Controlled election

Ron Paul says U.S. is turning into a 'fascist system' dominated by government and businesses
By Associated Press

Last updated at 7:02 AM on 19th February 2012
'We've slipped away from a true Republic,' Paul said. 'Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen.'
Ron Paul says U.S. is turning into a 'fascist system' dominated by government and businesses
By Associated Press

Last updated at 7:02 AM on 19th February 2012
'We've slipped away from a true Republic,' Paul said. 'Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen.'

I agree with paul on this point but his libertarian ideology is just as bad as the fascist right wing. You want a libertarian utopia? Go to Somalia. With Paul in charge we'll have anarchy in 1 generation.
I agree with paul on this point but his libertarian ideology is just as bad as the fascist right wing. You want a libertarian utopia? Go to Somalia. With Paul in charge we'll have anarchy in 1 generation.

He is the most popular candidate above others. Do you think so many others want a libertarian utopia?

I agree with paul on this point but his libertarian ideology is just as bad as the fascist right wing. You want a libertarian utopia? Go to Somalia. With Paul in charge we'll have anarchy in 1 generation.

You can't have anarchy without first having anarchists. Is Leon Czolgosz going to be Paul's running mate, or are we just attacking libertarianism because we're leftist and retarded?


Ron Paul is unelctable because the voting system is controlled by the Feds. They pick up their own puppet through rigged election and justify it by fake poll. (because they also control the media.) Only one thing they couldn't control - they couldn't rigged the attendence of the campaign meeting. That's how you see in these pictures. Of course, media never report it. You only see it in Internet.

Ron Paul is unelctable because the voting system is controlled by the Feds. They pick up their own puppet through rigged election and justify it by fake poll. (because they also control the media.) Only one thing they couldn't control - they couldn't rigged the attendence of the campaign meeting. That's how you see in these pictures. Of course, media never report it. You only see it in Internet.
Ron Paul has no chance. The ruler of this country rigged the election to pick up their own puppet because they control the voting system. They justify the result by faked poll because they control media.

Here is the proof. People found Ron Paul is the most popular candidate in Internet. Because Internet is open place. Ron Paul got most support from military, that's can't be rigged because the donation is there.

Quote, ."

I still say Paul has no chance because this is a covert totalitarian. They control election system and play you people fool.


Just look at how 'successful' Ron Paul was against John McCain and Mitt Romney in his bid for the 2008 nomination. He led all kinds of gallup and straw polls, he even led the way in raising funds via internet campaigning...yet how much success did he have in securing the nomination?

The Internet is full of Ron Paul enthusiasts, who are willing to sit and click 'Ron Paul' night and day, on the online poll survey. Fortunately, that is not how we elect presidents or any elected representative. No one in national politics can control the voting system, because they are all run by the state election boards. What you are alleging, is mindless stupidity brought on by a lack of explanation as to why your candidate didn't win the nomination. You just can't imagine why most of the people didn't agree with you and Ron, and didn't vote for him, so you create this "Conspiracy Theory" to explain it.

Let me clue you in. Ron Paul did not win the nomination because the people didn't vote for him. He has a frighteningly reckless national security viewpoint, and would be perfectly fine with legalizing heroin. This kind of thing scares the 'average' American voter. Therefore, they picked other candidates to support instead. It eventually came down to Mitt or the 'non-Mitt' and Mitt won. A whole lot of people are not 'pleased' with it being Romney, but it's a fact we have to face and move on with... we can't create hysteria and advocate anarchy and revolt to overthrow the government and install Ron Paul as defacto leader.
The Internet is full of Ron Paul enthusiasts, who are willing to sit and click 'Ron Paul' night and day, on the online poll survey. Fortunately, that is not how we elect presidents or any elected representative. No one in national politics can control the voting system, because they are all run by the state election boards. What you are alleging, is mindless stupidity brought on by a lack of explanation as to why your candidate didn't win the nomination. You just can't imagine why most of the people didn't agree with you and Ron, and didn't vote for him, so you create this "Conspiracy Theory" to explain it.


Bryan Spencer Speaks about Rigging St. Charles Caucus

Does your "conspiracy" include anything other than paranoia from Like maybe something like NBC or CNN, or for godsakes, MSNBC even? Did the 'totalitarians' take control of all media outside of Ron Paul fanatics website? Seems like maybe Reuters would have reported this?
Does your "conspiracy" include anything other than paranoia from Like maybe something like NBC or CNN, or for godsakes, MSNBC even? Did the 'totalitarians' take control of all media outside of Ron Paul fanatics website? Seems like maybe Reuters would have reported this?

All those you recommended are "mainstream media" controlled by the Feds, how could you expect them to report this? It's like you ask a wolf not eating meat.

The elosion of free choice
This is a totalitarian country. So there is no chance for Paul. He is there to cheat the public that US is democratic country. That's all. Though he is the most popular candidate, he will be suppressed.

Quote, "
Who won the Republican Presidential Debate?

