is an outright falsehood, because why else would protein levels be important?

This, I fear, is the tip of the iceberg. I've seen other products that make me seriously suspicious of goods manufactured in China and shipped here to US consumers; they're nothing short of dangerous, sometimes to our health. In some cases it's simply incompetence; this, however, smacks of greed, greed, greed.
Ah, but it did pass through the food to the dogs and cats who died and became ill, didn't it? Our digestive systems aren't all that different. Unless there's a biological mechanism for excretion of an ingredient, it tends to accumulate upwards through the food chain (eg. DDT and eagle egg shell fragility) until it causes serious damage.

The melamine was added deliberately to increase the reading of protein levels in the gluten. The claim by China that it was never intended to be used in food products is an outright falsehood, because why else would protein levels be important?

This, I fear, is the tip of the iceberg. I've seen other products that make me seriously suspicious of goods manufactured in China and shipped here to US consumers; they're nothing short of dangerous, sometimes to our health. In some cases it's simply incompetence; this, however, smacks of greed, greed, greed.
They were directly eating the feed. Hence, from the reports that I have heard it has only been directly fed to animals, and does not pass through the meat of the animals that ate it.
Not sure how you can say that Damo, the FDA and other experts say they have no data on Melemine in humans or its effects....
Once again, they say that there is little chance of it getting to humans in the meat.

When they say they don't know the effects it would be direct ingestion which they have informed us there is no evidence has happened.
And how many humans have been tested for Melamine in their systems ?

If none have been tested it is accurate to say there is no evidence....
And how many humans have been tested for Melamine in their systems ?

If none have been tested it is accurate to say there is no evidence....
They would have to be ill first to know who to test.

First of all, it wasn't wheat that was contaminated, it was the processed portion, the gluten. The way it is "getting into the food" of humans is because it was sold as animal feed, and animals are ingesting it. There is no evidence that any was sold to directly be fed to humans.

At least read some of the articles on it that aren't written by the chicken littles who also say that we are a breath away from dying. Those who are reporting this are far more knowledgeable on the subject because they have been dealing with it hands on while all you have is conspiratorial supposition.

They tested the meat of animals who had eaten it and found the stuff wasn't getting into the meat from it, therefore cross-contamination isn't likely as the contaminated gluten has only been found to be sold as animal feed at this time.
Umm if you read the post it was soy protein, rice, etc
And I have read that some of it was labeled for human consumption...

But no evidence does not prove that we don't have it in our system.
We will wait until it starts killing humans to test humans for it.
How long did it take for the link between cancer and smoking to be "known" ?
Umm if you read the post it was soy protein, rice, etc
And I have read that some of it was labeled for human consumption...

But no evidence does not prove that we don't have it in our system.
We will wait until it starts killing humans to test humans for it.
How long did it take for the link between cancer and smoking to be "known" ?
But all of it was processed gluten. I did read the article. "Doesn't prove that we have it in our system" doesn't prove that it iss and that we should now be panicking. In fact, that there is no evidence that it did get into the human food is an excellent sign and far more than supposition. These people are looking for it diligently.

Once again, the FDA people who are dealing with this daily have more of a handle on this than supposition and fear. There is no reason to fear your refrigerator at this time.
There is no reason to fear your refrigerator at this time.

Some diversion or something there Damo ? Where did that come from ?
What kind of disarming spin is that anyway ?
Of course I don't fear my refridgerator ? Think I am Brent or something ?