Contaminated food from China in the human foodchain

There is no reason to fear your refrigerator at this time.

Some diversion or something there Damo ? Where did that come from ?
What kind of disarming spin is that anyway ?
Of course I don't fear my refridgerator ? Think I am Brent or something ?
It's called a bit of humor. I'm sorry you take it so personally. So far you post three threads that are "alarming" then don't expect the chicken little reference?
I wondered how long it would take you to get around that chicken little reference :) It seems to have been scarce since the chicken little rampage of mushroom clouds and WMD's.
Well we would not be in this shape on the contaminated Chinese food goods if the FDA had been dilligent all along. It took a long time for them to even find the contaminants after the little furry critters started dying...
I have little reason to trust their diligence....
I wondered how long it would take you to get around that chicken little reference :) It seems to have been scarce since the chicken little rampage of mushroom clouds and WMD's.
Well we would not be in this shape on the contaminated Chinese food goods if the FDA had been dilligent all along. It took a long time for them to even find the contaminants after the little furry critters started dying...
I have little reason to trust their diligence....
And I have little reason to trust your supposition based on that.
Plus, "I was right on the war." does not mean that you will be right on every one of your suppositions from here until eternity. What good will it do for everybody to worry about this?
And I have little reason to trust your supposition based on that.

Your right, and hopefully not your funeral.
The CDC said they did not have any data at all how melamine effects humans. Is it a carcenogen ? No one knows anything on that subject.
Your right, and hopefully not your funeral.
The CDC said they did not have any data at all how melamine effects humans. Is it a carcenogen ? No one knows anything on that subject.
Once again, that they have no data on how this effects humans is not evidence that it is in your food it just means that they have never run tests on humans in regard to this and that it has not been a health issue of the past. The people whose job it is to search this stuff out have no evidence any of it got into your food. They tested for cross-contamination and found that it was not a threat. At this time it is early to worry about humans having ingested it.

If they find evidence that it actually got into our food then we can start talking about this. But right now, from everything we know it is unlikely that we need to start worrying about this except as pet owners.
I tend to err on the side of safety vs trust my government. Empirical evidence has taught me that. Remember duck and cover ? I remember the drills in school.
I tend to err on the side of safety vs trust my government. Empirical evidence has taught me that. Remember duck and cover ? I remember the drills in school.
I'm not "trusting the government" I just trust the scientist who did the test saying that they found no cross-contamination. I trust another who researched the origination answering directly a question about human ingestion of the product saying that they have found no paths yet that brought it to the human food line directly.

At this point I see little need for attempting to worry people about carcinogens etc when the CDC has no data on the subject and it is becoming more unlikely the longer we wait that this entered direct human food chains.

Watch it, yes. Worry about it and act as if it is worse than it is? No.

I get tired of people who think we should stop meat production when 2 people in Podunk, IA get E. Coli. I get tired of people who think we need to revamp a system that has largely worked for us instead of plug a hole in that system.

I do think that stopping the reception of all such products from China until they can guarantee that another round of this won't happen, like we did with meat from nations that had Mad Cow would be wise. But they already did that.

Learn from it, plug a hole in the system, and watch for any problems that might arise more than the pets. This is a course of action. Unnecessarily spending energy worrying about it, not a course of action, not even wise IMO.
No it has not been shown to be directly in the human foodline. but it has been shown to be indirectly in the human food chain thru chickens and hogs....
And the scientists do not know what that means. They have no data on this, or the effect of melamine on human beings.
Oh well if we start dying it can just be attributed to sins or evil spirits :D
No it has not been shown to be directly in the human foodline. but it has been shown to be indirectly in the human food chain thru chickens and hogs....
And the scientists do not know what that means. They have no data on this, or the effect of melamine on human beings.
Oh well if we start dying it can just be attributed to sins or evil spirits :D
They tested the meat to see if there was cross-contamination.

You took the CDC saying that they don't know the effects on humans (because they hadn't run tests on it, dangerous you know, and hadn't had any cases in the past to extrapolate results from) to mean that they thought the meat was a danger.

They made it clear that there was no cross-contamination found when they tested animals who were known to have ingested the contaminant. You can extrapolate from that what you will, personally I am reasonably assured that that avenue has been closed as a danger to humans.
I am not so easy for the government to appease as you are Damo. Perhaps that is why I am not a Republican ? ;)
And yeah I know you are a libertarian. but I still maintain that many libertarians are just embaressed Republicans.

Oops wait I am registered as a republican... :D
Just don't live as one.
I wish we could just register as a citizen and vote any way we wanted...
But not in KY.
I am not so easy for the government to appease as you are Damo. Perhaps that is why I am not a Republican ? ;)
And yeah I know you are a libertarian. but I still maintain that many libertarians are just embaressed Republicans.

Oops wait I am registered as a republican... :D
Just don't live as one.
I wish we could just register as a citizen and vote any way we wanted...
But not in KY.
No, I am a republican. That doesn't make me complacent. And once again it isn't the government I am trusting here, it is the doctor who made the tests.
Imagine if we had a contract with somebody to test this and they got paid by how much they accurately tested. They'd be vigorous in making sure that such foods did not get by untested and would likely sue anybody attempting to secret food past the tests.
Imagine if we had a contract with somebody to test this and they got paid by how much they accurately tested. They'd be vigorous in making sure that such foods did not get by untested and would likely sue anybody attempting to secret food past the tests.

IMHO lawsuits should not be required in the case of not testing foods or doctoring the results. It should be a crime to be arrested over.
Lets do away with frivilous lawsuits, make anything that matters a crime of law and punishable by law.
IMHO lawsuits should not be required in the case of not testing foods or doctoring the results. It should be a crime to be arrested over.
Lets do away with frivilous lawsuits, make anything that matters a crime of law and punishable by law.
Works for me, but it would be very difficult to prosecute a Chinese company, not so difficult to sue them. And if they wanted to continue in business here they'd even have to pay.
Works for me, but it would be very difficult to prosecute a Chinese company, not so difficult to sue them. And if they wanted to continue in business here they'd even have to pay.

So the US company that imported it marked as "non food" and distributed it as food have no responsibility ? Typical republican response.
So the US company that imported it marked as "non food" and distributed it as food have no responsibility ? Typical republican response.
It would really depend on who did the workaround. Your assumption is that both companies would be in the know.

In this case they marked the cases as "non-food" so that they would not be inspected (per treaty) in China. It is likely that they are going to be punished. I'd just prefer there was a bit of justice for the people here.

My idea is a workaround from having an inefficient government system. The profit comes from accurate results, and they'd have incentive to find people who tried to work around them as well as the government seeking them.
It would really depend on who did the workaround. Your assumption is that both companies would be in the know.

In this case they marked the cases as "non-food" so that they would not be inspected (per treaty) in China. It is likely that they are going to be punished. I'd just prefer there was a bit of justice for the people here.

My idea is a workaround from having an inefficient government system. The profit comes from accurate results, and they'd have incentive to find people who tried to work around them as well as the government seeking them.

Umm if I got a box marked non food from the factory and sold the contents as food I would have trouble sleeping at night.
So an american company doing business in China should have someone there to read Chinese. Excuses, excuses....