Active Cities : 6,965

Total Votes : 40,882
National Vote

Paul .....25248
Gingrich ...5863
Cain .......3169
Bachmann ...2438

Romney ...2376
Santorum ..1032
Huntsman ...423
Pawlenty .....333
Votes as of 03:09 PM, 08/14/11

FoxNews / Topix - You Decide

The media is trying REALLY hard to hide the fact that Ron Paul is a serious contender

Ron Paul wins a "Who Won the GOP Debate" poll in Fox News, and after seeing how Ron Paul won by a HUGE margin, Fox News decides to quickly erase it. Funny how all of the media sources, both liberal and conservative, are trying so hard to keep him under the rug. Here's the original Fox News poll: Iowa GOP Debate - Topix [40,000 votes, he got 24,000 of them... more than 4 times the guy in second place].

And these things are happening everywhere (meaning, Ron Paul getting a significant amount of support from both sides, and getting pushed off as insignificant.)

And here is the new one Fox started (Ron Paul STILL winning by a landslide): Who Won the GOP Debate? - Guess they'll have to erase this one as well.

What do Fox News, CNN, MSNBS, etc, and all these other garbage news sources have in common? They are all run by corporate interest!

Now on to MSNBC:

Once again, the Anti-Ron-Paul rhetoric is everywhere. Notice how MSNBC bolded out every republican candidate in the Iowa Straw Poll... except Ron Paul, as if he were last place or anywhere near there (Yes, they bolded out the last guy as well).

First Read - Bachmann wins Ames straw poll

These aren't just coincidence. Both sides are trying hard, real hard, to hide the fact that Ron Paul is a serious contended.

Open your eyes folks: These things are happening LEFT and RIGHT (meaning everywhere and from both liberal and conservative sources).

Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in Hell of ever becoming the president .. neither does his son.

The notion that everybody likes him is ridiculous.

What they like about him is that he is antiwar and for the legalization of marijuana.

Most of his other ideas are simply mindless.
Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in Hell of ever becoming the president .. neither does his son.

The notion that everybody likes him is ridiculous.

What they like about him is that he is antiwar and for the legalization of marijuana.

Most of his other ideas are simply mindless.

Actually, some of his ideas on the Middle East are spot on, and seem to run along what you have said. He has said we have been meddling in other nation's affairs for far too long.
Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in Hell of ever becoming the president .. neither does his son.


If so, why did they bother to rig the election?

Hundreds of thousands of Ron Paul supporters voted for Romney today
Submitted by Dr.K.Research on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 19:00
• Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Hundreds of enthusiastic DP’ers have posted proudly, “I voted for Ron Paul today.” However, in many cases that's not even true. Instead, those dedicated freedom fighters may have just cast their votes for their arch-enemy, globalist and Goldman Sachs candidate Mitt Romney. Even more bizarre, those votes may well have went to Santorum and even Gingrich, too. How else could anyone explain those numbers.

When Michelle Bachmann dropped out of the race, how did she do in her own home state? She got less than .5% of ther vote. Santorum with 12% in West Virginia, defeating the actively campaigning Paul? That is impossible.

Like the ones prior in these May 8th primaries countless thousands of our votes were stolen and handed over to Romney. That’s right, Romney gets the CREDIT for our votes, falsely gloating in it. If that doesn’t make your blood boil, what will?

This has been happening since Iowa. The same happened in tonight’s primaries. Yet, incredibly, it also happened years ago in West Virginia, Indiana, and North Carolina, in that case for John McCain.

In 2008 we were cheated out of tens of thousands of votes in these states. For instance, in West Virginia McCain had minimal popularity and was, rather, greatly disliked. Yet, he 'won' in a landslide. It was all rigged. Are we going to let it happen again?

We talk about "unbinding" delegates. How about unbinding our votes from Romney and even Santorum and putting them where they belong, back to Ron Paul?
It’s easy to do. Just go to and get your affidavit. When done, either upload it or mail it, or even fax it. They are being uploaded and mailed in from all over the country. Join us to prove, once and for all, our real vote count.

UPDATE: This started from the beginning. In Iowa Edward L. True caught the error, filed an affidavit, and made the riggers change it. In a neighboring county, Appanoose-Union, a township with only 100 potential voters, Santorum was give 32 caucus votes. The GOP was called on it by Iowa activists. They changed it to 3 votes. Matt McDonald caught Maine GOP fudging numbers, stealing votes from Dr. Paul, and forced them to change it. And we're supposed to be the paranoid ones? If we ARE suspicious, we have been given all the reason to be.
You want more proof of the rigging? Go here: (West Virginia)

If THIS is what Ron Paul and his supporters think like.... I am GLAD AS FUCK we didn't make the horrendous mistake of nominating him.

I mean, really.... THIS is the the kind of leadership and maturity we could have expected? This is the kind of level-headed rational thinking we would have gotten?

Glad we didn't nominate him, and after this, he will probably never have his name on another ballot in America.

What a nutjob, that's all I can say.